vestibular system

[vɛˈstɪbjəlɚ ˈsɪstəm][veˈstibjulə ˈsistəm]

[医] 迷路系统

  • Thus it has been hypothesized that the vestibular system may be interlinked with the emotion processing systems .

    因此假设 前庭 系统可能与情感处理系统相联系。

  • Off-vertical axis acceleration and deceleration rotation stimulated both otolith organ and horizontal semicircular canal the attenuation of inhibition effect may be caused by the increasing central afferent impulses from vestibular system .

    偏心加速度旋转同时刺激耳石和半规管时对脑认知过程的抑制作用减弱,可能与 前庭感受 向中枢传入冲动增强有关。

  • The vestibular system is composed of vestibular receptors vestibular nerve vestibular nuclei and the relative projection pathway .

    前庭 系统由前庭感受器、前庭神经、前庭核群和相应的投射通路所组成。

  • 102 flying patients complained of dizziness or suspected with vestibular system disorder had been studied in clinic at last ten years .

    近10年来,对102名主诉眩晕或怀疑有 前庭 系统疾病的飞行人员进行了研究。

  • Effects of Adaptive Changes of Vestibular System on Cardiovascular Regulation and Orthostatic Tolerance

    前庭 系统适应性变化对心血管调节和立位耐力的影响

  • Compensatory function of visual system and integrate function of vestibular system maintaining a stable posture are improved significantly in the boys of senior middle school .

    用于维持姿势稳定的视觉系统的代偿功能和 前庭 系统的整合功能到初中才获得显著提高。

  • Although the vestibular pathology is not correlated with the severity of the hearing loss it correlates with the subjective symptoms of the vestibular system .

    前庭病理与听力损失程度及是否左右对称无相关性,但与 前庭 系统主观症状有 一致性。

  • The problem : The visual system doesn 't work as quickly as the vestibular system so people start getting shaky and risk falling .

    问题在于,视觉系统的反应速度不及 前庭 系统,所以人们就开始站不稳甚至摔倒。

  • ABSTRACT : Objective To evaluate the pathological status of the vestibular system associated with noise-induced inner ear impairment .

    摘要:目的探讨噪音致内耳损伤后 前庭 系统的病理状态。

  • The central vestibular system may be involved and can manifest as vertigo with abnormal eye movements .

    如果发生脑干,可能影响中枢 前庭 神经 系统,而造成眩晕及异常眼球运动。

  • For example the visual system may provide strong cues of self-motion while the vestibular system in your inner ear tells your brain that your head is stationary .

    例如,当你内耳里的 前庭 系统告诉你的大脑你的头是固定的同时,你的视觉系统却给你自身运动的强烈暗示。

  • Objective To study the changes of calcitonin gene related peptide ( CGRP ) in the efferent vestibular system and vestibular nuclei in rats with motion sickness .

    目的通过观察运动病大鼠降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)在 前庭传出性 中枢 神经 系统和前庭核的表达变化,探讨中枢CGRP在运动病发病过程中的作用。

  • The experimental study of inhibiting abnormal motion consciousness of vestibular system by electronic stimulation

    电刺激对 前庭 系统异常运动知觉抑制作用的 临床实验研究

  • The changes of efferent vestibular system neuron activity in Coriolis acceleration habituated guinea pigs

    Coriolis加速度刺激适应豚鼠 前庭传出 系统神经元活性的变化

  • Conclusion The vestibular function is in inhibitory and the vestibular system becomes rebalanced due to this inhibition in the process of vestibular compensation .

    结论在前庭代偿过程中前庭功能处于抑制状态,通过抑制达到 前庭 系统的重新平衡。

  • Yoga can train your baby 's sense of balance and develop his vestibular system .

    瑜伽动作可以训练孩子的平衡感,发展他的 前庭 系统

  • Study of Electrophysiological and Neurotransmitter on Vestibular System of Guinea Pigs

    豚鼠 前庭 系统电生理以及神经递质的实验研究

  • Objective : To locate nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) in the chicken vestibular system .

    目的:观察一氧化氮合酶(NOS)在雏鸡 前庭 系统中的分布。

  • Effects of Carboplatin on the Vestibular System of Chinchilla

    Carboplatin对灰鼠 前庭 系统的影响

  • The vestibular system is a highly conserved sensory system in vertebrates that is largely responsible for maintenance of animal orientation in space posture and balance and play an important role in muscle tone regulation and oculomotor and autonomic outflow .

    前庭 系统是脊椎动物中高度保守的感觉系统,对保持身体的空间位置、姿势平衡,调节肌紧张及协调眼球运动、自主神经活动的调节等起着重要作用。

  • Changes of Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide in Efferent Vestibular System and Vestibular Nuclei in Rats with Motion Sickness

    降钙素基因相关肽在运动病大鼠 前庭传出性 中枢 神经 系统和前庭核的表达变化

  • Objective : To explore the diagnostic value of BAEP and TCD in the diagnosis of vestibular system vertigo .

    目的:探讨BAEP与TCD对 前庭 系统性眩晕的诊断价值。

  • So it has become one of the focuses that the mechanism of the vestibular system in modulating the cardiovascular activity .

    所以,近年来对 前庭 系统调节内脏活动机制的研究已成为热点领域之一,特别是 前庭 系统对心血管活动的调节机制的研究 尤为人们所关注。

  • Methods : BAEP was done in 138 patients with vestibular system vertigo .

    方法:对138例临床确诊的 前庭 系统性眩晕患者进行了BAEP的检测。

  • Conclusion Activity of CGRP in efferent vestibular system plays a regular role on accelerating vestibular compensation .

    结论传出性 前庭 神经 系统CGRP在 前庭 器官 损伤后可能起一定的调节性作用。

  • Conclusion : BAEP detection might be a more sensitive approach for differentiating vestibular system peripheral and central vertigo .

    结论:BAEP是鉴别 前庭 系统周围性和中枢性眩晕比较敏感的诊断方法。

  • The vestibular system which is part of the inner ear monitors movement and helps control balance .

    前庭 系统属于内耳的一部分,它监测身体的移动并帮助控制身体的平衡。

  • Effects of artificial gravity exposed on human cardiovascular and vestibular system

    离心机暴露对心血管及 前庭 功能的影响