violation of contract

[ˌvaɪəˈleʃən ʌv ˈkɑnˌtrækt][ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃən ɔv kənˈtrækt]

[法] 违反契约,违约

  • A clear violation of the contract violation is imposed harm national interests and social public interests and clearly illegal contracts and contract violations tie and differences .

    明确了 合同违法行为是 违反强行规定,损害国家利益和社会公共利益的 行为,并且明确了违法合同与合同违法行为的联系和区别。

  • Brief Analysis of Reasons of Causing Non-property Damages in Adjusting Violation of Agreement by Contract Law

    试析 合同法调整 违约导致非财产损害的理由

  • Thirdly the administrative feature of Administrative contract may cause violation of private interests included in administrative contract ;

    第三、行政 契约具有的行政性可能 侵害行政契约中所包含的私人利益;

  • If ay other party purports to transfer or takes any steps for the transfer of its equity participation in the JVC in violation of the provisions of this contract ;

    如果另一方 违反合同规定意欲转让或采取步骤转让其在合营公司的股权;

  • I.In accordance with the Interpretation a contract for providing guaranty to foreign parties in violation of regulations shall be an invalid contract .

    根据《解释》规定, 违规对外担保合同为无效 合同

  • The lessee changes the use of the building in violation of the contract ;

    (二)承租人 违反 合同改变房屋用途的;

  • Any violation of deadlines contained in the contract will equate to breach of contract .

    违反 合同规定的任何期限都等同违约。

  • If the short-listed trial users are in violation of any terms of contract Samsung Electronics reserved the right to terminate the eligibility of their trial and damages claiming .

    如试用者 违反试用条文 任何一项,三星电子有权终止其试用资格,并 追讨有关损失。

  • Notice that in both cases the test terminates when an exception is thrown because of a violation of the immutability contract .

    可以注意到,在这两个用例中,测试会在抛出异常时终止,这是因为有语句 违反了不可变性 合约

  • It mainly discusses the following three issues : One confirm whether the violation of breach of contract is applicable for enforcement .

    主要是对三个问题进行讨论:一是 违反 违约是否适用强制执行。

  • Research on the Violation & Interference of Psychological Contract

    心理 契约 违背及其干预研究

  • It lies in every aspect of the social economic life : the debts owed to each other among enterprises are serious the rate of violation of enterprise 's contract is extremely high ;

    主要表现在:企业间相互拖欠严重,企业 合同 违约率极高,大量逃废银行债务,财务信息失真等方方面面。

  • Report timely actual circumstances to Chinese executive assistant chief engineer in case that Chinese supervisor has any act in violation of professional ethics supervision contract law and regulations and fails to perform supervisor 's post responsibilities strictly and offer handling suggestions .

    当发现中方监理人员存在 违反职业道德、委托监理 合同和法律、法规的 行为,没有严格履行监理岗位职责时,及时向中方常务副总监反映实际情况,并提出处理建议。

  • Finally the author gived legislative advice about the system of the validity of contract of mandatory provisions of laws violated : Violation of law mandatory provisions of contract is invalid but the judge think it is not invalid by balance case .

    最后,笔者提出关于违反强制性规定合同效力的立法建议: 违反法律强制性规定的 合同无效,但法官在个案权衡中不以之为无效的除外。

  • The idea of modifying mortgages appals legal purists as a violation of the sanctity of contract .

    法律卫道士对修正抵押条款的想法感到惊骇,将其视作对 契约神圣性的 侵犯

  • In your opinion does revaluation of money by law in a private contract between two persons constitute a violation of the Freedom of Contract Principle ? Why ?

    就你而言,两个自然人之间签订合同对法律规定的货币进行重新评估,是否 违反了“ 契约自由”原则?为什么?

  • She failed to appear for the rehearsal in flagrant violation of her contract .

    她没有参加排练,公然 违反 合同

  • The civil liabilities of sport naming right include liability for violation of contract and liability for infringement .

    体育冠名权民事责任存在着 违约责任和侵权责任两种。

  • All employee contracts are enforceable by law and both employees and employers can be held liable for any unauthorized violation of a contract .

    所有劳动合同都受法律保护,雇员和雇主都要为 违反 劳动 合同 行为负责。

  • In effect this would be a revocation of the credit that he agreed to give her and such a stringent demand could be a violation of his duties under the contract .

    事实上,这将是伍代撤销与 维奥利特信贷的表示,但如此严格的要求已超越了 合同规定的伍代的权限。

  • Reflections on the causes of college students ' for violation of employment contract and the relative legal problems

    大学生就业 违约成因及有关法律问题的思考

  • These problems are mainly reflected in three aspects : the transaction process problems violation or termination of contract problems and litigation dispute processing problems .

    这些问题主要体现在三个方面:交易过程中存在的问题、 违约解约情况下存在的问题和争议处理过程中存在的问题。

  • The compensation for violation of administrative contract is administrative compensation and should be within the limit of the actual loss of plaintiff .

    行政 合同 违约赔偿,是一种行政赔偿,在赔偿范围上应以原告实际经济损失为限。

  • A suit to recover damages for violation of such a contract .

    契约诉讼对 违背这种 合同要求赔偿损害。

  • I understand that violation any terms of this contract will lead to disciplinary action or termination of the contract at the ultimate discretion of OV .

    本人清楚倘 违反协议书任何条款,均可能导致机汇采取纪律处分行动,或行使终止与本人之协议书的最终酌情权。

  • For settlement of disputes concerning to interpretation violation invalidity or execution of the contract provisions of the substantive law of the Republic of Uzbekistan are applied .

    有关 合同解释、 违反、无效或执行的争议解决,采用乌兹别克斯坦共和国实体法规定处理。

  • Between malicious software and users can be contractual relationships there is violation of freedom of contract principle and the principle of good faith .

    另外,在合同法的视角下考察恶意软件方与用户之间的关系,发现 前者 违反 合同自由原则和诚实信用原则。

  • The meaning of this rule is to the loss caused by his violation of contract the default party only needs to compensate within the scope of foreseeable .

    这一规则的内在含义是,对于因 违约造成的损害违约方只需要在其可以预见的范围内赔偿。

  • By analysing and comparing the civil liability in medical negligence this essay points out that the nature of civil liability in medical negligence is actually the combination of the violation of contract and the liability of tort .

    本文通过对医疗事故民事责任的分析比较,提出了医疗事故民事责任的性质是 违约责任与侵权责任 竞合的论点。