Virginia creeper

[vərˈdʒɪniə ˈkri:pə(r)][vəˌdʒɪniə ˈkri:pə(r)]


  • But Virginia Creeper are living in takes 1 / 2 MS as the fundamental culture medium to grow better .

    五叶 爬山虎则在以1/2MS为基本培养基中生长较好。

  • The tissue culture experiment on the Virginia creeper shows that : the suitable explant is suitable from 3 ~ 6 section axillary bud under the terminal bud . The embryonic rate is high and the plant is stalwart .

    五叶 爬山虎组织培养试验研究结果表明:外植体以顶芽以下3~6个节位上的腋芽为适宜,萌芽率高,植株粗壮;

  • Tissue culture experiment on the virginia creeper

    五叶 爬山虎组织培养试验研究