viscoelastic fluid


  • The fractional calculus is used in the constitutive equation of Maxwell viscoelastic fluid . An unsteady flow of viscoelastic fluid between two parallel plates is studied .

    将分数阶微积分运算引入Maxwell 黏弹性 流体的本构方程,研究了黏弹性流体在两平板间的非定常流动。

  • For a fractional derivative model of the generalized Maxwell viscoelastic fluid the special equation of motion with fractional-order time derivatives is obtained . Additionally the exact solution of the flow is obtained by using the theory of Laplace transform for fractional calculus .

    对于广义Maxwell 黏弹性 流体的分数阶导数模型,导出了对时间具有分数阶导数的特殊运动方程,利用分数阶微积分的Laplace变换理论,得到了流动的解析解。

  • The dispersion relation of linear gravity waves on a semi-infinite incompressible Voigt viscoelastic fluid is studied .

    研究了半无限不可压缩Voigt 弹性体上线性重力波的色散关系,并推论了水波在淤泥底床上传播时的一些特性。

  • Numerical Simulation of Non-Isothermal Viscoelastic Fluid in the Planner Contraction

    非等温 流体平板收缩 的数值模拟

  • Mixed Finite Element of Viscoelastic Fluid Flow

    黏弹性 流体流动的混合有限元方法

  • Rheologic properties of fiber suspensions in viscoelastic fluid

    纤维 弹性 流体悬浮液流变性质研究

  • Numerical Calculation for the Flow of the Viscoelastic Fluid in Annulus with the Inner Cylinder Executing a Planetary Motion

    弹性 流体在内管做行星运动的环空中流动的数值计算

  • Differential Quadrature Method for Viscous / Viscoelastic Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Problems

    粘性/ 弹性 流体流动和热迁移问题的微分求积法

  • By the contrast with the effects of heat transfer of pure viscous water the viscoelastic fluid heat transfer enhancement effect is studied .

    通过与纯粘性流体传热效果的对比,研究 弹性 流体的传热强化效果。

  • Use the finite element method for viscoelastic fluid to inverse the deformation of a tunnel

    弹性 流体有限元方法反演计算巷道大变形问题

  • Pressure drop equation of viscoelastic fluid was given with compositive viscosity measuring the rheological property of viscoelasticity of polymer solution and Darcy law of radical flow in infinite formation used .

    引入综合粘度度量聚合物溶液的粘弹性,利用无限大地层达西定律,导出了 弹性 流体径向流的压力损失方程。

  • By choosing the appropriate constitutive equation which is able to describe the viscoelastic fluid flow characteristic and combining with the SPH method to write the program for this study .

    最后,将SPH方法拓展到了 弹性 流体流动领域,通过选择能够描述 弹性流体的本构方程,并与SPH方法相结合,编制出能够描述 弹性 流体流动的程序。

  • Flow resistance of viscoelastic fluid through pore model of reservoir

    黏弹性 流体在油藏孔隙模型中的流动阻力特性

  • Numerical calculation of unsteady flow of viscoelastic fluid in eccentric annulus Numerical Simulation of Interior Flow for High Specific Speed Mixed-flow Pump Designed by Constant Circulation flow Pattern

    黏弹性 流体在偏心环空中非定常流的流量计算等环量流型高比转速混流泵内部流场数值模拟

  • In the numerical simulation of parison formation there are two main methods : one is to treat the polymer melt as a Newtonian fluid the other is as a viscoelastic fluid .

    对型坯成型阶段的数值模拟可分为两种方法:一种是将型坯机头内的聚合物熔体看作牛顿流体,另一种是将其看作 弹性 流体

  • Application of computer algebra to viscoelastic fluid lubrication

    计算机代数在 流体润滑中的应用

  • From the equation of viscoelastic fluid the drag reduction parameter of turbulent flows with polymer additives is deduced .

    基于对 弹性 流体方程式的分析,导出了含高分子聚合物紊流的减阻参教。

  • The fractional calculus approach is taken into account in the constitutive relationship of viscoelastic fluid model .

    将分数阶微积分的方法引入 黏弹性 流体本构关系模型。

  • Numerical Simulation of Viscoelastic Fluid by Collocated Finite Volume Method on Unstructured Meshes

    基于非结构化网格同位有限体积法的 流体数值模拟

  • Finally computer simulation was carried out on the 3D non-isothermal viscous fluid and 3D isothermal viscoelastic fluid flow in a cast film process .

    最后,对3D非等温粘性流体、3D等温 弹性 流体的薄膜流涎过程进行了模拟研究。

  • The flow power consumption and mixing for viscoelastic fluid in agitated vessel

    弹性 流体在槽式反应器中的流动、功耗和混合

  • The muscle is taken as a non compressible Voigt Kelvin viscoelastic fluid model on the assumption of moving in a radial direction and on spherical symmetry a theoretical model proposed using the basic equations of the non Newtonian fluid mechanics .

    通过将肌肉组织简化为不可压缩的VoigtKelvin 弹性 流体模型,在球对称和纯径向运动的假设条件下,应用非牛顿流体力学的基本方程建立了一种计算瞬时空腔发展的理论模型;

  • The constitutive equation of second order for disturbed extensional flow is used to study the instability of stretching sheet of viscoelastic fluid .

    提出“准衰退记忆”新概念,发展了非牛顿流体扰动本构理论,并研究了 流体拉伸流动的不稳定性规律。

  • Development of numerical simulation for viscoelastic fluid flow


  • Numerical simulation of expansion flow of viscoelastic fluid by using finite volume method

    用有限体积法对 弹性 流体的扩张流动进行数值模拟

  • Extrudate swells of the axisymmetric and rectangular flow channel with different dimension are analyzed . The results are compared with the two-dimensional axisymmetric simulations and experiments . It indicates that the method is accurate for the three-dimensional extrudate swell of viscoelastic fluid .

    对轴对称 流道挤出 胀大进行了三维分析,通过与二维轴对称分析和实验结果的比较,验证了本文给出的三维 模拟方法的准确性。

  • Therefore the flow and heat transfer processes of viscoelastic fluid flow and heat transfer process in microchannels are studied by numerical simulation .

    因此,本文将通过数值模拟方法研究 弹性 流体在微通道内的流动和传热过程。

  • Based on the numerical method of die swell for viscoelastic fluid proposed by the authors simulations of 4:1 axisymmetric contraction flow for IUPAC-LDPE melt are presented in this paper .

    采用模拟 流体挤出胀大的方法,计算了IUPAC-LDPE熔体经过4:1轴对称收缩流道的流动。

  • It can be inferred that the viscoelastic fluid displacement effect on oil film can separate more oil droplets from oil film forming a free droplets and drived for displacement solution which can improve the displacement efficiency .

    由此可以推断, 弹性 流体驱替油膜时会使更多的油滴从油膜中分离出来,形成自由油滴而被驱替液携带走,从而可以提高驱油效率。