



  • European biennial widely cultivated for its blue or violet or white flowers .

    因其蓝色 紫色或白色的花而被广泛种植的欧洲两年生草本植物。

  • One is pure purple just like violet ;

    一个是纯粹的紫色,就好像 优雅 紫罗兰

  • A photographic film sensitive to green and blue and violet light .

    对绿色、蓝色和 紫色光线敏感的照相软片。

  • Salt-tolerant seashore annual grown for its fragrant rose or violet flowers and fleshy gray-green foliage .

    具有抗盐性的一年生海边植物,具有芳香的玫瑰红的或 紫罗兰 的花朵,和灰绿色的肉质叶。

  • Beautiful indigo violet colors spinning nice and open and clockwise .

    美丽的靛青色和 紫罗兰色顺时针均匀地旋转打开。

  • What did they put in me violet ?

    他们在我体内放了什么, 紫罗兰

  • The light was beginning to drain from a violet sky .

    光线开始从 紫罗兰 的天空渐渐消退。

  • Common European violet that grows in woods and hedgerows .

    生长在树林和灌木丛中的普通欧洲 紫罗兰

  • Ruthenium-plated bracelet ; centre element set with crystals in blue violet and grey shades ; lobster clasp .

    钌镀金手链;中心集元素与晶体中的蓝色, 紫色和灰色阴影;龙虾扣。

  • A treatment method for carbazole violet commercialization is presented .

    介绍了咔唑 商品化处理的一种方法。

  • People on Twitter named my new fragrance Violet Eyes .

    推特上的人把我最新的香水起名为 紫罗兰 眼睛。

  • Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows .

    长满了樱草和摆动的 紫罗兰

  • The twelve numbers are coloured . They 're yellow green pink violet brown and orange .

    十二个数字是彩色的,有黄、绿、粉红、 、褐和橘黄。

  • Give me some gentian violet .

    给我一些 药水。

  • When it comes to expressing himself he is no shrinking violet

    他在表达自己的 想法时毫不 羞怯

  • Their color was violet .

    他们的颜色是 紫色

  • Dark red colour Strong flavours of blackberry and violet .

    深红色,强烈的黑莓和 紫罗兰味。

  • Violet 's diary entry for 20 April 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair


  • If they do break apply some gentian violet solution .

    如果水疱破了,上点 龙胆紫药水。

  • She also features special eye colors : sky blue violet moss green and auburn .

    她也拥有特别的瞳色,分别为:天蓝色, 紫色,苔绿色和红褐色。

  • You want to see it spinning nice and opening clockwise in its primary color of indigo and violet .

    你感觉它以靛青色和 紫罗兰 两个主色调顺时针均匀地旋转打开。

  • None of the women he paints however could be described as shrinking violets .

    然而,他画过的所有女人中没有一个是羞涩 腼腆的。

  • After 10 minutes the surplus material is washed away and any remaining deposit examined with ultra violet light .

    10分钟后剩余的物质被冲洗掉,任何残留的沉淀物则会用 紫外线进行检测。

  • Colour : Deep and young red with some violet and brick tones .

    颜色:深沉而年轻的红色,带 紫罗兰和砖红色的调子。

  • A puppet poet 's wearing a violet helmet and blowing a magnetic trumpet on a toilet planet .

    一个木偶诗人在一个厕所行星上戴着一 紫罗兰 的钢盔,吹着磁石喇叭。

  • Also wear black clothes with green red violet color and supplement .

    亦可穿纯黑色衣着,以绿、红和 紫罗兰 作为补充色。