viscoelastic properties


  • Study on the viscoelastic properties of glass under compression and tension

    玻璃在拉伸和压缩时 性质的研究

  • The dynamic mechanical analyzer ( DMA ) was employed to evaluate the changes in skin viscoelastic properties as a function of temperature and collagen damage .

    采用动态热力学分析仪表征了温度和皮肤胶原质损伤对皮肤 黏弹性 特性的影响。

  • Experimental Studies on Static and Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties of Polymer Solids

    固态高聚物动静态 黏弹性的实验研究

  • The asphalt mixture road performance structure viscoelastic properties and mechanical properties comprehensive understanding of the composition properties and road sticky elastic model .

    沥青混合料的组成结构、路用性能、 特性和力学特性,综合了解道路的组成、性能和粘、弹性模型。

  • An alkaline coagulant treatment for mixtures of KGM and SPI improved the viscoelastic properties of the gel .

    碱性凝固剂的加入提高了凝胶的 弹性

  • In addition the adsorption of emulsifier on the hydrophobic part of the hydrocolloid could have formed a mixed interfacial film of gum and emulsifier that increased viscoelastic properties .

    另外,乳化剂在亲水胶体的疏水部分的吸附作用也可能导致了胶与乳化剂复合界面膜的形成从而使 性质的增加。

  • Sorption Mechanisms of a Nonionic Surfactant Onto Soils ; Study of Interfacial Dilational Viscoelastic Properties Between Polyelectrolyte and Surfactants at Water / oil Interface

    中性表面活性剂在土壤界面上的吸附机理研究表面活性剂与聚电解质界面扩张 弹性 研究

  • Dynamic mechanical analysis ( DMA ) is the method to study the viscoelastic properties of asphalt under cyclic stress and strain .

    动态力学分析(DMA)是研究 弹性 材料在周期性变化的应力(或应变) 作用下的 力学 行为,是研究沥青 性能的重要手段。

  • Influence of Relaxation Spectra on Descriptions of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Properties in Boger Fluid

    Boger流体的松弛谱对非线性 弹性 表征的影响

  • Have the viscoelastic properties with head and neck change in position happen automatically deformation keeping in touch with neck closely position .


  • Polymers are widely applied for damping materials because of particular structures and viscoelastic properties .

    由于高聚物的减振阻尼性能在很大程度上依赖于高聚物的 性能,从而大大限制了高聚物减振材料的应用范围。

  • From bubble growth dynamics viscoelastic properties are the main factors controlling foam structure .

    从气泡生长动力学来看, 聚合物 弹性是一个主要的控制因素。

  • Effect of ionic strength on viscoelastic properties of gluten-water soluble pentosan mixtures

    离子强度对水溶性戊聚糖-面筋蛋白混合体系 弹性的影响

  • Study on Structure and Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties of Filled Conductive Polymers

    填充类导电复合材料结构与动态 行为研究

  • The physical stability viscoelastic properties and the advantages of the multiple emulsion system will also be illustrated .

    多乳状液体系的物理稳定性、 弹性以及应用前景也将得到一定阐述。

  • Thus materials with specific viscoelastic properties can be obtained by designing the microstructure and selecting the components of composite materials .

    因此,根据实际需要有目的地设计材料的微观结构,以使材料具有特定宏观 弹性 性能。这对指导复合材料的生产实践具有重要意义。

  • The dynamic viscoelastic properties of the nitramine and nitroguanidine propellants in the aging process were studied in this work .

    对硝胺和硝基胍发射药在老化过程中的动态 性能进行了研究。

  • Aim To study the changes of myocardial biomechanical properties and the effect of cytoskeleton damage on the viscoelastic properties of myocardial cells in the early stage of burn injury .

    目的旨在了解严重烧伤早期心肌生物力学特性的变化及细胞骨架损伤对心肌细胞 弹力特性的影响。

  • It is shown that viscoelastic properties predicted by calculation are in consonance with the experimental results .

    根据这个方法计算得到的聚合物的 性质与实验结果相一致。

  • Results By viscoelastic properties theory regressed the experimental curve and obtained the creep function of C3 segment .

    结果根据 线性 弹性理论拟合了试验曲线,得出了蠕变方程。

  • Effect of Stress State on Viscoelastic Properties of Asphalt Mixtures

    应力状态对沥青混合料 性质的影响

  • In this paper the viscoelastic properties of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide ( HPAM ) solution were investigated with a cone and plate measuring system .

    通过锥板测量系统对水解聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)溶液的 弹性进行了研究。

  • Response Mechanism of Temperature Time and Frequency on Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties of Wood

    木材动态 黏弹性的温度、时间与频率响应机理研究

  • Study of Interfacial Dilational Viscoelastic Properties Between Polyelectrolyte and Surfactants at Water / oil Interface Effect of Dielectric and Surface Treating on the Characteristic of GaN HEMT

    表面活性剂与聚电解质界面扩张 弹性研究介质膜 性质及表面处理对GaNHEMT特性的影响

  • Effect of γ - radiation on dynamic viscoelastic properties and thermal behavior of LDPE

    γ辐照对低密度聚乙烯的动态 力学 性能和热行为的影响

  • This paper also studied the dynamic viscoelastic properties of polyacrylonitrile solutions under dynamic rheological test and calculated activation energy of PAN solutions with different molecular weight by time-temperature equivalence principle .

    同时在动态条件下研究了聚丙烯腈溶液的动态 性能,通过时温等效原理计算了不同分子量聚丙烯腈溶液的活化能,结果表明聚丙烯腈溶液的表观活化能E。

  • The constitutive equation showed : ① the osteon with liquid had the viscoelastic properties ;

    该本构方程表明:含液体骨单元具有 弹性 力学 性质

  • The results indicate that the viscoelastic properties of glass in tension and compression are different .

    结果表明,玻璃在拉伸和压缩状态下的 性质是有差异的。

  • The viscoelastic properties have no significant difference between the normal and degenerative nucleus pulposus cells .

    结论:正常和退变髓核细胞都表现为 典型 弹性 固体 蠕变 特征;退变髓核细胞 弹性与正常髓核细胞相比没有明显变化。