


  • In the ordinary art educational domain most courses are dominated by virilism and paternal power .

    在现在平常的美术教育领域中, 男性 价值 男性 凝视以及男性权力,仍是 各类课程的

  • Most of Women 's appellations are butch . The virilism in the appellation for women in the dialect of Yueyang County is shaped with the influence of the special psychology traditional culture economic form geographical condition and some other factors in the Han nationality .

    岳阳县方言中女性称谓男性 ,是汉民族特有的民族心理、传统文化、经济形式以及所处的地理位置等因素形成的。

  • 229 cases of Cushing 's syndrome were confirmed pathologically 24 of them ( 10.5 % ) presented unusual manifestations Their chief complains were edema hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism virilism and repeated hypoglycemia .

    229例经病理证实的皮质醇增多症。24例(10.5%)临床表现 不典型, 浮肿、甲减、甲亢、 女性 男性 及反复低血糖为主诉;

  • The phenomenon and the related analysis about the virilism in the appellation for women in the dialect of Yueyang County

    英汉称谓语与 文化 岳阳县方言女性称谓 男性 现象及分析

  • There was no obvious virilism in patients treated before 11 years old .

    11岁以前治疗 男性 表现不明显。

  • Three cases of female pseudohermaphroditism are presented . All of them are simple virilism with 21-hydroxylase deficiency caused by con - genital adrenal hyperplasia .

    报道3例女性假两性畸形患者,均为单纯 男性 型,系21-羟化酶缺陷所致,先天性肾上腺皮质增生引起。