vertical linear control

[电] 垂直线性控制

  • The vertical acceleration of the vehicle body is taken as the control variable for linear control while the input variables for fuzzy-logic control are the displacements and the linear combinations of the vertical and pitching angular velocities of the vehicle body .

    该主动 悬架线性 控制为主,模糊逻辑 控制为辅,前者以车身加速度作为控制量,后者以车身的垂直速度与俯仰速度的线性组合和车身位移作为模糊控制规则的输入变量。

  • Unifies some bridge bracket construction the construction condition emphatically elaborated the bracket construction construction middle girder amount of deflection the vertical mold elevation and the corner and so on the survey and the attention content thus may carry on the linear control well .

    结合某桥悬臂浇筑的施工状况,着重阐述了悬臂浇筑施工中主梁挠度、 模标高及转角等的测量及注意内容,从而可以更好地进行 线形 控制

  • To solve the problem of minimum time-to-climb building a dynamic model of motion in the vertical direction and taking the flight mode as the linear load control .

    以飞机在 垂直平面的运动方程为基础,采用 线性时间负荷 控制的飞行模式,提出了求解飞机最短时间爬升轨迹的格点 搜寻 算法

  • Researched the vertical deformation and lateral one including linear and nonlinear theoretical models the paper established corresponding deformation control models .

    研究了高墩大跨径曲线连续刚构桥的 竖向变形理论模型和侧向 线性、非线性变形理论模型,建立了相应的变形 控制模型。