vertical table

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈtebəl][ˈvə:tikəl ˈteibl]


  • Move the vertical split bar left or right to hide or show more table columns .

    左右移动 垂直拆分条可显示或隐藏更多 表格列。

  • Dynamic Characteristics of Stalk Transport and Design Features of Cutterbar and The Reel on Vertical Table Harvester


  • 4 In loess table district the forms of the soil erosion have regularity of some vertical belt from surface of the table to the bottom of valley ;

    在黄土塬地区,由 面至沟谷底,土壤侵蚀方式存在着 垂直 带现象;

  • It turns the glass panes from vertical to horizontal automatically and then convey to cutting table according to the program .

    自动将玻璃原片由 竖直 方向翻转为水平位置,根据信号传送到自动切割 工作 台面

  • In this paper the problem of nonlinear coupling vibration for a liquid storage tank bottom of which is uplifted under the action of horizontal or vertical excitation is studied by experiment on the vibration table .

    通过储液罐模型在水平和 竖向振动 的提离振动实验,对罐底与基础接触边界移动的储液罐非线性耦联振动问题进行了研究。

  • Character mode publication does not support vertical filtering when the base table does not support column-level tracking .

    当基 不支持列级跟踪时,字符模式发布就不支持 垂直筛选。

  • The frame contains one or more tables . A frame with vertical text direction cannot contain a table . Do you want to convert each table to text ?

    图文框中含有一个或多个表格,而 竖排图文框中不能含有 表格。是否将每张表格都转换为文字?

  • Experiment Study on Vertical Earthquake Response of High-rise Structure on a Shaking Table

    高耸塔台结构 竖向地震模拟振动 试验研究

  • In the vertical direction of the alluvial-proluvial plain and the plain where groundwater table is shallow the soil salt content increases with the gradual decreasing of depth .

    垂直方向 ,在地下 水位埋藏较浅的细土平原及冲积平原区,包气带含盐量随深度增加逐渐减小;

  • High precision horizontal surface grinding machine with rotary table Surface grinding machines with vertical grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table & Testing of the accuracy

    高精度卧式轴 圆台平面磨床

  • The paper gives calculation formulas of the occupation time of the train work diagram by the vertical window on double-track auto blocking sections designs a general table calculation method calculates the ( additional ) time used by the vertical window .

    提出在双线自动闭塞区段计算 垂直 天窗占用运行图时间的计算公式。设计通用的 表格计算法,计算垂直型天窗条件下天窗外损失的时间。

  • Discussions on the Table Tennis Teaching Method for Wrong Action Correction in the Attack When Using Vertical bat and Near table

    乒乓球 直拍正手攻球技术纠错法探讨

  • Research on the Vertical Two-sides Impacting Motion of Impact Damper on Vibrating Table

    振动 上冲击消振器 垂直双面冲击运动研究

  • You should also observe that the table has identical looking and equally serviceable horizontal and vertical headers that are distinguished from the table 's body .

    您还可以观察到 表体之外有两个外观一样的标题栏,它们分别是 垂直和水平的。

  • Under the horizontal distribution of the union set this paper also gives a vertical partitioning method on the fact table among the autonomous sites .

    在联合水平分布前提下,提出了一种针对自治站点上事实 关系 时态 垂直分区划分方法。

  • The paper analyzes the occupation time of the train work diagram by the vertical window on a heavy haul railway and uses the table calculation method to calculate the additional time used after some stations are closed .

    分析某重载线路 垂直 天窗占用运行图的时间,运用 表格计算法计算部分车站封闭后的天窗外损失时间。

  • We built another data model to provide content for horizontal and vertical menu buttons that control the content of the headers and the table .

    我们构建另一个数据模型为控制标题栏和 的内容的水平和 垂直菜单按钮提供内容。

  • An approach to surface grinding process with vertical spindle and round table

    立轴 圆台平面磨削工艺的探讨

  • Each time the user wants to change the appearance of the table by selecting a menu option through either of the horizontal or vertical pop-up menu buttons the data model behind the table is altered as it is shown in the fragment of code in Listing 6 .

    每次用户想要通过选择菜单选项(水平或 垂直弹出菜单按钮)改变表的外观时,将按照清单6的代码修改 背后的数据模型。

  • Vertical drilling machine with cross table

    十字 工作 立式钻床

  • This paper analyzes the methods of determination of bearing capacity and checking calculation for crack resistance of the vertical pile caps of reinforced concrete and shows the calculation table for the design of the vertical pile caps .

    对钢筋混凝土 桩桩帽的承载力计算与抗裂验算的方法进行了分析,并编制了直桩桩帽设计计算

  • The Vertical Response Analysis of the Slip Table of the Shaker and the Design of Reinforced Panel

    电动振动台水平 滑台 正交 方向响应分析及加强 台面的设计

  • Vertical Metallic Tank Bottom Volume Table Formulation

    立式金属罐底量容积 的编制

  • However grinding machines with vertical spindles can have either a planer type table like that of the horizontal-spindle machine or a rotating worktable .

    立式主轴磨床既可以像卧式主轴磨床那样具有刨床式工作 也可以具有旋转工作台。

  • Vertical drilling machine with cross table Improving Reliability of Hydraulic Automatic Indexing Tool Post of Single Column Vertical Boring Turning Mill

    十字 工作 立式钻床提高单柱立车液压自动转位刀台的可靠性

  • Single-column vertical turning and boring mill with movable table bottom supporting drilling platform

    工作 移动单 立柱式车床定柱沉垫式钻井平台

  • Test and Research on the Second & Cutting Machanism after the Backwardness of the Crop on the Vertical Table Vertical Machining Centres

    立式 后转向二次切割装置试验研究立式加工中心