ventricular gradient

[vɛnˈtrɪkjəlɚ ˈɡrediənt][venˈtrikjulə ˈgreɪdi:ənt]


  • LVEF was 51 % - 72 % the thickness of interventricular septum and posterior left ventricular wall was 8-12 mm and transvalvular mean pressure gradient was 8-26 mm Hg by cardiac ultrasonic examination by Doppler 's method .

    随访心脏超声LVEF为51%~72%,室间隔及左 后壁厚度8~12mm,人工瓣跨瓣压 8~26mmHg。

  • It is concluded that after AMI left atrial compensatory systolic function was enhanced to keep constant atrial ventricular pressure gradient ( AVPG ) which is important to increase left ventricular filling . This compensation mechanism of left atrium corresponds to Frank - Starling 'S law .

    结论:急性心肌梗塞后,左房代偿性收缩功能增强,维持一定的左房与左 间的压 AVPG),对增加左室充盈量起重要作用,符合Frank&starling定律。

  • The Clinical Research of Ventricular Gradient Variability in Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease

    心室 复极 梯度变异性对冠心病诊断价值的临床研究

  • With the development of ECG detection technology some new detection means constantly used in clinical including ventricular gradient .

    近年来,随着心电检测技术的不断发展,一些新的检验手段不断的应用于临床,其中之一就是 心室 复极 梯度

  • Enrichment of cardiomyocytes from neonatal rat ventricular tissues by discontinuous percoll gradient centrifugation

    采用Percoll非连续密度 梯度离心法纯化大鼠乳鼠 心室肌细胞

  • METHODS : 6 patients with OHCM who had underwent VDD pacemaker implantation were oberserved with the chang of left ventricular outflow track gradient and blood speed during follow up .

    方法:对6例肥厚梗阻型心肌病患者植入VDD起搏器,并进行随访观察,观测其左 流出道压 及血流速度的 变化情况。

  • Other 28 patients underwent TASH successfully . Just after operations and 7 days left ventricular outflow tract pressure gradient decreased at no less than 50 % .

    余28例均成功消融,术后即刻及术后7d,左 流出道压力 下降≥50%。