


  • Organic essential oils of fennel bergamot verbena and cedarwood essential oils .

    茴香,佛手柑, 马鞭 ,雪松等有机单方精油。

  • Ingredient : Verbena and mint etc.

    主要成份: 马鞭 、薄荷、 檀香薰衣草

  • To study the mechanism of abortifacient effect of extract of Verbena officinalis ( VO ) trophoblast cells from human placenta of 6  ̄ 8 weeks early pregnancy was isolated with Percoll method and cultured in vitro .

    正常妊娠6~8周人绒毛滋养层细胞以Percol分离、纯化及体外培养为实验手段,观察 马鞭 提取液对滋养层细胞功能的影响,进一步探讨了马鞭 抗早孕的细胞学作用机理。

  • Ingredients : Artemisias Artemisia Citronella Wintergreen Tea Tress Verbena Sea Salt Olive Oil Coconut Oil .

    成分:抹草、艾草、香茅、愈创木、茶树、冬青、 马鞭 、橄榄油、葵花油、椰子油。

  • Methods : Firstly JAR cells treated with Verbena officinalis C were determined the proliferation-inhibition ratio by MTT method .

    方法:采用MTT比色法测定 马鞭 C部位对JAR细胞增殖的影响;

  • The study results showed that germination ratio of Verbena hybrida could be increased by the treatment of low temperature on seeds .

    结果表明,进行种子低温处理后可提高 美女 的发芽率;

  • Mint and verbena are safe tasty choices that don 't require a lot of sweetener .

    薄荷和 马鞭 比较安全,可口的东西不需要 含有大量的甜味剂。

  • In spite of her choked-back tears Scarlett thrilled to the never-failing magic of her mother 's touch to the faint fragrance of lemon verbena sachet that came from her rustling silk dress .

    不管思嘉怎样强忍着眼中的泪水,她一接触母亲的爱抚,从她绸衣上隐隐闻到那个柠檬色 草编香囊中的芳馨,便被那永不失效的魅力感动得震颤起来。

  • Effects of GA_3 and 6-BA on the Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Verbena Hortensis

    GA3和6-BA对美女 种子萌发特性及幼苗生长的影响

  • Determination of Trace Element Selenium in Verbena officinalis by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry

    紫外分光光度法测定 马鞭 中微量元素硒的含量

  • Methods : The stuctures of the iridoides from verbena officinalis were analysed and compared with their biosynthesis route .

    方法:分析 马鞭 中环烯醚萜苷类化合物结构并与其生物合成路径对照。

  • Ingredient : Verbena and sweet almond extracted liquid etc.

    主要成份: 马鞭 、甜杏萃取液、 芦荟 精华海藻 精华

  • Observation on effect of European verbena mixture to prevent and to treat patients with radioactive stomatitis ;

    目的探讨 自制 溃疡 含漱液治疗 头颈 肿瘤患者放射性 口腔炎的效果。

  • Or planting a hanging basket with dwarf tomatoes and edge it with verbena ?

    或者 放个吊篮种上土豆, 边上再种 马鞭

  • AIM : To study the inhibition effect of Verbena officinals C on secretion of hCG and the mechanism of the human chorionic carcinoma cell line JAR in vitro .

    目的研究 马鞭 C部位对绒毛膜癌JAR细胞绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)分泌的影响及其作用机制。

  • Trophoblast cells isolated from Human Villi of early pregnancy and Study on Mechanism of abortifacient effect by Verbena officinalis

    人早孕绒毛滋养层细胞的分离纯化及 马鞭 抗早孕机理的初步研究

  • Objective : To investigate the effect of the Part C in Alcohol Extract of Verbena officinalis on Human Choriocarcinoma JAR Cell Line .

    结论 马鞭 提取液C部位对人绒毛膜癌JAR细胞增殖有 明显 抑制作用,其作用 机制有待进一步探索。

  • Some common herbs that are used as tisanes are peppermint chamomile rose hips verbena and fennel .

    一些用来煎药的普通草药有薄荷, 甘菊,野玫瑰果,柠檬,茴香。

  • Conclusion : Verbena officinalis C inhibits JAR cells proliferation blocks JAR cells in G2 / M phase and induces apoptosis via changes of Bax and Bcl-2 expression level .

    结论: 马鞭 C 部位阻滞绒癌JAR细胞于G2/M期,通过改变Bax和Bcl鄄2表达,诱导JAR细胞凋亡。

  • A Newly Recorded Species of Verbena Linn . in China

    中国 马鞭 草属的新记录& 马鞭

  • The purpose of the study was to research the growth and change in the content and constituents of essential oil of lemon verbena in different period in Shanghai and to discover the best harvest time and organ . The height of plant was measured every 15 days .

    本实验是为摸索柠檬 马鞭 在上海地区的生长规律及不同生长时期精油含有率和成分的变化,以找到最佳收获时间和收获器官而设计此方案。

  • Studies on the Effect of Verbena offcinalis Extract on Decidual Stromal Cells of Early Pregnancy in vitro

    马鞭 提取液对体外培养人早孕蜕膜细胞的影响

  • Observation on the inhibition effect of Verbena Officinalis on human choriocarcinoma jar cells

    马鞭 诱导人绒毛膜癌JAR细胞凋亡作用观察

  • Blockage in G_2 / M Phase and Induction Apoptosis on Human Choriocarcinoma JAR Cells by Verbena Officinalis C

    马鞭 C 部位 使人绒癌JAR细胞阻滞于G2/M期并诱导细胞凋亡

  • Results : Verbena officinalis could induce a G2 / M phase arrest to the different degrees in this cell line with the G0 / G1 phase proportions down-regulated .

    结果: 药物作用后细胞被不同程度阻滞于G2/M期,并伴有G0/G1期比例下降;

  • Effects of Verbena Officinalis Extract on Human Early Pregnancy Trophoblast Cells

    马鞭 提取液对孕早期人滋养层细胞功能影响的研究

  • Verbena herb is a Chinese medicinal herb which has definite stimulative effects at a concentration of 1.6 × 10-2 g / ml on the myometrium in vitro .

    马鞭 在浓度为1.6×10~(-2)克/毫升时,对大白鼠子宫肌条及非妊娠和妊娠人体子宫肌条均有一定的兴奋作用。

  • Chemical constituents in the anti-HBV active fraction of Verbena officinalis

    马鞭 抗乙肝有效部位化学成分研究

  • CONCLUSION : Verbena officinals C can inhibit the secretion of hCG β - subunit by JAR cells and induce apoptosis of JAR cells .

    结论一定浓度的 马鞭 C部位对JAR细胞hCG分泌有明显的抑制作用,其作用机制是诱导细胞凋亡。