verification tree

[ˌvɛrəfɪˈkeʃən tri][ˌverəfɪˈkeɪʃən tri:]

[计] 验证树

  • Design and Verification of Network Tree Search Engine

    网络 树形搜索引擎的设计及其 验证

  • From verification of soundness and performance evaluation the Petri net-based workflow model is analyzed . In order to verify the soundness of simple Petri net-workflow model an arithmetic based on reachable tree is given .

    本文还提出了基于可达 的分析方法用于简单工作流Petri网模型正确性的 验证,同时利用四种Petri简化规则完成了对层次工作流Petri网模型的正确性验证。

  • A comparison between Certificate Verification Tree and Certificate Revocation List shows that both of them have the same performance as a whole .

    通过对证书 验证 和证书吊销列表的比较,得出两者总体性能的一致性结论;