The lantians were on the verge of defeat .
lantians已经位于战败的 边缘了。
The animals were ruthlessly hunted to the verge of extinction .
这些动物由于遭到无情的捕猎而 濒于灭绝。
There 's no one she can talk to and she 's on the verge of collapse
她找不到一个可以倾诉的 对象, 快要崩溃了。
Her parents are rumoured to be on the verge of splitting up
据说她的父母 快要离婚了。
He said he was on the verge of an evolutionary breakthrough .
他说他 马上 就 要 出现一个“进化上的突破”了。
He is clearly on the verge of madness : he was so last night at least .
他分明在疯狂的 边缘上了:至少昨天晚上他是这样的。
He is on the verge of bankruptcy .
他已 近乎破产。
She was on the verge of crying but then held her tears back .
她真 想 哭,但还是忍住了。
This species of animal is on the verge of extinction .
这种动物已 几近灭绝。
The big Irishman was on the verge of losing his cool .
那个高大的爱尔兰人 快要失去冷静了。
He told us point-blank that his company was on the verge of bankruptcy .
他直截了当地告诉我们,他的公司 快要破产了。
Many species have been shot to the verge of extinction .
很多物种已经被猎杀到灭绝的 边缘。
This long-drawn-out war brought their country 's finance to the verge of bankruptcy .
这场旷日持久的战争使他们国家财政 濒于破产的 边缘。
But I put it to you : we are on the verge of victory .
但是,我要对你们说:我们已 接近胜利。
Some of the factories are on the verge of bankruptcy .
有些厂家 濒临破产。
An aerial thrust up from the grass verge
一根天线在 草地 边上竖立着。
She was on the verge of tears .
她 差点 儿( 没)哭出来。
He attempted to save the enterprise which was on the verge of collapse but failed .
他试图拯救这 家 濒临倒闭的企业,但失败了。
His voice trembled on the verge of tears .
他声音颤抖,泪水在眼眶里 打转。
It was on the verge of defaulting on its international debt .
当时该国 正 处于对其国际债务违约的 边缘。
Carole was on the verge of tears .
卡萝尔 差点就 要哭了。
I 'm sad that Julie 's marriage is on the verge of splitting up
朱莉的婚姻 濒临 破裂,我为此感到难过。
India and Pakistan are gaining ground and are on the verge of completing eradication .
印度和巴基斯坦正在取得进展,并且 已处在完成根除工作的 边缘。
We are on the verge of eradicating polio in the world .
我们已在世界消除小儿麻痹症的 边缘了。
The company is on the verge of insolvency .
该公司 快要破产了。
The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful
这个国家 即将 走向繁荣富强。
He returned to Spain still believing he had been on the verge of finding the way to the Orient .
他最后回到了西班牙,但依然相信他已经 快要找到通向东方的航线了。
GM and Chrysler were on the verge of collapse .
通用和克莱斯勒已经处在破产的 边缘。
He had been dragged to the verge of death .
他曾经被病魔拖到了死亡的 边缘。
The trouble was that now on the verge of departure he had no desire to go .
问题是现在, 马上就 要出发了,他却没有了到 南海去的欲望。