


  • Verify that the data source is created and that you can test it .


  • It 's easy to verify his statements .


  • Examine the output to verify that all the commands were processed successfully .

    检查输出以 验证 是否成功处理了所有的命令。

  • Before exiting each iteration we reviewed all artifacts and results to verify that they met our exit criteria .

    在每个迭代完成前,我们复审了所有的工件和结果, 验证了他们满足我们的出口标准。

  • The government has not verified any of those reports

    政府还没有 证实那些报告中的任何一个

  • Now the Weather Reporter application can collect and verify user input .

    现在WeatherReporter应用程序就可以搜集和 验证用户输入了。

  • Verify if the checksums match the original data .


  • I verified the source from which I had that information

    核实 我所 消息的来源。

  • Verify that the command created the JDBC provider and the data sources .

    验证该命令 是否创建了JDBC提供程序和数据源。

  • Test and verify the application .

    测试和 检验应用程序。

  • Verify the analysis makes sense for the input provided .


  • So animating a model is a way to test and verify your reusable code behavior .

    因此,动画模型是一种测试和 验证您的可重用代码行为的方法。

  • Inspectors were sent to visit nuclear sites and verify compliance with the treaty

    监督员被派去视察核武器基地并 核实条约的遵守情况。

  • This is the information you want to verify .

    这就是你要 检验的信息。

  • You can verify the results on the screen .

    您还可以在屏幕上 确认结果。

  • You might even define a theorem about the system invariants and apply mathematical analysis to verify that theorem .

    您甚至可以定义一个关于系统不变量的定理和应用数学分析来 验证该定理。

  • I can verify that it takes about thirty seconds .

    我能 证明,这大约要用30秒的时间。

  • We verify that the new disk and paths are available .

    我们 验证了这个新的磁盘和路径都是可用的。

  • Traceability is an important capability that helps you validate and verify your system .

    可追踪性的重要性在于能够帮助你检测和 校验系统。

  • Enhancements have been made in the area of setup customize and verify operations through script controls .

    通过脚本控制增强了设置、自定义和 验证操作。

  • These assisted data comparisons help verify that the test was performed accurately .

    这些辅助数据比较有助于 验证测试被正确地执行了。

  • He tried his best to verify this theory .

    他想尽一切办法来 验证这个理论。

  • This errors collection makes it easy to verify that the proper constraint was triggered .

    此errors集合简化了对 是否触发了正确的约束的 验证

  • Test Cases : methods that navigate through an application verify its state and log results .

    测试用例:导航一个应用程序, 验证其状态,并记录其结果的方法。

  • A clerk simply verifies that the payment and invoice amount match .

    职员只是 核实付款和发票上的数额 是否一致。

  • Verify that the file contains the following settings .


  • Verify the user 's registry and SYSTEM attributes .


  • Verify that the ID and INFO columns are listed .

    检查 是否列出了ID和INFO列。