


  • Results Twenty seven ( mean 2.3 ± 1.5 ) person times of punctures were performed by which 12 cases of ventriculitis were diagnosed in the group of purulent meningitis and obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid circulation was suggested in 2 cases with ventriculitis during phenol red tests .

    脑室 炎组共穿刺27(平均2.3±1.5)人次,一次成功率为100%,其中2例 酚红试验提示CSF循环阻塞;

  • Puncture of the Lateral Ventricle through the Anterior Fontanel Guided by Ultrasonography Dynamically for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Ventriculitis in Infant

    B超引导下经前囟侧脑室穿刺诊治婴幼儿 脑室

  • Patients were complicated with hydrocephalus 1 case with ventriculitis and 1 with subdural effusion .

    术后并发脑积水 3 脑室 1例,硬膜下积液1例, 给予 相应 治疗 治愈