ventral aspect

[ˈvɛntrəl ˈæspɛkt][ˈventrəl ˈæspekt]

[医] 腹面

  • The pattern of neurotrophic factors and their receptors expression following incomplete spinal cord injury by compression with a water balloon inflation from ventral aspect in rat

    大鼠脊髓 压迫损伤后神经营养素及受体表达的变化规律

  • Methods The model of incomplete spinal cord injury by compression with a water balloon from ventral aspect was made and the hind limb motor function was observed by using the scale of the hind limb motor function and the electrophysiological test .

    方法先制作脊髓 压迫损伤模型,造成脊髓不完全损伤,应用后肢功能评分、神经电生理检查等手段,观察受试动物双后肢的功能变化。

  • Using the combined support system of forward ventral strut and sting to conduct the longitudinal and lateral tests of the large aspect ratio aircraft is of superiority .

    利用前位 支-尾支组合进行大飞机 、横向试验具有明显的优越性。

  • Objective To observed the recovery process of spinal cord motor function after the injury by compression with a water balloon from ventral aspect .

    目的观察脊髓 压迫致伤后脊髓功能变化的规律。

  • Ventral support interference and correction for an airplane model with hich aspect ratio wings and boattail body

    支撑对具有大展 比机翼和船尾形机身的飞机模型的于扰与修正

  • The ventral aspect of the human body ; the liver is somewhat ventral in position ; ventral ( or pelvic ) fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped .

    人类身体的 腹部 外表;肝脏的位置有点靠近腹部;与四足动物后肢相对的是腹鳍。

  • The interference effects of support system of airfoil section ventral strut and sting on complete aircraft model with large aspect ratio and its components

    翼型叶片 支/ 支对大飞机全机及部件的干扰&大飞机全模试验技术及支撑干扰研究之三

  • Changes of Bcl-2 expression following incomplete spinal cord injury by compression from ventral aspect and the effects of methylprednisolone Iloprost and Riluzole on the Bcl-2 expression

    脊髓 压迫损伤后MP、 Iloprost和Riluzole对Bcl-2表达的影响