


  • We could no longer access the media center or APEC summit venue ' she said .

    她说,我们无法再进入这个媒体中心和APEC峰会 会场

  • July 24 : Australia v New Zealand ( venue TBA ) .

    7月24日:澳大利亚对阵新西兰( 比赛 地点待定)

  • Would you like a unique efficient and cost effective new venue for your meetings ?

    你想一个独特的,高效率和成本效益为您的会议的新 场地

  • This year I have changed the venue to ITE Headquarters and College Central located in Ang Mo Kio .

    今年,我改换了 地点,来到位于宏茂桥的这所新的工艺教育学院。

  • Cust : I bought a ticket and the venue should be at the Olympic Park .

    门票我已经买了,但 场地在奥林匹克公园。

  • He told them that no venue had yet been definitely decided .

    他告诉他们还没有确定下 场地

  • Olmert also visited the Beijing Olympic venue construction sites located in the northern part of the city .

    奥尔默特还参观了位于北京市北部的奥林匹克建筑 工地

  • The hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business meetings .

    这个宾馆是 举行 正式会议和商来会谈的理想 场所

  • The hallowed turf of Twickenham is the venue for the Middlesex Rugby Sevens Finals

    备受尊崇的特威肯纳姆体育场是米德尔塞克斯七人制橄榄球赛决赛的比赛 场地

  • The building acoustics electrical sound and noise control for Jiaojiang Sport Venue were presented in this paper .

    介绍椒江体育馆的建声、电声和噪声控制情况,总结了 体育馆工程声学系统方面的一些经验教训。

  • Groups of anti-globalization protesters have clashed with police in Toronto near the venue of the G20 meeting .

    在多伦多G20峰会 会场附近,反全球化组织抗议者与警方发生冲突。

  • Frequent exhibitions and international art interchange activities need an arts center to provide a venue .

    频繁的展览和国际艺术交流活动需要一个艺术中心来提供 交流 场所

  • Beijing Olympic venue construction funds with Commission oversight !

    北京奥运 场馆建设资金有了委员会监督!

  • An information desk at each venue to service team officials and athletes .

    在每一个 场馆 设立 竞赛咨询台,为代表团官员和运动员服务。

  • Actually I have also planned for blood donation but due to venue constraints it was called off !

    事实上,我本来是打算要捐献血液的,但是由于 场地的限制,只能取消了。

  • The provisions of this Title do not determine legal jurisdiction or a legal venue .

    本标题中的规定并不决定法律管辖权和法院 所在 选择

  • ' I hope ' the stranger said ' that the sudden change of venue did not inconvenience you . '

    那位陌生人说:“我希望突然改变 地点不会给您带来不便。”

  • Birmingham 's International Convention Centre is the venue for a three-day arts festival

    为期3天的艺术节在伯明翰的国际会议中心 举办

  • A one-stop wedding venue that provides wedding photography the ceremony dresses and food came to the rescue .

    一站式的婚礼 场地,提供婚纱摄影,典礼,衣服和食物前来营救。

  • Other matters include venue plans marketing media operations and spectator services .

    其他事项包括 场地规划、营销、媒体运作和观众服务。

  • The government played shady games like not giving him a venue or not letting him set up a tent in the rainy weather .

    政府暗地捣鬼,比如不给他一个 容身之所或是在雨天不让他支起帐篷。

  • The venue for the show is Birmingham 's National Exhibition Centre Hall

    展览 地点在伯明翰国家展览中心大厅。

  • He said all that remained was to agree to a time and venue

    他说剩下的只是商定一个时间和 集会 地点

  • The date and venue of the game must remain under wraps

    比赛的时间和 地点必须保密。

  • He caught a chill while performing at a rain-soaked open-air venue .

    他在大雨瓢泼的露天 场地演出时受了寒。

  • Peace talks failed to take place because of a dispute over the venue .

    由于在谈判 地点上存在分歧,和平谈判未能举行。

  • The Ninghai Hotel is the first-class venue in Ninghai for different conferences .

    宁海宾馆是宁海目前客户举行大小会议和大型宴会的一流 场所

  • London is also considered to be a more attractive venue for many of the new buyers on the market .

    人们还认为,对这个市场的许多新买家来说,伦敦也是一个更有吸引力的 场所

  • At this date the venue of the Cruise-Holmes wedding is still unknown .

    至今为止克鲁斯和赫尔姆斯将举行婚礼的 地点还是个秘密。

  • This requires a big venue posters a spectacular stage first-class PA and celebrity guest performers .

    一个 专业 活动需要一处大 场地,海报,绚丽的舞台,一流的管理团队和名人表演嘉宾。