venture capital

[ˈvɛntʃɚ ˈkæpɪtl][ˈventʃə ˈkæpitl]


  • Existing venture capital backers spark capital and institutional venture partners have also participated in the new round .

    现有股东中的 风险 投资机构sparkcapital和institutionalventurepartners也参与了新一轮融资。

  • IDG 's investment in media is made by the Group not through any venture capital .

    媒体投资是通过IDG集团而不是 风险 投资 基金运作的。

  • This paper considers the effects of strategic substitutability on performance and incentives in venture capital financing .

    本文考察了受资企业的战略替代性对 创业 投资 创业企业家的业绩表现和激励的影响。

  • Many of these companies are backed by private equity and venture capital – both from China and abroad .

    这些公司有许多获得了国内外私人股本和 风险 资本的支持。

  • Venture capital investing is increasing fastest in economies such as China and India .

    在中国和印度等国, 风险 投资的增速最快。

  • Successful venture capital investment is a lot harder than it sometimes looks .

    成功的 风险 投资有时要比它表面看起来困难得多。

  • We are affiliated with major Angel and Venture Capital Companies in Silicon Valley .

    我们与硅谷地区主要的天使投资和 风险 资本公司有密切的关系。

  • This business boom also attracted the attention of the venture capital industry .

    这种创业热潮也引起了 创投行业的高度关注。

  • It is a key institutional initiation that human capital is encouraged and restricted in venture capital .

    对人力资本实施有效的财务激励和约束是 风险 投资 运作过程中一项关键性制度创新。

  • Venture capital investments promote the growth of the rapid development of the national economy by supporting the high-tech enterprises .


  • The paper analyses systemically incentive scheme of venture capital under equity-debt by applying principal-agent theory in the game theory .

    运用博弈论中委托-代理理论对股权-债权的 风险 投资激励机制进行了研究。

  • During the development of Venture capital investments the government 's role should not be ignored .


  • The venture capital investment may be carried out by means of establishing venture capital fund .

    第四条 风险 投资也可以设立风险投资基金的方式进行。

  • The venture capital investment should be a driver to promote the development of high-tech clusters in china .

    我国也应以 风险 资本投资作为驱动器,促进高科技产业集群发展。

  • Nevertheless this year first quarter chinese IT enterprise acquires amount of venture capital investment not hopeful .

    不过,在今年第一季度,中国IT企业获得 风险 投资数额并不乐观。

  • The venture capital organizations profoundly realized the essentiality and necessity of risk analysis and risk precaution .

    风险 投资机构也更深刻地认识到了进行风险分析和风险防范的必要性和重要性。

  • It was succeeded by venture capital trusts and enterprise investment schemes which were bound by more restrictions .

    此后,英国政府出台了限制规定更多的 风险 资本信托和企业投资计划。

  • Distinguish between Angel money and venture capital .

    9.区分天使资金和 风险 资本

  • Research on MBO Applied to the Exit of Venture Capital Investment in China

    MBO在我国 风险 投资退出中的应用研究

  • We can see this effect in data from the venture capital industry .

    我们可以从 风险 投资业的数据中看到这种效应。

  • Venture capital resulted in vigour and motive power for Linktone .

    风险 投资为灵通带来了活力,更带来了动力。

  • The investors in these rounds included venture capital funds public funds investment banks and strategic investors .

    这几轮的投资者包括 风投基金、公共基金、投行和战略投资者。

  • Venture capital investment is removing those who hold the balance to promote action to economic development .

    风险 投资对经济的发展起着举足轻重的促进作用。

  • It took its first venture capital investment in 2007 .

    该公司在2007年接受了首笔 风险 资本投资。

  • I know that one day I will return to venture capital but with my own money .

    我知道,总有一天我会重返 风险 投资领域,不过是用我自己的钱。

  • Venture Capital Operation Research in Foreign-Funded Enterprise Technological Innovation Process

    外资企业技术创新过程中 风险 投资运作研究

  • The company has angel investment venture capital and private equity arms as well .

    此外联想控股还拥有天使投资、 风险 投资以及私募股权投资业务。

  • Without it there would be less finance for venture capital and private equity .

    如果没有它, 风险 投资和私人股本的融资来源将会减少。

  • A portfolio company is a company or entity in which a venture capital firm or buyout firm invests .

    风险 投资公司或收购公司投资的公司或实体。