Venturous revenue indicating the tradeoffs between food intake and mortality risk is not only a function of environmental factors such as temperature food abundance and predation pressure but also a factor affected by age .
风险收益 反映 浮游 动物权衡死亡危险和食物摄取的结果,不仅是外界环境因子温度、食物和捕食压力的函数,也受到 动物 内部 状态因子年龄的影响。
A Model of Venturous Revenue on the Diel Vertical Migration of Planktonic Copepod
浮游桡足类昼夜垂直迁移的 风险收益模型研究
Food temperature and predation pressure directly act on the value of venturous revenue and are major environmental factors affecting DVM of the copepod .
食物、温度和捕食压力直接影响 风险收益值的大小,是影响桡足类垂直迁移的主要环境因子。
Venturous innovation stylish design and best quality is our constant target .
“ 大胆创新,独具匠心,精益求精 ”是我们坚持不懈追求的目标!
In the former perception people believe that the Chinese staff members of the state-owned enterprises lack the spirit of innovation and taking risks while those of the Sino-American joint ventures are open brave and venturous in the work .
在人们以前的观念中,总是认为国有企业员工在工作中 传统 保守,缺乏创新精神,而中美合资企业的 员工 勇于 开拓创新、 富有冒险精神。
A model of venturous revenue for diel vertical migration ( DVM ) of zooplankton is developed which is motivated by zooplankter chasing the maximum value of venturous revenue i.e. cropping as much food at as less cost of mortality as possible .
提出一个浮游动物昼夜垂直迁移的 风险收益模型,其迁移运动的动力来自于浮游动物获取风险收益的最大值,即以尽可能小的死亡代价获取尽可能多的食物。
TITANIA I have a venturous fairy that shall seek The squirrel 's hoard and fetch thee new nuts .
我有一个 善于 冒险的小神仙,可以给你到松鼠的 仓里取 些新鲜的榛栗来。
Skydiving is a hazardous sport ; extremely risky going out in the tide and fog ; a venturesome journey in wintertime ; a venturous enterprise .
跳伞是一项冒险的运动;在涨潮及有雾时外出是极端冒险的;冬季 冒险旅行;大胆的计划。