ventricular systole

[vɛnˈtrɪkjəlɚ ˈsɪstəli][venˈtrikjulə ˈsistəli]


  • The result showed that CK could correctly color encoding of the left ventricular wall motion throughout systole therefore CK could provide the images directly and obtain the result quickly .

    结果显示,CK技术能对整个 收缩期的左 壁运动进行正确的彩色编码,显示方法直观,判断结果迅速。

  • Method for Measuring Different Phases of Left Ventricular Systole Period with Ultrasonic Doppler and Synchronism Electrocardiogram in Normal Persons

    多普勒超声与同步心电图测定正常人左 收缩期时相的方法 研究

  • No significant decrease of left ventricular diameter in systole ( LVDs ) left ventricular mass index ( LVMI ) cardiac output ( CO ) stroke volume ( SV ) and total peripheral resistance ( TRP ) were discovered .

    心室 收缩末期内径、心搏出量、心输出量、左室重指数及总外周血管阻力均有下降,但不显著(P>0.05)。

  • Furthermore the improvement of left ventricular diastolic function was also superior in the treatment group ( p < 0 . 01 ) . Traditional treatment also improved the function of left ventricular systole .

    同时治疗组改善左心室舒张功能的作用也优于对照组(P<0.01),且中药对左 心室 收缩功能也有一定改善作用。

  • This study of methodology was aimed to assess the feasibility of measuring different phase of left ventricular systole period with ultrasonic Doppler and synchronism electrocardiogram .

    探讨以多普勒超声结合同步心电图 定义 收缩期时相的可行性。

  • Clinical Observation on Treatment of 68 Cases of Refractory Ventricular Premature Systole by Oral Amiodarone

    口服胺碘酮治疗难治性 期前 收缩68例临床观察

  • Three cases had main pulmonary artery stenosis . Color Doppler showed two direction shunt at the location of VSD and no color flow through right ventricular outflow tract to pulmonary artery on systole .

    彩色多普勒均显示室间隔缺损处双向分流, 收缩期流出道至主肺动脉 血流中断,1例 主动脉 主肺动脉五彩 分流束。

  • Results Ventricular wall motion colour in thyroidism group was brighter than that in the normal group . On Doppler wave every speed of wave peak in both systole and diastole in thyroidism group was faster than that in the normal group .

    结果甲亢组 壁运动色彩较正常组明亮,频谱多普勒曲线上,甲亢组在 收缩期、舒张期室壁运动各峰值均大于正常组,两组有显著差别(P0.01)。

  • Result : Left ventricular systole pressure and coronary artery flow were improved significantly and the release of CK LDH was reduced significantly with obvious reduction of myocardial infarction size in angiotensin - ( 1-7 ) treatment group as compare to ischemic reperfusion control group .

    结果与缺血再灌注对照组相比,血管紧张素-(1-7)处理组心脏左 心室 收缩压、冠状动脉流量显著提高,冠状动脉循环流出液中肌酸磷酸激酶、乳酸脱氢酶含量降低,心肌梗死范围减小。

  • Simulation of Mitral Regurgitation Using Ultrasonic Doppler Flow Imaging Objective To evaluate left ventricular systolic function based on mitral regurgitation during systole .

    目的探讨根据 收缩期二尖瓣反流评价左 收缩功能的价值。

  • The rates of left ventricular dysfunction of systole and diastole were 16.67 % and 76.67 % respectively and the former had abnomal diastolic function . The incidence of normal function of LV was 23.33 % .

    心室舒张功能异常发生率为76.67%, 心室 收缩功能减退为16.67%,均伴有舒张功能异常, 心室功能相对正常为23.33%,左 心室舒张功能异常出现早于左心室肥厚;

  • Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of amiodarone on refractory ventricular premature systole and its safe .

    目的评价口服胺碘酮治疗难治性 期前 收缩的疗效和安全性。

  • Dynamics of left ventricular systole during progressive exercise in sitting position

    直立位递增运动负荷时左 收缩期 血流动力学变化

  • Objective To evaluate the left ventricular systolic function of the old antero-septal myocardial infarction by measuring the mitral annular velocity in systole using tissue Doppler echocardiography .

    目的采用多普勒组织成像技术(TDE)测量二尖瓣环 收缩期下行速度,评价陈旧性前间壁心肌梗死患者的左 收缩功能。

  • In the left ventricular outflow tract during diastole were similar echoes which returned to the aortic root during ventricular systole .

    在舒张期左室流出道有相似的回声,而在 收缩期,此回声又回到主动脉根部。

  • MATERIALS AND METHODS : CK technique was used to detect the left ventricular wall motion in 25 cases of DCM and 30 normal subjects . The color displacement in the systole and diastole were measured .

    材料和方法:应用CK技术观察25例DCM和30例正常人的左 壁运动状况,测量左室 舒张期 收缩期彩色位移 幅度并进行对照分析。

  • Methods : Powerlab biology signal analysis system was used to record arterial pressure ECG the biggest function of ventricular systole the biggest function of ventricular diastole dp / dtmax and-dp / dtmax in synchronism and movements .

    方法:采用powerlab生物信号记录分析系统同步动态记录动脉血压、II导心电图、 心室最大 收缩功能、心室最大舒张功能、左室内压最大上升速率(dp/dtmax)、左室内压最大下降速率(-dp/dtmax)。