


  • Results There were significant differences between the costs of materials used and pressing time between 2 groups ( P < 0.01 ) . The complications of collecting blood through venepuncture also showed significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) .

    结果两组新生儿 静脉 采血 采血材料成本、压迫时间均有显著性差异(P<0.01), 静脉 采血合并症也有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

  • Methods of enhancing effects of venepuncture on back of hand vein

    提高 手背 静脉 穿刺效果的方法

  • Application of tourniquet for patients undergoing venepuncture

    止血带在 静脉 穿刺中的应用

  • Anatomy study of the relationship between venepuncture location and cutaneous nerve distribution in the dorsum of hand

    手背 静脉与皮神经的关系及 静脉 穿刺 部位 选择

  • Objective To relieve the pain of venepuncture in the dorsum of the hand .

    目的探讨手背 静脉 穿刺 疼痛 程度 最低 最佳 部位,减轻患者的痛苦。

  • Conclusion : The new-type placement can obviously increase the rate of venepuncture success in using intravenous integrated catheter for infant .

    结论:新式置入方法可明显提高婴幼儿静脉留置针的 穿刺成功率。

  • Comparison on needle withdraw method for patients accepted venepuncture

    静脉 穿刺 拔针方法的比较观察

  • OBJECTIVE : To prepare the disinfectant for venepuncture in children and to establish the quality control for this preparation .

    目的:制备小儿 静脉 穿刺消毒液并建立其质量控制方法。

  • Compared with bedside venepuncture concentrate venepuncture can improve success rate of puncture save human resources improve working efficiency improve nursing quality decrease disputes between nurses and patients and improve patients ' satisfactory rate .

    对比 以往 实行的床旁 静脉 穿刺,集中静脉穿刺明显提高穿刺成功率,减少人力消耗,提高工作效率,切实改善护理工作质量,降低护理纠纷,提升病人满意度。

  • Effect of modified way of venepuncture

    改良 静脉 穿刺方法的效果 观察

  • To observe the clinical effects of BD closed tightly type detaining venepuncture in plasmapheresis

    血浆置换术中采用BD密闭式静脉留置 技术的临床效果观察

  • Effect of Postion of Switch of Infusion Device on Blood Return During Venepuncture

    输液器调节开关位置对 静脉 穿刺回血的影响

  • The Anatomical and Clinical Study about Painless Venepuncture in the Dorsum of the Hand

    减轻手背 静脉 穿刺 疼痛的解剖学研究及临床应用

  • Results The initiative cooperation and the success rate of venepuncture in the observation group were obviously higher than that of the control group 2 test revealed that there were significant differences between the two groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

    结果观察组在配合治疗的主动性和 静脉 穿刺的成功率均明显高于对照组,经χ2检验差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

  • Influence of mental intervention on pain behavioral response of pediatric cases undergoing venepuncture

    心理干预对患儿静脉 穿刺 疼痛行为反应的影响

  • This paper expatiated the anatomical structures of venepuncture artery nerve glands and sternum punctures to provide a reference for medical and nursing staffs .

    阐述了 静脉 穿刺、动脉 穿刺、神经 穿刺、腺体 穿刺及胸骨穿刺的解剖结构,以供医护人员参考。

  • Objective : The relationship between cutaneous nerve and superficial vein in the dorsum of hand was studied to enhance the accuracy of venepuncture .

    目的:了解手背浅静脉与皮神经的解剖位置关系,为提高 手背 静脉 穿刺 质量 提供 应用 解剖学 资料

  • Their behavior during venepuncture and it 's success rate in the two groups were closely observed .

    观察两组患儿 静脉穿刺时的行为 状况 静脉 穿刺的成功率。

  • Conclusion Effective nursing intervention enhances the compliance of preschool child patients and improves the success rate of venepuncture .

    结论有效的护理干预可提高学龄前患儿对 静脉 输液的依从性,从而提高 静脉 穿刺的成功率。

  • The significant difference between the cost of the materials used and pressing time for collecting blood of 2 groups were examined by test . The significant difference between complications of collecting blood by venepuncture on 2 groups were examined by χ 2 test .

    对两组 新生儿采血材料成本、压迫时间的差异显著性采用t检验,对两组 新生儿 静脉 采血合并 用χ2检验法进行差异显著性检验。

  • Method Improvement of Venepuncture in Hand

    手部 静脉 穿刺方法的改进

  • Practice and effect of enhancing achievement ratio of special venepuncture

    提高特殊 静脉 穿刺成功率的实践与成效

  • Results There was significant differences in superficial vein turgidity and in accuracy of venepuncture between two groups ( all P < 0.01 ) but there was no significant differences in pain ( P > 0.05 ) .

    结果两组静脉充盈度、扎止血带及进 时间穿刺 成功率比较,差异有显著性意义(均P<0.01),下垂法明显优于常规法;疼痛程度差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

  • Sarcoidal granuloma developing not only at the entry site of industrial lubricating oil but also at a regional lymph node and entry points of venepuncture

    结节病样肉芽肿不仅出现于使用工业润滑油的入口处,而且也见于局部淋巴结和 静脉 穿刺入口点

  • Full-term normal delivery and UCB of healthy pregnant women was collected by aseptic venepuncture after fetal disengagement and with Natrium Citricum anticoagulation .

    脐血采自长春市妇产医院健康产妇,知情同意,足月顺产,待胎儿娩出后,无菌经 静脉 穿刺取血,枸橼酸钠抗凝。

  • As a routine operation in nursing removing the venepuncture needle leads to many adverse effects .

    静脉 穿刺 针是护理常规操作, 然而 不当会出现许多不良反应。

  • A comparison on cost and advantage of two different kinds of skin disinfectant used for local disinfection of venepuncture

    两种皮肤消毒剂用于静脉 穿刺消毒的成本及效益比较

  • Progress on back of hand venepuncture technique

    手背 静脉 穿刺技术进展

  • Objective To explore the method of superficial vein turgidity in the dorsum of hand and increase the accuracy of venepuncture .

    目的探讨手背静脉充盈方法,提高 静脉 穿刺 成功率。