vent gas

[vɛnt ɡæs][vent ɡæs]


  • Recovering Ethylene from Vent Gas of Ethylene Oxide Plant by Activated Carbon with SPA Process

    活性炭变压吸附回收环氧乙烷装置 放气中的乙烯

  • Solvent recovery from vent gas is the important procedure of reducing slovent loss in extraction plant .


  • Study on Absorption Process of Dehydrogenation Vent Gas from Styrene Unit

    苯乙烯装置脱氢 尾气吸收工艺的研究

  • Failure analysis and protective countermeasure of PTA oxidation reactor vent gas condenser

    PTA装置氧化反应器 尾气冷凝器失效分析及对策

  • Analysis and protection on corrosion of vent gas system in PTA plant

    浅谈PTA装置 尾气系统设备的腐蚀和防护

  • Recovery of Ethylene from Vent Gas of Ethylene Oxide Plant

    环氧乙烷装置 放气中乙烯的回收

  • Pollution Characteristics Implementing Standard and Treatment Targets of Vent Gas From Sour Water Tanks in Refinery

    酸性水罐 放气污染程度、执行标准和治理目标

  • Through the analysis of vent gas it can diagnose the position of engine fault which was verified by the real fault example .

    指出通过 尾气分析可诊断出发动机故障所在的部位,并通过故障实例得到了验证。

  • The mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the vent gas of concentration tower is over - proof due to the increase of shift gas quantity and sulfide compounds content .

    由于变换气量及气体中硫含量的增加,导致原浓缩塔 空气中硫化氢质量浓度超标。

  • Modification of vent gas treatment system in extraction plant

    浸出车间 尾气处理系统的改进与探讨

  • The technical calculation of the vice-tower and the innovated technical process are presented and the mass concentration of hydrogen sul - fide in the vent gas reaches the design index after the innovation .

    介绍了浓缩副塔的工艺计算和改进的工艺流程,改造后浓缩塔 空气中硫化氢质量浓度达到了设计要求。

  • By comparing the influence of different pressure and low pressure condenser on vent gas recovery unit the authors put forward some technical innovation scheme on gas fluidized bed PE plant .

    通过比较压力变化及低压冷凝器对回收的影响,对现有气相流化床聚乙烯装置 放气回收工艺作了一些改进,并提出采用 分离方法 提纯 氮气减少 尾气 排放

  • Process design of vent gas of concentration tower

    浓缩塔 空气的工艺设计

  • Study on the Recovery of Light Hydrocarbons from GTL Vent Gas by Membrane-Compression Condensation Hybrid Technology

    膜&压缩冷凝耦合回收 GTL 尾气中轻烃的研究

  • The vent gas of the ethylene oxide has O_2 C_2H_4 and C_2H_6.If C_2H_4 is recovered by PSA the effects O_2 on the separation performance of the adsorbent must be considered .

    环氧乙烷生产过程中排放的 尾气含有C2H4、C2H6和O2等组分,若采用变压吸附法回收其中的C2H4时,需要考虑O2对吸附分离C2H4的影响。

  • The technology and principle of vent gas recovery system with paraffin were introduced .

    介绍了 尾气石蜡回收系统的工艺及工作原理。

  • Study on Synthesis Material Recovery of Vent Gas from F-T Synthesis

    回收费托合成弛 放气中合成原料的研究

  • The Design and Optimization of Membrane Process for Chloromethane Recovery from the Vent Gas of Organic Silicon

    膜法回收有机硅 尾气中氯甲烷流程设计与优化质子交换膜燃料电池堆运行参数优化设计

  • Activated carbons can be used for VOC removal from SVE vent gas .

    活性炭可用来脱除SVE 排出 气体中的可挥发性有机物。

  • The Application Research of Vent Gas Analysis in Automobile Engine Fault Diagnosis


  • Technical innovation of vent gas recovery unit in FE plant

    流化床 聚乙烯装置 放气回收工艺的改进

  • Because the electronic throttle technology can improve the fuel economy of automobile and reduce the automobile emission of vent gas and Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( HEV ) appears its application prospect will be more and more extensive .

    由于电子节气门技术能明显改善汽车的燃油经济性和降低汽车 尾气排放,以及混合动力汽车的横空出世,其应用前景将越来越广泛。

  • A spraying empty tower is adopted to absorb the fluorine in waste gas its efficiency is high heat removal is considerable and the fluorine content in vent gas is lower than that required by GBJ 473 Standard .

    采用空塔喷淋吸收气体中的氟,吸收效率高,散热好,排放 尾气中的氟含量低于 GBJ473标准。

  • Transportation of terephthalic acid powder by the oxidated vent gas

    使用氧化 尾气输送对苯二甲酸粉料

  • To Limit or eliminate the vent gas from the flare has always been a key research subject in petrochemical industry .

    火炬 瓦斯 放空问题一直是石化行业的一个重点研究课题。

  • In this work samples of airborne particulates vent gas and smog dust during heating and non-heating seasons were collected in the urban and suburban areas of Lanzhou .

    本文收集了兰州市区和郊区在取暖期和非取暖期的大气飘尘样品和汽车 尾气及烟尘样品。

  • This device helps vent gas that boils off from the liquid oxygen tank and also bathes the top of the tank in warmed nitrogen to prevent ice from forming .

    这个装置有助于 排除液氧燃料箱蒸发的 气体,并且它还可以用加温氮气笼罩箱顶,以防结冰。

  • Measures of reusing the vent gas in the methanol plants

    天然 制甲醇装置 空气的技改利用措施

  • For the purpose of recovering C2H4 from the vent gas of ethylene oxide ( EO ) plant activated carbon ( AC ) selected as absorbent has been studied .

    以活性炭为吸附剂,对工业环氧乙烷装置 放气中乙烯的回收进行了研究。