


  • Conclusions : CDFI can completely replace the venography in the diagnosis of DVT and it 's sequelae .

    彩色多普勒超声诊断DVT及其后遗症完全可以替代 静脉 造影,为评价DVT疗效的最佳手段。

  • Development of MSCT venography of deep venous thrombosis

    下肢深静脉血栓多排螺旋 CT诊断进展

  • Purpose To investigate the value of digital subtraction venography for the diagnosis of venous diseases of lower extremity .

    目的探讨数字减影 下肢 静脉 造影对下肢静脉疾病的诊断价值。

  • The Evaluation CT Venography with 16-slice Spiral CT in Detection of Normal Intracranial Venous and Sinuses

    16层螺旋CT脑 静脉成像对颅内正常静脉窦及大 静脉的评价

  • Superficial cavernous hemangioma : its puncture venography and treatment with pingyangmycin lipiodol emulsion

    体表海绵状血管瘤瘤体穿刺 造影及平阳霉素碘油乳剂治疗

  • The magnetic resonance image ( MRI ) and MR venography ( MRV ) of seven patients were analyzed in this study .

    在本篇研究中,我们分析七个病例之磁振造影与磁振 静脉 造影

  • Contrast venography is still considered the definitive test to rule out the diagnosis of DVT they wrote .

    他们写道,“ 静脉 造影 仍然被认为是排除DVT诊断的决定性检测”。

  • Most cases can be detected by ultrasonography or portal venography .

    大多数患者通过超声检查或者门 静脉 造影可以确诊。

  • Clinical Value of Digital Antegrade Venography of lower Extremity Vains

    数字下肢静脉顺行 造影的临床 应用价值

  • Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of venography in lower limb varices .

    目的评价下肢静脉 造影下肢静脉曲张的诊断价值。

  • Diagnostic value of deep venous thrombosis of calf region by DSA venography

    DSA 静脉 造影诊断小腿深静脉血栓的价值

  • Methods Preoperative atherosclerotic patients underwent greater saphenous vein duplex mapping and venography their maximal internal vein diameters were compared with those of operative detection .

    方法 应用 静脉 造影和双功彩超对动脉旁路术前的自体大隐静脉移植物进行 评估,并与术中测量结果进行比较。

  • An alternative approach in a patient with inconclusive sonograms can be wedged hepatic venography with CO2 from the jugular vein .

    如果超声检查不能 评估 静脉是否开放,换一种路径即经颈静脉入路,用CO2作为造影剂做肝 静脉 造影会有帮助。

  • Methods 42 patients with BCS complicated with ACS were diagnosed by venography and intraabdominal pressure measurement .

    方法42例病人经 静脉 造影和腹内压测定确诊为BCS并有ACS。

  • CT portal venography manifestations of portal collateral circulation in patients with portal hypertension due to cirrhosis

    肝硬化患者CT门 静脉 血管 成像中门静脉侧支 血管的表现

  • Blood flow velocity in IVC for optimization of the scanning delay time in CT venography of Budd-Chiari syndrome

    下腔静脉血流速度对合理选择布-加综合征CT 静脉成像延迟时间的 参考 价值

  • Methods : A direct puncture venography technique was attempted on 13 patients .

    方法:对13例病人采用了直接穿刺 造影方法。

  • The Model Study of Magnetic Resonance Venography in the Lower Extremities

    下肢 静脉 血管模型的磁共振 成像 实验研究

  • Venography is an effective and safe technique to detect arteriovenous fistulas complications .

    因此静脉 血管造影是发现动静脉内瘘并发症有效而安全的方法。

  • The diagnostic value of US and IVC venography for this syndrome was evaluated .

    本文着重通过对本组病例超声与下腔 静脉 造影 资料的对比分析,进一步评价超声与下腔 静脉 造影对本征的诊断价值。

  • Intravenous urography If Intraosseous Venography is Necessary Before Injection of Polymethylmethacrylate in Percutaneous Vertebroplasty

    静脉注射尿路造影术椎体成形术中是否有必要行骨 静脉 造影

  • Value of CT venography in diagnosis of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis

    CT 静脉 造影在脑静脉窦血栓形成诊断中的价值

  • Objective To observe the value of MRI and magnetic resonance venography ( MRV ) in diagnosis of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis ( CVST ) .

    目的评价MRI及磁共振 静脉 血管 成像(MRV)对脑静脉窦血栓形成的诊断价值。

  • Objective To compare the value of MRI and percutaneous transhepatic venography in the diagnosis of Budd-Chiari syndrome .

    目的比较MRI和经皮肝穿肝 静脉 造影在Budd-chiari综合征诊断中的应用价值。

  • Conclusion As excellent non-invasive techniques CT angiography and MR venography can fully show hepatic and portal venous anatomy for TIPSS .

    结论CT血管造影和MR 血管造影是一种无创性的 检查方法,可充分显示肝 静脉和门静脉解剖及变异,为TIPSS术前提供了重要信息。

  • The clinical application of Multi-slice CT venography in patients with liver cirrhosis

    多层螺旋CT在肝硬化患者肝 静脉 造影的临床应用