


  • And love young man love and venerate the ideal .

    青年人啊,热爱理想, 崇敬理想

  • Now he who once declaimed against authorities is himself an authority and the young men venerate him and fear him .

    现在一时曾辩讲是反权威的他,他自己是权威了,而且年轻人们 尊敬他,畏惧他。

  • In Europe these days it is relatively rare even to see anyone in military uniform far less to venerate them in symbolic terms .

    如今在欧洲,别说对这些军人 表示 崇敬,就连看到穿军装的人的 机会都相对稀少。

  • We were taught to venerate the glorious example of our heroes and martyrs .

    我们受到教导要 崇敬英雄、烈士的光辉榜样。

  • In those days the ruling classes indoctrinated students with Confucian teachings and compelled the people to venerate all the trappings of Confucianism as religious dogma and all writers used the classical language .

    那时的统治阶级都拿孔夫子的道理教学生, 孔夫子的一套当作宗教教条一样强迫人民 信奉,做文章的人都用文言文。

  • I venerate the memory of my grandfather


  • Even fashion editors who tout couture 's more fanciful currents on the pages of their magazines venerate Sander .

    即使是在自己杂志上 大力吹捧更奇巧的服装设计风潮的时装编辑,也 尊敬桑德 这位时装设计 大师

  • Hence value man venerate man act as the base to develop the personality of man with this form the integrated character of student it ought to be the significant substance of new century education .

    因此,重视人、 尊重人,以此为基础发展人的个性,养成学生的完整人格,应是新世纪教育的重要内容。

  • Venerate with the hospital medicaments of a bit inject the method goes without method .


  • And love young man and venerate the ideal The ideal is the words of God high above every country high above humanity is the country of the spirit the city of the soul .

    年轻人, 热爱并 尊崇理想 ,理想是上帝的启示,凌驾于国家和人类之上,是精神的家园,是灵魂的城堡。

  • We need highly-skilled plumbers and highly-skilled people in all types of fields we no longer venerate Webb said .

    韦伯说:我们需要高水平的水管工,在其他我们不再 崇拜的行业里,我们也需要高水平的员工。

  • They came to venerate him as a symbolic figure .

    他们 当作偶像来 崇拜

  • And love young men and venerate the ideal .

    并且热爱,年轻人,并且 尊重理想

  • But his death led Argentines to venerate him and turned his wife into a victim .

    但是他的离去使得阿根廷人民 尊敬他并且对他夫人寄予 很大的同情。

  • As the academic value is different between Americans and the Chinese most Americans do not overly venerate scholars as much as the Chinese do .

    由于中美两国人民对学术价值观的不同,多半老 不像老中 那麽 敬仰学者。

  • Merchant should aways venerate his heart .

    商人应该 尊崇自己的内心。

  • Thus Lao Zi advises people to venerate softness .

    所以,老子倡导人们 柔。

  • Yet the Eastern Christians are not the only Christians to venerate Sophia .

    然而,东方基督徒( 东正教徒)并不是 崇敬索菲娅的唯一基督徒。

  • Today we venerate this seemingly unruly brush strokes .

    今天,我们 欣赏这种似乎不 章法的笔触。

  • People really love and venerate the Americans .

    我们 这里的人真的是喜欢并 敬重美国人。

  • They come from afar to revere venerate and worship this highest of mountains .

    他们远道而来瞻仰, 顶礼,和朝拜这世界最高峰。

  • My father venerated General Eisenhower .

    我父亲 十分 敬仰艾森豪威尔将军。