virulent bacteria

[ˈvɪrjələnt bækˈtɪriə][ˈvɪəjələnt bækˈtiəriə]

[医] 毒性菌

  • The progress of method for identifying the virulence factors of virulent bacteria

    鉴定致 病菌 毒力因子方法的进展

  • Screening of the Highly Virulent Strains from Symbiotic Bacteria and the Adversity Resistance

    共生 毒力菌株的筛选及其抗逆性的研究

  • More virulent bacteria and / or more severe pneumonias can be associated with destruction of lung tissue and hemorrhage .

    毒力 较强 细菌性肺炎或更严重的肺炎可能与肺组织破坏和出血有关。