verbal evidence

[ˈvɚbəl ˈɛvɪdəns][ˈvə:bəl ˈevidəns]

[法] 证言

  • This paper judges the how in the reactor be even full of oppositions and contradictions between the verbal evidence review analysis to determine the strength of the evidence question words and the words of the strength of the evidence are described .

    本文就法官庭审如何在堆杂乱无章甚至充满对立和矛盾的 言词 证据之间,进行审查、分析确定言词证据的证明力问题,并对各种言词证据的证明力进行了说明。

  • It is necessary for us to compare the concept of Chinese verbal evidence with the Continental Law system and the Common Law system . We re-define verbal evidence as It is the evidence that apply to the court by oral statement .

    所以本文认为有必要将我国 言词 证据的概念与大陆法系和英美法系的言词证据加以比较,重新定义了言词证据:以口头陈述的方式向法官提供证据资料的证据。

  • Police and inspection relationship has one theory exclusionary rule of obtained illegally evidence the principle of direct verbal trial and exclusion of hearsay evidence all of them are the theoretical foundation for the police to testify in court system .

    警察出庭作证制度具有深刻的理论基础。警检关系一体理论、非法证据排除规则、直接 言词原则或者排除传闻 证据规则是警察出庭作证制度的理论基石。

  • Around this point the article constructs as following : The First : Re-constructing the Concept of Chinese Verbal Evidence .

    围绕这一点,论文架构作了如下安排:一、对我国 言词 证据概念的重塑。

  • Principle of Direct Trail and Verbal are Applicable in Examing the Criminal Parole Evidence

    直接 言词原则在审查刑事 证言中的适用

  • Based on defining the connotation and scope of evidence is more recognized the expert opinions classified as verbal evidence theory .

    通过对 言词证据内涵的界定及范围的几种说法认可了将鉴定意见归为 言词 证据的学说。

  • The principle of direct and verbal trial puts strict and systematic legal requirement on the inquisition and debate of evidence on trial and on the application of evidence in judgement .

    直接 言词原则对法庭审理过程中 证据调查和辩论及法院判决时证据的运用都有严格而系统的法律要求。

  • But as to the tangible evidence derivates from verbal evidence which are collected illegally whether it can be removed there is no stipulation in the criminal procedural law and relevant judicial explanation .

    但是,对于由这些非法收集的 言词 证据而派生出来的实物证据,非法收集的实物证据能不能予以排除,刑事诉讼法和相关的司法解释都没有规定。

  • Meanwhile the formation of verbal evidence all includes three processes the understanding memory maintaining and testifying of fact .

    而言 证据的形成均包括人对案件事实的认识过程,记忆保持,证明过程三个步骤。

  • The role that verbal confession as part of criminal evidence plays in the process of case investigation and trial has constantly been valued .

    口供作为刑事 证据之一,在案件侦查和审理中所发挥的作用,历来为广大办案人员所重视。

  • Then the discussions about material evidence and verbal evidence are respectively made in second and third section .

    其次,分别从实物证据与 言词 证据两个角度进行了讨论。

  • The witnesses identity of police is irreplaceable the principle of direct verbal evidence the exclusionary rule and many other requirements of the modern rules of criminal lawsuit made it be a necessity .

    警察证人身份的不可替代性,直接 言词 证据原则、非法证据排除规则等现代刑事诉讼规则的要求,使得建立警察出庭作证制度有着必要性。

  • At Chinese juridical practice all the testimony and other verbal evidence just as the statement of the accused and the statement of the victim appear in the contentious procedure in the form of investigation files in which they are recorded .

    在中国司法实践中,证人证言和其他 言词 证据,例如被告人陈述、被害人陈述等,都是以案卷笔录为载体存在于刑事诉讼中的。

  • The Third : Evidence Regulation System of Verbal Evidence .

    言词 证据的证据规则体系。

  • With regard to the hearing pattern illegal verbal evidence shall be proofed prior to the substantive hearing in principle ; whilist illegal material evidence shall be proofed within the process of substantive hearing .

    在审理模式的设定上,非法 言词 证据原则上应当在正式对案件进行实体审理之前进行审理,而对非法实物证据的排除应当在庭审过程中进行。

  • Papers in the structure to do the following arrangement : First Chinese verbal evidence on criminal judicial justice to do a review .

    论文在架构上做了如下安排:一、就我国 言词 证据运用对刑事司法公正的影响做了回顾。

  • From the point of Evidence Law the testimony therefore shall be the statement of witnesses . However from the method of the point of evidence the witnesses are themselves verbal evidence namely a kind of human testimony .

    而其中证人证言应指证人的陈述,对应英文为Testingmony,这是从证据方法的角度界定的,而从证据角度的方法看,证人本身就是 言词 证据,就是一种人证。

  • How to Collect and Adopt Oral Confession or Other Verbal Evidence in Drug Cases

    毒品案件中口供等 言词 证据的收集及运用

  • A verbal statement is no guarantee ; a written text must be given as evidence .


  • This article defines the characteristics as follows : firstly since the verbal evidence generates from human experience and knowledge There is no doubt that it can be affected by the human subject .

    言词 证据的特点包括:一方面 言词 证据以人的经验与知识为产生的源泉,必然要受到人这一主体的影响。

  • This article from the angle of criminal case facts combined with the new criminal procedure law of evidence rules system regulations only to our country criminal prosecution in verbal evidence in public prosecution trial judgement of adoption of problems are discussed .

    本文从刑事案件事实认定的角度,结合新刑事诉讼法对言词证据规则体系的规定,仅对我国刑事诉讼中 言词 证据在公诉、庭审中的审查判断、采信问题进行阐述。

  • The unlawful evidence that needs exclusion in the punishment of public order management includes verbal evidence and object evidence .

    治安管理处罚程序中,要排除的非法证据包括 言词 证据和实物证据。