


  • First of all there are differences between the categories of verbalization in both languages .

    首先, 动词化类型的不同。

  • Chapter 6 offers a comprehensive description and a summary of verbalization with an interpretation using the metonymy model .

    第六章对 名词 现象 全面的描写和归纳,并根据转喻模型对 这些 现象 加以解释。

  • From the test about verbalization days it is clear that the proper verbalization days of triticale is 30d while that of wheat is 40d . 5 Ordinary athletes .


  • In ancient times the primitive classification of Chinese styles was typologized with verbalization .

    中国古代文体分类的原初形态无疑是以不同的“ 言说”方式作为分类标准的;

  • Whether the images are life-like or not is determined by the verbalization of literary characters .

    人物形象 丰满与否, 直接取决于人物 个性化 语言

  • A Study of Motivations Conditions and Mechanisms of Noun Verbalization

    名词 的动因、条件及机制研究

  • Concluded from the data collected from the corpora nouns in modern English are easier to be verbalized while it is not so easy to have noun verbalization in modern Chinese .

    从语料中可以看出,现代英语中的名词更容易发生动词化,而现代汉语中的名词不易 直接转化为 动词

  • Verbalization in this thesis refers to the linguistic phenomenon that words of other parts of speech are converted into verbs without any morphological change .

    动词 在本论文中指的是其它词性的词不 任何形态改变而转用 动词的语言现象。

  • The verbalization is a combination of plain text and placeholders .

    表示 是文本和占位符的组合。

  • At present one outstanding feature of Russian standard language is popularization and verbalization of language .

    当今俄罗斯标准语的一个显著特征是语言的大众化、 口语

  • When a style of verbalization was widely accepted as the categorized title the manner of wording relevant to the style of verbalization would shape the text in a specific style .

    当一种 言说方式被人们约定俗成地 确认为某一 类名 以后,与这种 言说方式相对应的文辞方式就形成具有特定文体形态特征的文本方式;

  • The paper is to explore the relationship between metaphor definition and animal name verbalization as well as the classification of animal name verbalization based on metaphor theory .

    本文 以小见大,就 部分动物名词在汉英 语言 蕴含 文化内涵及喻意进行分析和比较,探究中西文化的异同。

  • Conclusion : 1 . The results of Montreal Cognitive Assessment demonstrate that the executive attention and delayed memory functions of the epilepsy patients decrease but the abstract orientation naming and verbalization functions remain . 2 .

    结论:1.蒙特利尔认知功能评估说明癫痫患者的执行、注意和延迟回忆认知有损害,抽象、定向、命名能力、 语言功能 明显 损害

  • As a painting by itself should be an adequate vehicle for what the artist wishes to convey there s not much point enlisting the assistance of verbalization . With inscriptions a painting sometimes ceases to be a pure work of pictorial art .

    画的本身应该能够表现画家所要表现的东西,不需另 文字为之 说明题画的办法有时使画不复成为纯粹的画。

  • Secondly verbalization in modern English has usually been regarded as normal usage ; it appears in both formal and informal situations . Nevertheless verbalization in modern Chinese is often considered special and it is not common in formal text .

    第二,现代英语中的 动词 很多已被视为正常用法,不论是非正式场合还是正式场合都可使用动词化,然而现代汉语中的动词化往往被看作特殊现象,正式文体中不常见。

  • Special types of nounal verbalization

    名词 的特殊类型

  • Thirdly there are differences between noun verbalization which exists in both modern English and modern Chinese .

    第三,现代英汉语中都有的名词 动词 现象存在不同。

  • Meanwhile this thesis also expands the contrastive research domain of verbalization in modern English and Chinese .

    同时,本论文还拓宽了现代英汉语 动词 对比的研究领域。