verbal message

[ˈvɚbəl ˈmɛsɪdʒ][ˈvə:bəl ˈmesidʒ]

[计] 口头信息,非书面信息,语言信息

  • As in verbal anagrams he rearranged his images to'discover a hidden message 'one that brings the ordinary the unique and the universal into his own collaged-image patterns .

    字面上看,他对意象进行重组以发现深藏的 信息,他把寻常的,特别的,大众的重新组合成劳森伯格式的表现形式。

  • According to cybernetics the process of verbal communication is one of verbal discourse regulation where the controlling party transmits the message through verbal codes while the controlled party receives it and gives feedback .

    言语交际过程从控制论角度说也是一个 话语调控过程,施控者借助言语代码发送 信息,受控者接收信息加以反馈,如此循环往复,而语境参与了交际全过程。

  • A verbal message will suffice .


  • Spoken or written symbols make up the verbal part of a message and are accompanied by nonverbal symbols .

    口头和书面符号组成 信息 言语部分,它们伴有相应的非言语符号。

  • Gestures can help you repeat your verbal message .

    手势有助于你重复 语言 信息

  • Dont try to cram a bunch of text onto each slide ; instead choose simple powerful visuals that complement your verbal message .

    不要在一张幻灯片上塞进太多文字。相反,你应该选择简单有力的视觉内容和你的 讲话互补。

  • Allan Pease a famous linguist on body language in Australia has declared that verbal communication expresses message while the body means attitude . So the former is conscious and the latter is subconscious .

    澳大利亚著名的身体语言学家 阿伦皮斯认为:有 语言传递 信息而身体语言表达态度,前者是有意识的,后者则是潜意识的。

  • Gestures can also add further meaning to your verbal message .

    手势还可以给你的 语言 信息增加更多的含义。

  • Verbal message from the concert creation transmission and the text produced in the same time the same events and different aspects of the process .

    口头 祝词的演唱、创作、传承及文本的产生都是在同一时间内完成的,是同一事件和过程的不同侧面。