vital action

[ˈvaɪtl ˈækʃən][ˈvaitəl ˈækʃən]


  • Judicial notice is of vital importance to exempt the party from the burden of proof spare the cost of action and enhance the efficiency of action .

    司法认知对于免除当事人举证负担、节约 诉讼时间和成本、提高诉讼效率等有 重要意义。我国三大诉讼法没有明确规定这一规则,法学界对该规则尚未给予足够的重视。

  • Although it is playing the more and more vital role in the civil action but the personal manufacture audio-visual material which is accepted by judge extremely is actually limited in the trial practice .

    尽管它在民事 诉讼中发挥着越来越 重要的作用,但在审判实践中被法官采纳的私人制作的视听资料却极为有限。

  • Each plays a vital part in determining how effective the call to action is in directing the user .

    在确定指导用户 行动指引对于他们来说是多有有效时,每一部分都是 要害

  • The theory concerning object of civil action that is one of core theories among the basic theories of civil procedure in system of civil law has the extremely vital role and the significance in the civil action .

    诉讼标的理论是大陆法系民事诉讼基本理论体系的核心理论之一,在民事 诉讼中具有极为 重要的作用与意义。

  • Ecological construction is important parts of the construction of harmonious socialist society which is vital action for achieving sustainable development .

    生态建设是中国构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容,是实现可持续发展的 重大 战略 举措

  • Methods : The moving and climbing ability and the vital rate of sperm under the action of magnetic field were examined and the changes in sperm ultrastructure were studied by transmission electron microscope .

    方法:采用3种精子活力测定方法,研究不同磁场 作用下精子的 存活率、活动力和爬升力的变化,并运用透射电镜观察其超微结构改变。

  • This is a vital problem it is not a theoretical problem nor one that can be postponed-it demands action now because the catastrophe is obviously coming .

    这是一个 严重的问题,不是理论问题,也不能再推迟不解决–必须立刻 行动,因为灾难显然已经到来。

  • One force counteracts another : vital force keeps the chemical laws of matter in abeyance ; and muscular force can control the action of physical force .

    一个武力对抗另一: 重要力量保持法律的化学物质暂时搁置;和肌肉力量也无法控制的 行动,身体力量。

  • Environmental tort is a special behavior which brings about series of environmental tort burden of proof . therefore the study in this area is of vital importance in clarifying the chaos in the action of environmental tort .

    环境侵权是一种特殊的侵权行为,就由此而引起的环境侵权证明责任的一系列问题进行研究,对改变目前我国环境侵权 诉讼的混乱状况有 重要意义。

  • The glycoside compound in Treating both the Vital Energy and Blood Decoction was extracted in ethanol in different concentration . It was founded that the antioxidation action of glycoside compound extracted in 90 % ethanol was the strongest in different concentration .

    采用不同浓度乙醇提取 气血并治方中的甙类化合物,考察了不同浓度乙醇、提取方式对甙类化合物的影响,发现用90%乙醇提取的 类化合物抗氧化能力最大。

  • Software is the most important infrastructure in information society and software development possesses a vital action in information resource exploitation .

    在信息资源的开发中,软件是最重要的基础设施,软件开发是最 重要的组成 部分

  • Court Legal Mediation System plays a vital role in the civil action practice of China . In judicatory practice a lot of civil and economic cases are solved through mediation .

    法院调解制度在我国民事 诉讼制度中占有 举足轻重的地位,在司法实践中,大量的民事、经济纠纷案件都是通过法院调解解决的。

  • The global financial system will not return to full health overnight but it is vital that we take action to guarantee our long-term prosperity .

    全球金融体系不会在一夜之间完全恢复健康,但 至关重要的一点是,我们应采取 行动,确保我们的长期繁荣。

  • Wolfowitz said the developed countries had a vital responsibility in the fight against corruption – taking action against bribe-givers and helping developing countries recover stolen assets .

    沃尔福威茨说,发达国家在反腐败方面负有 重要责任-采取 措施打击行贿者,帮助发展中国家追回被盗的资产。

  • As an important subject of Crime by Taking Advantage of Duty The Public Servant of the State is vital in deciding whether the action is crime what kind of crime the action is how to punish this crime .

    作为职务犯罪的重要主体,国家工作人员在 行为人的行为是否构罪、构成什么罪以及如果进行惩罚中均有 重要的意义。

  • Meta-cognition is the cognition of cognition which is an important component part in intelligence structure and plays a vital role in the action of cognition and the development of intelligence .

    元认知是关于认知的认知,它是智力结构的重要组成部分,在认知活动以及智力发展中具有 核心 作用

  • Sixth technological innovation is vital for action on emissions and for the political support necessary for transition to a low-carbon economy and society .

    第六,技术创新对于碳排放 行动、以及转向低碳经济和社会所必要的政治支持而言 至关重要