vitreous chamber

[ˈvɪtriəs ˈtʃembɚ][ˈvɪtri:əs ˈtʃeimbə]


  • Method Four eyes of traumatic cataract and magnetic intraocular foreign body in the vitreous were treated by extracting cataract and foreign body via incision of cataract surgery and anterior chamber with electromagnet .

    方法4例4眼磁性异物伤所致外伤性白内障、 玻璃 体腔内异物行白内障摘出,同时经白内障切口用电磁铁经 前房 吸出 玻璃 体腔磁性 异物

  • Ones with aqueous in vitreous pool drawed out combining with anterior chamber injected air into in view of still failing to form anterior chamber were performed other operative mode successfully instead ; They always connected water with their attitude .

    2 玻璃体水囊抽液联合 前房注气 前房仍不能形成改行其它手术方式成功;

  • Observation and nursing after filling of inflating gas in vitreous chamber

    玻璃 体腔膨胀气体填充术后的观察与护理

  • Methods Twenty-seven consecutive eyes in 27 patients with retinal detachment due to myopic macular hole underwent closed vitrectomy membrane peeling gas-fluid exchange with C 3F 8 tamponade in the whole vitreous chamber .

    方法对27例(27只眼)近视性黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离患者,经闭合式玻璃体切除、剥膜后气液交换,以16%C3F8全 玻璃 体腔填充;

  • Among them there were 4 cases ( 44.4 % ) with vitreous prolapse to anterior chamber .

    其中4眼 玻璃体脱出于 前房 ,占破裂者的44.4%。

  • Main intraoperative complications were posterior capsular rupture and prolapse of vitreous and main postoperative complications were posterior capsular opacity ( PCO ) inflammatory reaction of anterior chamber etc.

    术后主要并发症有后囊混浊( PCO)、 前房炎症反应等。

  • The vitreous body chamber increased by 113 % ;

    玻璃 体腔 扩张113%

  • Methods : Sealing fissures with sclera electrocoagulation making a pressure on the silica gel sclera or cerclage releasing the hydrops under the retina and injecting gas into the vitreous chamber .

    方法:手术采用巩膜电凝封闭裂孔,硅胶条巩膜外加压术或环扎术,放出网膜下积液, 玻璃 体腔注气等方法。

  • Objective : To explore the effect of vitrectomy in the treatment of traumatic lens rupture with vitreous prolapse into anterior chamber .

    目的:探讨用 玻璃体切除技术对外伤后白内障晶体皮质与 前房的玻璃体相 混杂的手术治疗效果。

  • Sex refractive state accommodative power anterior chamber depth vitreous chamber length and head circumference affected ocular axis length .

    影响眼轴长的因素有性别、屈光状态、调节能力、前房深、 玻璃 体腔长和头围。

  • Methods : Implantation of PC-IOL was performed in 18 cases 18 eyes through a sclerotic tunnel incision after eliminating the vitreous and lens cortex from anterior chamber and protecting the surviving anterior and posterior lens capsules .

    方法:经巩膜隧道切口,彻底清除脱入 前房 玻璃体及混杂在一起的晶体皮质,尽量保护好残留的晶体后囊膜、前囊膜,植入后房型人工晶体18例18眼。

  • With the increasing of R 、 axial length 、 vitreous chamber depth and decreasing of anterior chamber depth the Q value is more negative .

    随着曲率半径、轴长、 玻璃 体腔长度增加、前房深度变浅,Q值向负值增加方向变化。

  • Diagnosis and treatment of open-angle glaucoma associated with vitreous humor filling the anterior chamber

    玻璃体充满 前房的开角青光眼的诊断和治疗