vitamin b1


  • Thiamine ( vitamin B1 ) Organic compound part of the vitamin B complex necessary in carBohydrate metaBolism .

    硫胺素(亦称 维生素 B1):有机化合物,维生素B复合体的一种,为日常饮食所必需。

  • OBJECTIVE : To establish a method for the simultaneous determination of vitamin B1 vitamin B2 and nicotinamide in compound vitamin B tablets by capillary electrophoresis .

    建立了毛细管电泳测定复合维生素B片中 维生素 B1、维生素B2、烟酰胺含量的方法。

  • Objective : To develop a TLC identification method for Vitamin B1 tablets .

    目的:建立 维生素 B1片TLC鉴别方法。

  • A method for the determination of vitamin B1 ( VB1 ) in millet which is one of important grain in china by high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) was developed .

    研究反相高效液相色谱法分离测定我国主要粮食作物小米原粮中 VB1的方法。

  • Beriberi ( pronounced Berry-berry ) is a nervous system ailment caused by a deficiency of thiamine ( vitamin B1 ) in the diet .

    脚气病是一种神经系统病,主要由硫胺( 维生素 B1)缺乏所致。

  • Buckwheat is abundant in nutrients containing protein dietary fiber vitamin B1 B12 and minerals .

    荞麦含有许多丰富营养素包括:蛋白质、膳食纤维、 维生素 B1、B12及矿物质等物质。

  • Is there a mosquito than ordinary seems to be particularly fond of bites me may your lack of vitamin B1 skin complement might as well try some non-toxic side effects .

    “还有一情况比起常人蚊虫似乎特别喜欢叮咬我”,可能说明您皮肤中缺乏 维生素 B1,不妨补充些试试,无毒副作用。

  • Methods A dietary survey was conducted among preschool children by weighting method and the contents of vitamin B1 vitamin B2 and vitamin C in urine were analyzed .

    方法采用称重法对某幼儿园儿童进行膳食调查,并测定尿中 维生素 B1、维生素B2及维生素C营养水平。

  • Because rice is an important source of human vitamin B1 alkali can damage the rice in the vitamin B1 B1 deficiency can cause appears beriberi .

    因为大米是人体 维生素 B1的重要来源,碱能破坏大米中的维生素B1,会导致B1缺乏,出现脚气病。

  • Primary ingredients of This health supplement are Vitamin B1 / B2 / B6 / B12 Starch Sodium Carboxymethyl Starch and Magnesium Stearate which serve to supplement vitamin B complex .

    本品是以 维生素 B1、维生素B2、维生素B6、维生素B12、淀粉、羧甲淀粉钠、硬脂酸镁为主要原料制成的保健食品,具有补充B族维生素的保健功能。

  • Food additive & Vitamin B1 ( Thiamine hydrochloride )

    GB14751-1993食品添加剂 维生素 B1(盐酸硫胺)

  • The carrot contains nutrient contents richly and so on carbohydrate fat volatile oil Vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 anthocyanidin renieratene calcium iron .

    胡萝卜富含糖类、脂肪、挥发油、维生素A、 维生素 B1、维生素B2、花青素、胡萝卜素、钙、铁等营养成分。

  • So TCM understands myocarditis due to deficiency of vitamin B1 as invasion of beriberi into the heart .

    维生素 B1缺乏引起心肌炎时,中医则名之曰“脚气冲心”。

  • A sensitive and rapid reversed-phase liquid chromatography is developed for determination of Vitamin B1 、 B2 and B11 in spiked flour .

    建立了测定强化面粉中微量 维生素 B1、B2和B11的荧光液相色谱方法。

  • Used for a variety of diseases caused by a deficiency of vitamin B1 . Beriberi neuritis and indigestion and so on .

    用于各种缺乏 维生素 B1。脚气,神经炎及消化不良等引起的疾病。

  • Feed additive & Vitamin B1 ( thiamine mononitrate )

    GB/T7296-1987饲料添加济 维生素 B1(硝酸硫胺)

  • High in important minerals like copper manganese calcium iron magnesium and zinc as well as fiber vitamin B1 and protein sesame seeds should be a staple on your pantry shelf .

    芝麻富含大量重要矿物质,如铜,锰,钙,铁,镁和锌,不仅如此,它还拥有大量纤维素、 维生素 B1和蛋白质。芝麻理应成为你调味架上的主角。

  • Pork is rich in vitamin B1 .

    猪肉里含有丰富的 维生素 B1。

  • Atrophy of tongue due to avitaminosis caused by lack of thiamine ( vitamin B1 ) .

    维生素缺乏性舌萎缩由于缺乏 维生素 b引起。

  • The water-soluble vitamins team-record sweat more especially vitamin C vitamin B1 vitamin B2 therefore should eat more vegetables and fruits .

    汗液中排出水溶性维生素较多,尤其是维生素C、 维生素 B1、维生素B2,因此,应多吃新鲜蔬菜、水果。

  • The balsam pear contains ingredients richly and so on protein carbohydrate crude fiber Vitamin C Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 nicotinic acid renieratene calcium iron .

    苦瓜富含蛋白质、糖类、粗纤维、维生素C、 维生素 B1、维生素B2、尼克酸、胡萝卜素、钙、铁等成分。

  • Brewers yeast have a large number of valuab B vitamins ( especially vitamin B1 B2 ) . So people drink the unfiltered yeast-rich beer is more good at our health .

    啤酒酵母储有大量具有人体不可缺失的B族维生素(特别是 维生素 B1、B2),所以饮用富含活酵母的啤酒更加有利于健康。

  • The direct effects of magnesium on soluble sugar rough protein and vitamin B1 were negative .

    镁对可溶性总糖、粗蛋白、 维生素 VB1含量的直接效应为负值。

  • Objective : To study the stability of mixed powder of digoxin and vitamin B1 under ordinary temperature .

    前言:目的研究地高辛与 维生素 B1混合粉末在常温下的稳定性。

  • Study on Synthesis of Polymer-supported Vitamin B1 Mimics as Catalyst for the Benzoin Condensation

    固载型 维生素 B1模拟物的合成与催化安息香缩合反应研究

  • PACT-process is used for treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater of vitamin B1 the effect and influencing ingredient for organic substance removal by PACT-process is primarily investigated .

    采用PACT法处理 维生素 B1制药废水,重点考察了PACT法对有机物的处理效果以及影响因素。

  • Tomatoes contain high levels of vitamin C vitamin B1 malic acid citric acid and other nutrients .

    西红柿含有大量维生素C、 维生素 B1、苹果酸、柠檬酸等营养成分。

  • Vitamin B1 deficiency may cause depression confusion digestion disturbances lack of appetite and muscle weakness .

    维生素 B1的缺乏可能引起沮丧,思维混乱,干扰消化,缺乏食欲和肌肉酸疼。