vital center

[ˈvaɪtl ˈsɛntɚ][ˈvaitəl ˈsentə]


  • For developments then gather to pack to transport the vital point harbor to the corpus 's international shipping center in Shanghai and must want to Yangtze River channel put into order of proceeding of channel .

    为建设以集装箱运输 枢纽港为主体的上海国际航运 中心,必需要对长江口航道进行整治。

  • Generally speaking rapid death caused by craniocerebral injury was chiefly due to the impairment and dysfunction of brain stem for it 's the vital center of the body .

    脑干是机体 生命 中枢所在地,从理论上讲,颅脑损伤致迅速死亡是由于脑干受到损害,脑干功能的丧失所致。

  • I was in Washington DC last week for a Vital Voices event at the Kennedy Center honoring Melinda and other incredible women who are working for positive change around the world .

    我上周出席了在华盛顿肯尼迪 中心举行的 生命之音颁奖典礼,颁奖典礼上表彰了梅林达以及其她多位为世界正面改变而做出贡献的杰出女性。

  • However it is vital to construct distribution center in developing chain management .

    然而,发展连锁业,配送 中心的建设是 关键

  • As an emerging market of global PV industry Canada constantly increasing the support to PV industry development and becoming another vital center of international PV industry .

    作为全球光伏产业新兴市场,加拿大对光伏产业的扶持力度不断加大,已成为全球光伏产业发展的又一 地。

  • The development of numerically controlled positioner for arc-welding robot is of vital importance to the design of welding flexible manufacturing center ( WEMC ) of arc-welding robot .

    研制弧焊机器人用数控焊接变位机对弧焊机器人柔性加工 单元WEMC)的设计具有 重要的意义。

  • The most important vital parts of all are the philtrum in the head the solar plexus in the trunk and the center of abdomen in the lower part .

    重要的部份是头的太阳穴,躯干的太阳神经丛和在较低的部份腹部的 中心

  • Since the 21st century with the continuous development of industrial economy the science and technology gains the rapid enhancement . China has played more and more vital role in the world economy and has gradually become the production center of the world .

    进入二十一世纪以来,工业经济持续高速发展,科学技术水平得到迅速提高,中国在世界经济舞台上发挥着越来越 重要的作用,正逐渐成为世界的生产 中心

  • The scope management the vital role which to the time the cost and the quality administration center played is confirmed . The time limit for a project dragging the budget increased the quality reduces and so on the key question to solve .

    并且在验证了范围管理对时间、成本和质量管理 起的 重要作用的基础上解决了项目管理中由于范围管理不善而引起的工期拖延、预算增加、质量降低等关键问题。

  • State land resources data center as the middle hub of Land and Resources System data land and resources in the whole system of vital status state land resources data center land and resources directly affect several stages of data exchange and data consistency integrity .

    州级国土资源部门的数据中心,作为国土资源系统 中间数据的枢纽,在整个国土资源系统中的地位 至关重要,州级国土资源的数据,直接影响国土资源各级数据的交换和数据的一致性、完整性。

  • The Phoenix Civic Space weaves together the downtown community with ASU 's Phoenix Campus to create a vital urban center adjacent to the city 's new light rail system .

    菲尼克斯市政公共空间于城市社区以及亚利桑那州立大学共同编织在一起,构建了一个 重要的城市 中心,与城市新的轻轨系统相邻。

  • Significant in terms of industry tourism and especially shipbuilding it is a vital part of Dalian 's plan to become the most important maritime transportation center of northeast Asia .

    具备港口、铁路、高速公路、铁路轮渡等综合交通优势的重要交通枢纽,是大连建设东北亚航运 中心 重要组成部分。

  • Its lack of power however led to the lost of the vital region of Mesopotamia which made its political center move from the west and norm to east gradually foreshadowing the happening of the modern ban-Iraq war and the Kurdish problem bothering the international community .

    但是由于实力不济,波斯失去了至为 重要的两河流域地区,政治 中心从西部、北部逐渐东移。这为现代两伊战争的发生、以及困扰国际社会的库尔德问题埋下了伏笔。