vitamin C


  • But the protective effects of fruits and vegetables are unlikely to be down to vitamin C alone .

    但水果和蔬菜的保护作用是不能仅归功于 维生素 c

  • Vitamin C has many roles to play in weight control . Firstly it is needed for hormone production .

    维生素 C在控制体重方面扮演着多重角色。首先,荷尔蒙的生成有赖于它。

  • Vitamin C is water soluble .

    维生素 C可溶于水。

  • I took milk thistle vitamin E and Vitamin C every day .

    我把牛奶蓟,维生素E和 维生素 C每一天。

  • At least one prior study also suggests vitamin C may be protective against bladder cancer .

    至少有一个事先研究还表明, 维生素 C可保护对膀胱癌。

  • Vitamin C is a good marker for the presence of other vitamins and nutrients in frozen food .

    维生素 C的存在是冷冻食品里存在其他维生素和营养成分的很好说明。

  • Such as vitamin B and vitamin C and other nutrition .

    如维生素B、 维生素 c以及其他营养的好来源。

  • Vitamin C is found in vegetables and fruits such as grapefruit and oranges .

    维他命 C存在于蔬菜和水果中,例如柚子和橘子。

  • Vitamin C is destroyed when overheated .

    维生素 C受热过度就会被破坏。

  • Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid ) Water-soluble organic compound important in animal metabolism .

    维生素 C(亦称抗坏血酸):类似六碳醣类的水溶性有机化合物,在动物代谢作用中具有重要功能。

  • No effect was found for vitamin C or selenium .

    没有发现 维生素 C或硒对死亡率的影响。

  • The water-soluble vitamins embracing the B complex and vitamin C are important for animal metabolism .

    包括维生素B族和 维生素 C在内的水溶性维生素对动物代谢是重要的。

  • It has everything containing zinc beta carotene vitamin A vitamin C and selenium .

    它什么都包括,含锌,含β胡萝卜素、他 c和硒。

  • Vitamin C also called ascorbic acid is an antioxidant that promotes healthy teeth and gums .

    维他命 C,也叫抗坏血酸,是一种抗氧化剂,可以促进牙齿和牙龈的健康。

  • Fruits and vegetables provide rich vitamin C for the needs of our bodies .

    水果和蔬菜能提供丰富的 维他命 C给我们身体所需。

  • Scurvy ( or vitamin C deficiency ) : Nutritional disorder caused by deficiency of vitamin C.

    坏血病(亦称 维生素 c缺乏病):因维生素c缺乏而引起的营养性疾病。

  • The result showed that citric acid and vitamin C had a better fresh-keeping effect .

    结果表明,柠檬酸和 抗坏血酸的保鲜效果较好。

  • Daikon is high in vitamin C and folate .

    白萝卜中 富含 微生物 C和叶酸。

  • Broccoli is said to have lots of Vitamin C and calcium so it 's good for your bones .

    据说甘蓝含有大量 维他命 C和钙,对你的骨骼有好处。

  • Have lots of fruits containing Vitamin C like Guava Oranges Gooseberries .

    o吃一些含有 维他命 C的水果,如番石榴、橙子和醋栗。

  • It has also been fortified with vitamin C

    它还添加了 维生素 C

  • Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from food .

    维生素 C促进食物中铁的吸收。

  • An orange a day will give you all the vitamin C you need .

    每天吃一个橙子能充分摄取所需的 维生素 C

  • Vitamin C helps to detoxify pollutants in the body .

    维生素 C可帮助解除体内污染物的毒性。

  • Many people swear by vitamin C 's ability to ward off colds .

    许多人深信 维生素 C能预防感冒。

  • Supplementation with vitamin C may increase the uptake of a folic acid derivative suggests new research from Belgium .

    比利时一项最新研究建议: 维他命 C的需求可能会拉高叶酸衍生物的需求量。

  • Olives are rich in calcium and vitamin C regular intake can protect cardiovascular system .

    橄榄&橄榄中含有丰富的钙质和 维他命 C,经常食用可保护心血管系统。

  • The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future .

    关于 维生素 C的争议短期内不可能平息。

  • Gradually decrease the amount of vitamin C you are taking

    逐渐减少 维生素 C的服用量。