visual threshold

[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈθrɛʃˌold][ˈviʒuəl ˈθreʃhəuld]


  • Study on the Essential of the Intentional Development of University From the Angle of University Culture Analysis of History of Science in Chinese Senior Middle School Chemistry Textbooks in a Visual Threshold of the Nature of Science

    大学文化视野中的大学内涵发展本质探析科学本质 视域中我国高中化学教科书化学史内容呈现分析

  • On the Ecological Harmony Ideas under the Visual Threshold of the Max and Enges

    马克思恩格斯 视阈下的生态和谐思想

  • Research on aspect ratio invariant visual threshold schemes

    外形比例不失真的 可视 门限方案的研究

  • ' Knowledge Tradition ' of Theory of Instruction : Problem Clearing and Visual Threshold Turning

    教学理论研究的知识传统:问题清理与 视阈转向

  • In this paper tries to explore about the religion relation and its development situation in the visual threshold of building harmonious society in the west coastal area .

    本文试图就西部民族地区构建和谐社会 视阈中的宗教关系及其发展态势作一探索。

  • As filter banks are used to simulate the contrast sensitivity function ( CSF ) in these models the complexity of visual threshold obtainment and real-time ( assessment ) algorithms are increased .

    由于这些模型采用滤波器组模拟对比度敏感函数(CSF),增加了 视觉 阈值获取和实时评价算法的复杂度。

  • On the Solutions to the Resource and Environmental Problems : Based on the Visual Threshold of Ecological Consumption

    基于消费生态 视阈下的资源环境解困路径

  • Chapter One mainly introduces the change and difference of the writing of the new poetry history in the visual threshold of the rewriting in which the impact of the historical context and the change of the poetry concept on the writing of the new poetry history .

    第一章是关注重写 视阈中新诗史写作的变动性与差异性,这其中不可忽视历史语境和诗歌观念转换对新诗史写作的影响。

  • The research about culture self-consciousness is only a narrow view angle in the wide visual threshold of culture but it has close relation with some areas and questions about culture research .

    关于“文化自觉”的研究只是文化 大视 里的一个小视角,但它与文化研究的若干领域与问题联系紧密。

  • On the New Thinking of Student Working Methods under Visual Threshold of Analytical Philosophy

    分析哲学 视阈下学生工作方法的新思维

  • This text attempts to examine folk faith and confederacy closely again in the visual threshold of group of the words regard them as a kind of tissue words to hold .

    本文试图在话语群的 视阈里重新审视民间信仰与秘密结社,并把它们作为一种组织话语加以把握。

  • Audience Analysis and Effective Cross-cultural Communication in the Visual Threshold of Western Rhetoric

    西方修辞学 视阈下的受众分析与跨文化有效交际

  • A Study on Functions of Non-Governmental Organizations under the Visual Threshold of the Rule of Law

    法治 视阈下的非政府组织功能研究

  • The three-dimension analysis of Yan'an spirit under the visual threshold of the scientific outlook on development

    科学发展观 视域下延安精神的三维度分析

  • Visual threshold ( VT ) of blue ink was 1.7 times larger than VT of the black .

    蓝色墨水的 视觉 阈值为黑色的17倍;

  • Fair Countermeasures of Chinese Higher Education under the Visual Threshold of Popularization Analysis on the Certificate Fever : From the Angle of Culture Capital Accumulation and Transformation

    大众化 视阈下我国高校教育公平对策分析文化资本积累与转化视阈下的大学生考证热

  • By the ways of studying periodicals we can touch the historical real state in that visual threshold .

    以期刊研究为径,让我们在这样的 视界中触摸历史的真实状态。

  • On the Crime of the Left-behind Adolescent in Rural Under the Flowing Visual Threshold

    论流动 视阈下的农村留守青少年犯罪&以安徽省G市为例

  • Chinese Socialism Reform in the Visual Threshold of Marx Social Self-criticism

    马克思社会自我批判 视阈中的中国社会主义改革

  • On the Operation Mechanism of Public Governance in the Visual Threshold of Public Deliberation Theory

    公共协商 视域下公共治理运行机制研究

  • However at present the research on government capability both in theory and practice is not very mature and perfect enough especially the study of government capability is rather deficient under the visual threshold of public crisis .

    然而,我国目前关于政府执政能力的研究,在理论和实践上都不够成熟和完善,尤其是在公共危机管理 视阈下的政府执政能力问题的研究更是缺乏。

  • Embedded the watermark information into intermediate frequency in the DCT-based watermark algorithm . Improved the DCT transform speed by using FDCT instead of DCT . Quantized the frequency coefficients by using quantized table made from mentality visual threshold .

    在基于DCT的数字水印算法中利用FDCT变换实现DCT变换,大大提高了变换速度,为了得到中频系数采用了依据心理 视觉 阈值制作的量化表对频率域系数进行量化。

  • Wang 's lenient and understanding present feelings and calm female visual threshold play the most important part in the development of this conception .

    王安忆的宽容和理解的当 下情怀及独特的女性 视域,则是这一历史观形成的重要动因。

  • Value Direction of Surmounting the Visual Threshold of Left-wing Literary and Art Circles in 1930 's & Lu Xun and the Occurrence of Chinese Left-wing Literature Part ⅲ

    超越30年代左翼文艺界 视阈的价值指向&鲁迅与中国左翼文学的发生之三

  • Study on the Higer Vocational Accounting Teacher 's Knowledge Structure in the Visual Threshold of Effective Teaching

    有效教学 视域下高职会计教师知识结构研究

  • Analysis of Individual Moral Development in the Visual Threshold of Dissipative Structural Theory

    耗散结构论 视阈下个体道德发展探析

  • Global Visual Threshold of the Natural Dialectics & An Investigation Based on the 60 Years ' International Academic Communication

    全球化 视阈中的自然辩证法&一种基于国际学术交流60余年历程的考察

  • The critique theory of eco-Marxism from the visual threshold of alien consumption

    生态学马克思主义 视阈中的异化消费批判理论

  • A Tentative Research on SLA in the Visual Threshold of Chaos Theory

    浑沌理论 视阈下的第二语言习得研究初探

  • Analysis of History of Science in Chinese Senior Middle School Chemistry Textbooks in a Visual Threshold of the Nature of Science

    科学本质 视域中我国高中化学教科书化学史内容呈现分析