visible record

[ˈvɪzəbəl rɪˈkɚd][ˈvizəbl riˈkɔ:d]


  • Signs of this momentum were already visible last month when China Central Television secured record prices in its auction of prime-time advertising slots for next year .

    上月,中国中央电视台2009年黄金广告时段拍卖 纪录,已 清楚地显示出了这种趋势。

  • The Rails gem is quite a thin and simple component that orchestrates behind the scenes the seamless integration of all other components ; two of the most visible being Active Record and Action View .

    Railsgem是一个相当简单的组件,它在幕后无缝地集成所有其他组件;最 明显的两个组件是Active Record和ActionView。