


  • Clinic anatomise showed that whole viscus colour and lustre gray ceroid liver surface lucency dropsy but no extravasate appeared in carp fed diet lack of VE .

    临床剖检发现 内脏 器官整体色泽暗淡,颜色蜡黄,肝脏表面透明,水肿,但没有出现渗出液。

  • The Extraction of and Scavenging Hydroxyl Free Radicals by Scallop Viscus Polysaccharide

    虾夷扇贝 内脏多糖的提取及清除羟基自由基作用的研究

  • Rule of lead accumulation and elimination in the tissues of viscus muscle gill of Paralichthys olivaceus and effects of TOC concentration in seawater on the accumulation of lead in the tissues were studied .

    研究了海水中铅在牙鲆 内脏、肌肉、鳃组织中吸收 积累和排放规律及海水中总有机碳浓度对铅吸收的影响。

  • Effect of chitosan oligosaccharide complexes with metal elements on cadmium in viscera of Chlamys Ferrari Study on Preparation and Physicochemical Analysis of Sulphated Scallop ( Patinopecten yessoensis ) Viscus Polysaccharides

    壳寡糖金属配合物对扇贝重金属Cd的影响虾夷扇贝 脏器硫酸酯多糖的制备及性质研究

  • Results 125 patients with closed or open abdominal viscus injuries underwent operation treatment ;

    结果125例闭合性或开放性腹腔 脏器损伤患者均行手术治疗。

  • S. Results Compared with group B pulling reaction of viscus was alleviated significantly in group A the dose of pethidine combined with droperidol decreased significantly and the hemodynamics was more stable ( P < 0.05 ) .

    结果与B组相比,A组 病人 内脏牵拉反应有明显改善,哌氟合剂的用量有明显减少,血流动力学也更平稳(P<0.05)。

  • Objective : Correspondence between Kidney and Winter is one part of Correspondence between five viscus and the five seasons of Basic Theory of TCM .

    目的:肾应冬是中医基础 五脏应时理论的一个部分。

  • The results show that the separation of nucleic acid from protamine is far more easy than from other viscus .

    试验表明从鱼白中分离得到核酸,远比其他 下脚料容易。

  • Observation on therapeutic effect of acupuncture at point Neiguan ( PC 6 ) on traction reflection of the viscus in operation

    针刺内关穴治疗手术中 内脏牵引反射疗效观察

  • A multiplex PCR was developed for the rapid and sensitive detection of Streptococcus suis serotype 2 ( SS2 ) strains and two virulence factors genes : muramidase-released protein ( mrp ) and extracellular factor ( epf ) in viscus from pigs .

    根据相关文献设计并合成引物,建立了能同时检测猪链球菌2型(cps)及其重要毒力因子溶菌酶释放蛋白(mrp)和细胞外因子( epf)的多重PCR方法。

  • Translocation of protein from periphery to viscus : a metabolic response to burn injury

    烧伤后蛋白质从外周到 内脏的转移

  • Study on Preparation and Physicochemical Analysis of Sulphated Scallop ( Patinopecten yessoensis ) Viscus Polysaccharides

    虾夷扇贝 脏器硫酸酯多糖的制备及性质研究

  • To observe toxicity reaction and poisoned degree of guinea pigs after intravesical giving with BCG vaccine and make certain of poisonous target viscus female guinea pigs were tested by two doses of intravesical therapeutic BCG vaccine of 12 mg / kg .

    为观察治疗用BCG对豚鼠膀胱所产生的毒性反应和中毒程度,确定中毒靶 器官,以 BCG12mg/kg。

  • The Research of Viscus Syndrome and Viscus Discrimination of the Two Han Dynasty ; Staging Liver Fibrosis : Time to Abandon Liver Biopsy ?

    两汉时期 脏腑证候与脏腑辨证方法的研究肝纤维化的分期:是该抛弃肝脏活检的时候了?

  • A pattern analysis of convergent neuron discharges induced by muscle and viscus input to rat spinal cord

    大鼠肌肉、 内脏 传入于脊髓背角会聚形式的类型分析

  • AIM : To explore which parasite might be existed in three patients eating raw turtle blood and viscus .

    目的:研究3例患者 吃未熟透的龟血及 内脏而感染何种寄生虫。

  • Aim : To investigate the influence of the vagus nerve on the electrophysiological properties in the Mauthner cell soma and the relationship between soma and viscus .

    目的:研究迷走神经感觉传入信息对 Mauthner细胞(M细胞 兴奋性的影响。

  • Diagnosis of Color Ultrasonography in Viscus Injury of Fracture Patients

    彩超对骨折合并 内脏损伤的诊断

  • A striking feature not explainable in terms of simple viscus behavior is the characteristically blunt terminations or steep outer margins of debris flow .

    不能用简单的粘性来解释一种明显的特征是泥石流的钝形终端,或陡的 外缘

  • Microencapsulated catechin high dosage group middle dosage group could also improved K a ( P < 0.01 ) and increase the viscus index of spleen and thymus ( P < 0.05 P < 0.01 ) ;

    儿茶素微胶囊高、中剂量组小鼠的 廓清指数K和吞噬指数 α有显著的提高(P<0.01);

  • Experiment And Research of the Friction plates on the Hydro Viscus Variable - Speed Clutch

    调速 离合器摩擦片的测试和研究

  • Research on the Hydro Viscus Governor Clutch Electrically Control System


  • And group with HS caused by intra abdominal viscus hemorrhage ( group ⅳ 28 ) .

    腹腔内出血致失血性 休克组(Ⅳ组)28例;

  • Viscus discrimination is one of the important discrimination method that use the viscera theory to guide the clinical diagnosis and treatment .

    脏腑 辨证是运用中医藏象学说指导临床的重要辨证方法之一。

  • Gathered viscus tissues of nude mouse fixed with 10 % dampen formaldehyde solution paraffin embed routine HE stained and morphology observed by microscope .

    搜集裸鼠 脏器组织,10%缓冲福尔马林固定,常规石蜡包埋,HE染色,镜下观察形态学改变。

  • These substances were correlated with energy metabolism . It hinted that these changes probably supplement the enhancement of energy demands and it reflected that some injury on viscus or obstacles on metabolic ways .

    这些物质也均与能量代谢有关,提示这些变化的发生可能是 为了弥补 应激 期间对能量需求的增大,并且反映了一定的 内脏损伤或是其代谢 进程 受到了影响。

  • With the increase of TOC 's concentration the accumulation of Cu Pb Cd in viscus muscle gill of Paralichthys olivaceus decreased obviously .

    当海水TOC 种类 相同时,随TOC浓度的升高,牙鲆的 内脏、肌肉、鳃组织中Cu、Pb、Cd蓄积量均明显下降;

  • Animals had no abnormal change through blood assay viscus organ observation and pathology assay .

    血液化验、 内脏器官观察和病理检验结果,均无异常改变。