view restructuring

[计] 视图重构

  • This provides the article a good opportunity to observe the Qiang villages in the view of social structure and pattern of the restructuring process . So the author focuses on the order of post-disaster recovery and restructuring of social structure of Qiang villages .

    这就给本文提供了一个很好的机会来 观察羌族村寨在社会结构 重组过程和模式,故笔者在本文着重关注羌族村寨在灾后村庄秩序的恢复和社会结构的重组问题。

  • The thinking of the action logic urges us to adopt a kind of epistemological perspective while investigating the educational actions which is actually a kind of new knowledge view and a restructuring of the relationships between knowledge and practice .

    对行动逻辑的思考促使我们在考察教育行动时采取一种认识论视野,这一视野就其内核而言就是一种新的知识 ,以及 依此对知识和实践之间相互关系的 重构

  • From the point of view of economics this change accelerated the restructuring of rural micro economic organization stimulated the movement of productive resources and factors and promoted the coordinate development of agriculture and the whole economy .

    从经济发展 角度 观察,制度变迁促进了对农村微观经济组织的 改造,引发了农业资源要素的流动,实现了农业与国民经济的共同发展;

  • We can improve the competitiveness of Construction industry in Chongqing from following points of view : the financing strategy industry restructuring management and the technological innovation .

    并提出了几项政策 思路,从融资策略、产业 机构 调整、经营管理、技术创新等 角度 出发来提高重庆市建筑产业竞争力。

  • In view of the problems in China court mediation learn from overseas judicial ADR proposed the specific idea of restructuring China court mediation .

    针对我国法院调解存在的问题,借鉴国外的司法ADR,提出 重构法院调解制度的具体设想。

  • Only sets up the new reform view adjusts the way and the method of restructuring of enterprise carries on the benefit conformity can compromise the benefit contradictory conflicts and promote society harmony .

    只有树立新的改革 ,调整企业 改制路径和方法,进行利益整合,才能化解利益矛盾冲突,促进社会和谐。

  • In view of the different type village pattern and the function change proposes three kind of village space restructuring pattern namely city suburb village central in city suburb village unit type city outer suburb village group type . 5 .

    针对不同类型村落的格局和功能的变化,提出三种村落空间 重构模式,即城市近郊村落的集中式、城市中郊村落的单元式、城市远郊村落的组团式。

  • From the macroscopic view in recent years the international economic situation and the competitive landscape has undergone great changes western developed capitalist countries increase economic restructuring the penetration of the mainstream ideology in China still did not stop .

    从宏观环境 来看,近年来,国际经济局势和竞争格局发生了很大变化,西方发达资本主义国家加大经济 转型 力度,并且运用先进媒体手段对我国主流意识形态的渗透仍然没有停止。

  • In company with changes in present college running mechanism fund structure accounting objectives should be transferred to decision-usefulness view . To be specific restructuring should be carried on in the objects range and quality features of accounting information .

    随着当前高校办学体制、资金结构等方面的变化,会计目标应当 受托责任观向决策有用 转变,具体地应当在会计信息提供的对象、会计信息的范围和信息的质量特征三方面 进行 重构

  • At the same time were from the government people social security and technology point of view as a breakthrough for the Huainan coal industry restructuring to create a favorable external environment .

    分别从政府、人才、社会保障、技术等 角度为突破口,为淮南市煤炭产业 转型营造一个良好的外部环境。

  • From our point of view the second Greek aid package including this restructuring must be in place quickly .

    我们 认为,包括 债务 重组在内的第二轮希腊纾困方案必须尽快到位。

  • In order to seek common view the author discussed how to get the existing assets stock well work enliven the operation of capital and exploit other resoures other than minerals and expressed his views on the critical issues of assets restructuring and resources optimization .

    为求 共识,作者就这类矿山如何搞好资产存量的运转、搞活资本运营、开发除矿产资源以外的其它资源进行了探讨,并就资产 重组与资源 重新优化的关键问题发表了见解。

  • But the Irish case also shows that the German view of how the eurozone should work is mistaken : fiscal sloppiness is not the main problem and fiscal retrenchment and debt restructuring are not the sole solutions .

    但爱尔兰的例子还表明,德国关于欧元区应如何运作的 观点是错误的:财政混乱不是主要问题,财政紧缩和债务 重组也不是唯一的解决办法。