


  • With a bit of design work you can use Viewport Rectangle to create some unique behaviors .

    只需一点设计工作,你就可以用 视口矩形创造出一些独特的行为。

  • Returns a ray going from camera through a viewport point .

    返回从相机出发穿过 视点的一个射线。

  • The tx and ty functions use these new viewport coordinates to translate viewport coordinates into physical coordinates .

    tx和ty函数使用新的 viewport坐标,并将viewport坐标转换成物理坐标。

  • This way the Line Oval and Rectangle classes can all work with viewport coordinates without having to worry about the translation .

    使用这种方法,Line、Oval和Rectangle类都可以利用 viewport坐标,而不需要担心坐标转换的问题。

  • Get the current offset of the first matched element relative to the viewport .

    获取匹配元素在当前 视口的相对偏移。

  • The test creates a viewport between-1000 - 1000 and1000 .

    这段测试代码会在-1000,-1000与1000000之间创建一个 viewport

  • The other items will center the link in the viewport .

    其他条目将在 视窗中居中 显示该链接。

  • You 'll also be using the iPhone development plug-in which provides a mock iPhone screen for you to preview your development in an iPhone-size viewport .

    您还将使用iPhone开发插件,该插件将为您提供一个模拟的iPhone屏幕以在iPhone大小的 视窗中预览开发。

  • The dimensions of the # header ID class are now in line with the iPhone viewport and I manually changed the background image to fit in the space .

    headerID类的尺寸现在符合iPhone 视窗 大小,并且我手动更改了背景图片以适应空间大小。

  • Transforms position from screen space into viewport space .

    从屏幕空间到 视窗空间的变换位置。

  • The viewport is the amount of viewable browser space which is defined in CSS pixels and determined by the device and browser .


  • First notice that in the head of the document I set the viewport .


  • A viewport is an artificial coordinate system that is translated into the physical coordinate system of the image .


  • Also the viewport size that 's set by the device and browser can differ from what appears as the actual window size .

    此外,设备和浏览器设置的 大小不同于实际显示的窗口大小。

  • The code writes to viewport and the viewport does the mapping to the physical size of the image automatically .

    代码负责向 这个 viewport中写入数据,然后这个viewport自动实现到图像的物理尺寸的自动映射。

  • The viewport size of the Camera when set to Orthographic .

    当设置了正交时摄像机的 视口大小。

  • In the future I would like to add the ability to support Viewport scaling as well .

    在未来,我想补充的能力,支持缩放 视口也。

  • In iPhoney the Web page is compressed to the size of the viewport ( more in keeping with the actual iPhone display of the page ) .

    在iPhoney中,Web页面将被压缩成 视窗的尺寸(让页面更符合实际的iPhone显示界面)。

  • Fortunately these settings will be overridden by the viewport metatag if present in your Web page .

    幸运的是,如果呈现在您的Web页面内,这些设置将被 viewportmetatag覆盖。

  • The viewport tag changes the logical view size when displaying a page .

    显示页面时 视窗标签修改逻辑视图大小。

  • In the Top viewport find the curves selected below and loft them together using the default options .

    俯视 ,找到下图中所选曲线,用默认设置一起放样。

  • You can use a special meta-tag to specify the properties of the Mobile Safari viewport .

    您可以使用特殊的meta标记来指定MobileSafari 视窗的属性。

  • A fast and accurate picking algorithm based on viewport space is presented .

    提出一种基于 视口空间的快速精确的拾取算法。

  • AutoCAD in layout and Application of the Floating Viewport

    AutoCAD中布局与浮动 视口的应用

  • Figure 1 shows a mobile web page that uses the < meta viewport > tag and displays the content more appropriately for the device being used .


  • This is a key since moving a dense mesh around your viewport can really slow down your system .

    这是因为移动的 视口周围密集的网格可以真正降低您的系统的关键。

  • The iPhone plug-in provides a preview environment for displaying your Web application in an iPhone-size viewport .

    iPhone插件将提供在iPhone大小的 视窗中显示Web应用程序的预览环境。

  • The two displays differ in what they show when the site is larger than the iPhone viewport .

    当站点比iPhone 视窗大时,这两个显示界面在显示内容时会有所不同。