view of the scene

[vju ʌv ði sin][vju: ɔv ðə si:n]


  • This method uses spherical panoramic images to provide fixed-point 360 ° view of the scene here and produce many pieces of panoramic images down the street . Using the jump of panoramic images achieve the purpose of roaming .

    该类方法利用球面全景图像提供定点360° 视野 场景浏览,沿街道生成多幅全景图像,通过多幅全景图像的跳转来达到漫游的目的。

  • Therefore in view of this question this article proposes the optimized strategy to enhance the scene production speed and the related files download speed then produces the corresponding technical solution .

    因此, 针对此问题,提出了提高 场景生成速度及 场景相关文件下载速度 优化策略,并给出了相应的技术解决方案。

  • It is also a difficult problem because of variety of plants species plentiful external morphology and complex growth process . In the view of fractal plants mostly have self-similar fractal characteristics . It bears very simple rules behind the irregular features of natural Scene .

    植物种类繁多、外部形态结构丰富多样、生长过程复杂,但是从分形的 角度,植物大都具有自我相似的分形特征,在 这些不规则的形态背后, 蕴藏着极其简单的规则。

  • In view of the effect of pile-net composite foundation reinforced soft foundation of high-speed railway the author in the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway test scene carried on a series of field test .

    作者 针对桩-网复合结构加固高速铁路软土路基 实际效果,在京沪高速铁路试验 现场,进行了一系列的现场测试。

  • And nothing but scenery that view of the meadow in October returns again and again to me like a symbolic scene in a film .

    惟有十月草原上的 景象如电影中的标志性 场景般一直在脑海中闪过。

  • At last using DirectX technology and OOP pattern this paper tested technologies and methods mentioned before . The performance of a more realistic view of the rain the sky and water such as the effect of the real scene .

    同时结合DirectX技术,面向对象程序设计的设计思想,对相关技术和方法进行了证明和实现,较为真实地表现了 雨景、天空体和水波等 场景的真实的效果。

  • The virtual scene model adopted in this paper is based on spherical panoramic image in accordance with the corresponding position relationship in the space and makes each view of the scene links to the other view through the space chain . 2 .

    该文所采用的虚拟场景模型是以球面全景图像为 视点,按照空间中相应的位置关系, 场景 每个 视点通过空间链与其它视点链接构造而成。

  • The traditional image capture device of which the field of view is narrow could not meet the demand of macro information of the whole scene but panoramic vision can achieve a comprehensive capture of the scene information .

    传统窄 视角的普通摄像头已经不能满足 场景信息宏观层次的 分析需求,而新兴的全景视觉拍摄装置能够一次性抓拍周围场景 全部信息。

  • Stereo matching is a correspondence between the relations by looking for the same space at different point of view of the pixel under the projection image and eventually get the disparity map of the scene . Stereo matching is the core issue in stereo vision .

    立体匹配是通过寻找同一空间 场景在不同 视点下投影图像 像素间的一一对应关系,最终得到该 景物的视差图,是整个立体视觉系统中的核心部分。

  • In the preprocessing of the remotely sensed data acquired by the satellites the geographical coordinate of the image are determined on the basis of the conversions of the satellite view vectors and the computation of the scene benchmark geographical coordinate .

    在卫星遥感数据预处理中,图像地理坐标是基于卫星观测 视线向量的变换和 基准点地理坐标的计算而确定的。

  • In a nutshell the TBA advocates take a non-holistic view of language learning or teaching . However we will have a different conclusion if we approach the linguistic scene from the cognitive linguistic perspective .

    简而言之,任务型教学法倡导者持有一种非完型语言教学或学习 。然而,从认知语言学角度 审视这个问题,我们会得出不同的结论。

  • The paper designs the virtual scene collectivity model of the simulating service system and establishes the space time relation model between the virtual object and the view point of the virtual scene .

    设计了模拟维修系统中的虚拟场景总体模型,建立了虚拟 场景中虚拟对象与 视点之间的时空关系模型。

  • In the existing IBR systems they can only provide new view point of the image and have not the function of editing of scene .

    现有的基于图象的绘制(IBR)系统中,只能提供 新视点 图象,并不具有对 场景编辑的功能。

  • Sense organ commutation design is in view of the disabled peoples as blind person deaf-mute person the sense organ degenerates senior citizen as well as the normal person accidentally meets sense organ barrier scene .

    感官代偿设计 着眼于盲人、聋哑人等残疾人,感官退化的老年人,以及正常人偶发感官障碍的 情景

  • In this system an omnidirectional camera is used to obtain the 360 ° view images of the global scene .

    系统中使用全方位摄像机作为图像采集设备,能在一 图像中获取水平方向360° 环境信息。

  • The three-dimensional ( 3-D ) representation and view generation of 2-D image sequence is the key technique to the 3-D scene realization .

    平面序列图像的立体化表述和任意 视点生成是实现3-D 场景 关键技术。

  • Then Article pointed out the three process of ethical construction : ( 1 ) Network News reported that the object to write to a panoramic view of the real scene we must abide by the principle of authenticity ; network news must be to safeguard the border .

    文章指出:(1)、网络新闻采写要报道对象的 全景真实 景象,一定要恪守真实性原则;网络新闻采写一定要维护新闻采写的边界。

  • From the view of the perspectives of space poetics and space politics The Adventure of Robinson Crusoe provides an initiative scene of western modernity .

    从空间诗学和空间政治的 角度 ,《鲁滨孙漂流记》提供了一个西方现代性展开的初始 场景

  • This text tries to expounds view components of mountains rivers afforestation and facility advocates humanized individualized pluralistic house landscape design combining the modern landscape design idea with the quintessence of making scene art of China 's tradition .

    本文尝试从继承中国传统 造景艺术的精华,结合现代景观设计理念,阐述山水、绿化、设施等构成 景观的元素,从而倡导人性化、个性化、多元化的住宅景观设计。

  • Based on constructivism learning view combining with characteristics of higher vocational education the article put forward suggestions to the curriculum setup of higher vocational education in emphasizing the initiative socialization and scene of learning of students .

    基于建构主义学习 ,结合高职教育特点,在强调学生学习的主动性、社会性、 情境性等方面,提出对高等职业教育课程设置的建议。

  • Finally in view of the TD-LTE and2G / 3G interoperability target demand this paper designed the typical scene of interoperability and set up the simulation platform take the scheduling time as evaluation method compare several scheduling modes and choose the optimum scheme .

    最后, 针对TD-LTE与2G/3G的互操作目标需求,本文设计出了互操作的典型 场景,并搭建仿真平台,将切换调度时间作为评价方法,比较几种调度方式,确定最优方案。

  • At last this paper introduces a standard to assess the threat level of the network attack and introduces how to integrate various alarm information from all parts of the network to make the overall view of the attack scene and locate the source of the attack .

    最后,本文介绍了一种评测网络攻击威胁的标准,评估攻击所带来的危害程度,并介绍了如何综合各个局部预警所得的关联信息,生成全局攻击 场景 视图,以定位攻击源。

  • In view of some currently existing problems in scene investigation this paper discusses that the problem of procedure must be emphasized in the process of scene investigation so as to guarantee the realization of procedural justice .

    针对当前现场勘查中存在的问题,必须强调在 现场勘查过程中要注意程序问题,以确保程序正义的实现;

  • Security hidden danger exists which in view of the hydraulic engineering construction in to the safety control prevention the scene control and the system method does by discusses .

    针对水利工程施工中存在的安全隐患,对安全管理预防, 现场控制及系统的方法作以探讨。