virtual circuit

[ˈvɚtʃuəl ˈsɚkɪt][ˈvə:tjuəl ˈsə:kit]


  • This dissertation mainly did research on the long-distance controllable basic circuit element needs in the design of the network virtual circuit laboratory .

    本文从要闭于设计网络 道试验室须要的遥程否操控基本电道元件入行了研讨。

  • Virtual circuit management mechanism of software router based on service unit is proposed ; design and realization of virtual circuit manager is discussed .

    提出了基于服务元架构的软件路由器 电路管理机制,设计并实现软件路由器中的虚电路管理器。

  • This paper states the virtual circuit architecture prototype host based on Service Unit Network Architecture ( SUNA ) .

    本文论述了基于服务元网络体系结构的 电路结构的原型主机。

  • At Last the paper summarize the design idea of the J2EE WEB Framework of virtual circuit experiment system emphasizes the importance that the IOC container effect virtual experiment system .

    文章总结了 虚拟 实验系统中J2EEweb框架的设计思想,重点阐述了IOC容器的实现对于系统应用开发的影响;

  • Users choose a source-routed path through a set of nodes and negotiate a virtual circuit through the network in which each node knows its predecessor and successor but no others .

    用户端在网络上一堆 结点中协商选择一条路由,这里面每个结点都知道它的前承和后继结点,但不知道其它的结点的存在。

  • Comparing to virtual circuit the method proposed in the paper has less communication delay and higher network throughout .

    相对于 电路方式实现的实时通信,本文设计的FC实时交换机具有实时通信延迟小、系统吞吐量高等优点。

  • This device provides network access over a permanent virtual circuit

    这个设备在永久 电路上提供网络访问

  • My main task is to accomplish the virtual circuit management module . So this paper focus on the deep research of this module .

    本人的主要工作就是完成 原型 主机 电路管理模块的设计与实现,因此,本文对基于服务元 网络 体系结构的虚电路模块进行了深入的研究。

  • This permanent virtual circuit will be used by applications that are calling with the following criteria

    此永久 电路会被用以下标准调用的应用程序使用

  • Research on communication strategies based on virtual circuit in micro-communication element architecture

    微通信元构架基于 电路的通信策略研究

  • Implementation of virtual circuit in computer network

    计算机网中 电路的实现

  • This paper defines the network environment condition and main processes for implementing virtual circuit service in the computer network and describes the design methods about these processes .

    本文定义了在计算机网络中实现 电路服务的网络环境和主要进程,并描述了这些进程的实现方法。

  • A Modeling Method for Virtual Circuit Experiments

    虚拟 电路实验的一种建模方法

  • Problems concerning virtual circuit packets and their confirmation flow control logical channel state diagram and state table are firstly discussed then packet-level module design including data structure commands of interface to both transport-level and link-level routing algorithm etc.

    接着 论述了 设计分组级模块时要确定与解决的问题,例如与传送级模块及链路级模块间接口命令的设计、数据结构的设计、路径算法等。

  • We then created an ATM permanent virtual circuit ( PVC ) assigned it to the variable bit rate non-real-time ATM service category and configured a sustained cell rate of6 Mbps .

    我们创建了一个ATM永久 虚拟 电路(PVC),然后分配了可变的速率到非实时ATM服务类别,并且配置了6Mbps的持续信元速率。

  • For the real-time performance the virtual circuit between ports is firstly used to build the distributed measurement and control system .

    论文从实时性出发,第一次使用端到端 电路构建分布式测控系统。

  • This dissertation mainly show the plan of the MCES based virtual circuit on the PC platform and linux OS and the test of its performance .

    本篇论文主要讲述我们在充分的研究与建模验证之后,在PC的硬件平台和Linux操作系统下对基于 电路的微通信元架构基本模型的实现方案,以及对他性能的验证与测试。

  • Traffic on each virtual circuit can be encrypted with its own distinct key .

    每个 虚拟 线路上的通信可以用其自己特定的密钥进行加密。

  • In order to manage the relation of teacher student and system administrator effectively we select J2EE WEB Framework based on B / S to develop virtual circuit experiment system .

    为了有效处理教师、学生、管理员在整个实验系统之间的关系, 虚拟 实验管理系统开发采用了基于B/S架构的J2EEweb框架。

  • Based on Object Oriented Programming I designed Virtual Circuit module of prototype SU router and coded its function with C + + in linux kernel .

    本文在linux2.2.18内核下,采用面向对象的思想,用C++程序开发语言对SU原型路由器中 电路模块进行了设计,进而用C++语言进行内核模块编程实现其功能。

  • We solve the address spoofing and flood attacking problems by virtual circuit .

    引如 电路机制可以解决在原层次网络体系结构中所存在的地址欺骗问题以及洪水攻击问题等。

  • The object of virtual circuit laboratory is to provide students with a virtual experiment environment on the virtual platform as a real laboratory .

    虚拟 电路实验室的目标就是给学生提供一个与真实实验相同的虚拟试验环境。

  • Assumption of Using Electronic System Simulation Function of EDA to Construct Virtual Circuit Experiment Teaching

    运用EDA技术的电子系统仿真功能构建 虚拟电子 电路实验教学的设想

  • Research of denial of service attack defense based on virtual circuit

    基于 电路的拒绝服务攻击防御研究

  • Stand on the two we design and develop a remote virtual circuit experiment platform based on some technology now available such as virtual reality network and simulation .

    在此基础上,利用现有的虚拟现实技术、网络技术、仿真技术,我们设计并开发了一套远程 虚拟 电路实验系统。

  • This data stream transmission based on the virtual circuit architecture .

    数据流的传输是建立在 电路结构上的,能够保证网络服务质量。 电路结构下传输数据的全过程可以分为 建立 电路、传输数据和 撤销 电路三个阶段。

  • A permanent virtual circuit is a path that stays open even when no traffic is using it .

    永久性 虚拟 电路是即便没有信息流通过时仍保持开放的通道。

  • FC standard adopts virtual circuit to realize real-time communication .

    标准的FC协议采用 电路方式支持实时通信。

  • Management model of virtual circuit under service unit network is constructed and analyzed ; Policies about how to manage virtual circuits and communication model based on virtual circuits under service unit network are deeply studied . 3 .

    建立并分析服务元网络下的 电路管理模型,研究服务元路由器的虚电路管理策略以及服务元网络的虚电路通信模型。