virulence test

[医] 毒力试验

  • One strain was S.suis and the other one was S.iniae . Virulence test indicated that 10 strains submitted β hemolysis and 100 % of them were fatal to white mouse completely the other 4 strains submitted α hemolysis .

    致病 试验结果表明:有10株链球菌呈β溶血,4株呈α溶血,呈β溶血的菌株对小白鼠的致死性为100%。

  • Methods To summarize the curative effect in clinical use and carry out animal acute virulence test .

    方法观察其临床疗效,并进行动物急性 毒性 试验

  • RESULTS Virulence test group : the hemoculture of one mouse was positive after injected the bacteria into its abdominal cavity for 12 hours and viscera bacterial culture was positive .

    结果 毒力 实验组:1只小鼠腹腔注射细菌悬液12h后血培养阳性,解剖脏器压印细菌培养阳性;

  • Sanxiaodan ( 6 % bingduo · duo ) WG was selected to control rice blast through virulence determination in vitro and pot test in greenhouse .

    通过室内 毒力测定和网室生物测定,筛选出6% 三消丹(6%丙多·多)水分散粒剂用于防治水稻稻瘟病。

  • The studies on pathogene virulence resistance genes and resistance breeding of wheat powdery mildew were reviewed from pathogene variation in physiology and virulence test resistance genes and usage .

    本文从小麦白粉病菌生理分化与 毒性 监测,抗病基因及其利用,小麦抗白粉育种新途径三个层面综述了我国小麦白粉病菌致病毒性,抗病基因利用和抗白粉育种研究的最新进展。

  • Methods : ① Virulence test group : Divide 35 mice into four groups in random ② The group with wound infected : Divide 35 SPF mice into four groups in random after their legs were injured ;

    方法:分为① 毒力 实验组:35只二级昆白小鼠随机分为4组,②伤口感染实验组:35只SPF小鼠,腿部致伤后随机分为4组;

  • In order to avoid the interference among different virulent cells mono-cell clones with different virulence should be used as test materials when probing into the molecular identifying system of pathogenic races .

    为避免不同毒力细胞菌系的相互干扰,探讨小种分子鉴定系统时,应采用不同 毒力的单细胞菌系作为 材。

  • Methods Making use of enterobacterial virulence and invasive test DNA profile analysis and challenge test of rhesus monkey to determine the safety and stability of S7 and S7R .

    方法应用肠道细菌 毒力和侵袭力 检测、宋内菌大质粒DNA图谱分析和猴体口服耐受试验对S7株、S7R株进行安全性和稳定性分析。

  • In addition the determination of physical and chemical property of the viruses by using tracheal ring culture virulence measurement and virus neutralization test were applied too .

    用动物回归和免疫保护 试验进行了毒株的 致病 研究,用气管环组织培养对病毒进行理化特征测定、 测定与中和 试验

  • Study on feasibility of growing cotton in irrigated areas of Ningxia virulence test of cotton wilt fungus in Sichuan cotton areas

    宁夏引黄灌区植棉可行性分析四川省棉区棉花枯萎病菌菌系 致病 测定

  • Take method of bactericide virulence determination-method of growth speed to test chemical inducer has public nuisance or not .

    采用杀菌剂 毒力测定方法-生长速率 检测化学诱抗剂是否在体外对烟草黑胫病菌有直接杀菌作用;

  • Virulence Test on SPF Chickens Using a New Avian Infectious Bronchitis

    胃病变型鸡传染性支气管炎 病毒 分离株(IBV-D971)对SPF鸡的 致病 试验

  • Studies on drug susceptibility serotype and molecular epidemiology of Streptococcus from swine were investigated through biochemical reaction test drug susceptibility test PCR typing PCR test of virulence factor genes and animal test assays .

    通过生化试验、药敏试验、PCR分型、 毒力基因的PCR检测及动物 试验对分离的猪源链球菌进行药物敏感性、血清型和分子流行病学初步研究。

  • Methods Isolation of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi by animal serology indentification rest of virulence and immunity . Prior to the air pressure test a trial test shall be carried out using air or other nontoxic and incombustible gas .

    方法动物分离,血清分型, 毒力 测定及免疫力试验。气体压力 试验时,必须用空气或其他无毒、可燃气体介质进行预试验。

  • We selected the bacteria which have strong virulence by test and studied on the chiasm of the antigen of the principal pathogen bacteria by agglutination test and two-way agar diffusion test .

    对主要的病原菌进行细菌 毒力 试验,根据 毒力 试验结果,选择 毒力较强的主要病原菌进行凝集试验和双向琼扩试验对其抗原交叉性进行分析。

  • Improvement of a Method for Determining and Differentiating Virulence of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus ( IBDV ) Isolates and the Virulence Test of 7 Chinese IBDV Isolates

    鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒毒力测定方法的改进及国内7个毒株 毒力 测定

  • Among them a variation fungi strain of M_ ( 337 ) is proved that virulence is obviously lower than the maternal strain through virulence test .

    其中M(337)变异菌株经过 毒力 测定,证明其毒力明显低于出发母株。