Objective To discuss the reliability of the vertical tube shift technique ( from a panoramic and a maxillary occlusal radiograph ) for localization of the unerupted maxillary anterior teeth .
目的探讨 垂直球管 移动技术用于上颌埋伏阻生前牙定位的可靠性。
Research on the Vertical Specialization in East Asia and the Shift of China s Trade Structure ; Climatology of the Effective Winds at Millstone
东亚 垂直专业化与我国贸易结构变迁 Millstone地区垂直等效风场的气候学变化
The Origin Vertical Shift of National Height Datum 1985 with respect to the Geoidal Surface
1985国家高程基准相对于大地水准面的 垂直 偏差
The algorithm can accurately acquires the two-dimensional spatial shift quantum by means of projecting each frame along horizontal and vertical directions and using gradient-based one-dimensional shift estimation to process the two projection vectors respectively .
该算法通过将图像序列中的每一帧图像分别沿水平和 垂直方向进行积分投影形成两个积分投影向量,并应用基于梯度的一维 平移估计技术处理,从而精确地获取二维空间上的平移量。
Clinic observation on radiographic localization of unerupted maxillary anterior teeth : using vertical tube shift technique
X线 垂直球管 移动技术用于上颌埋伏前牙定位的临床观察
Mining width : With the increased exploitation of the width of the surface deformation ( vertical and horizontal direction ) along with increasing shift ; sink basin the width of the range of mining increases with growing .
开采宽度的影响:随着开采宽度的增加,地表变形值( 竖向及水平方向) 移随之递增;下沉盆地的范围随着开采宽度的增加而不断扩大。
This conclusion is not a mere surmise but is based on the comprehensive information of relatively large regional horizontal and vertical shift of climatic zones during the Quaternary time provided by researches of related disciplines .
这种论断主要依据有关学科取自各个相关地点地层中气温冷暖显著递变的资料,所综合提供的第四纪时期气候带曾经发生过多次水平与 垂直地域性方面大幅度 迁移的数据和信息。
When the horizontal seismic load and vertical structure load under the acts the stress and settlement of shallow foundation vertical structure is larger than just the vertical structure loads and the extreme points of each layer of the has different shift .
而水平地震和竖向结构荷载共同作用下地基的沉降和应力值较仅有 竖向结构荷载作用下的值大,并且每层的极值点向地震作用方向都有不同程度的 偏移。
The reorganization of the global food supply chain shift small farmers ' food production to agro-industrial integration which is the contract production and vertical integration . Such a shift excludes small farmers in the lucrative transaction opportunities and has a negative impact on the welfare of small farmers .
全球食品供应链的重组使食品生产由小农转向农工一体化(即合同生产和 垂直一体化), 把小农排斥在有利可图的贸易机会之外,并对小农的福利造成负面影响。
There was no significant difference in subsidence of femoral prosthesis and horizontal or vertical shift of acetabular prosthesis between two groups .
股骨假体的下沉和髋臼假体的水平、 垂直 移位两组患者中差别不显著。
In the KOE region the vertical advection heat flux and horizontal advection anomalies are all important in producing the regime shift and the horizontal advection anomalies were found crucial for the time of the regime shift .
在 KOE区, 垂直平流、热通量和水平平流三者都起了重要作用,其中水平平流异常对这一区域海温年代际跃变出现的时间起了至关重要的作用。
Remote sensing data and numerical model results suggest that the southerly wind plays a key role in shaping this upwelling strip while the tide-enhanced vertical eddy viscosity results in an offshore shift of the strip .
遥感数据分析和数值模型结果表明南风是该区域上升流条带状分布形成的主要动力,潮混合加强了 垂 向粘性系数导致上升流冷水带向外海 移动。
The transfer process of the charge packet through the horizontal and vertical shift registers in a TDI-CCD sensor is an important process in the whole photoelectric conversion process that happens in the TDI-CCD sensor .
TDI-CCD传感器水平和 垂直 移位寄存器中电荷包转移过程是TDI-CCD传感器所实现的光电转换过程中的一个重要过程。
Furthermore the larger the leakage is farther away from the center of the lateral junction the larger the vertical shift is .
而且,漏电流越远离结的中心, 偏移量越大。
The result shows the effect of uniform wind fields rebuild is good however the vertical velocity in shift one is not ideal .
结果显示,对匀速风场反演的效果很好,在进行非匀速( 变 向 和 变速)风场的模拟时发现反演的 垂直速度很不理想,但反演的水平风场效果较好。
Modeling and Analysis of the Drift Magnitude of Rocket during Vertical Takeoff Phase the S-shaped Zn-pH isotherms shift toward lower pH and the lower pH value is needed for the same amount of zinc adsorption on phosphate-goethite .
火箭 垂直起飞段漂移变化的建模与分析S型Zn-pH等温线明显地向低pH段 漂移;
美[ˈvɚtɪkəl ʃɪft]英[ˈvə:tikəl ʃift]