vertical pump

[ˈvɚtɪkəl pʌmp][ˈvə:tikəl pʌmp]


  • The performance curve of each throat area was drew and the influence law of throat area on the performance of vertical mixed-flow pump was summarized in order to provide several reliable reference for the improvement of vertical mixed-flow pumps .

    绘制出相应喉部面积下对应的 性能曲线,总结蜗壳喉部面积变化对 性能曲线影响的规律,对 立式混流泵性能改进提供确实的依据。

  • The single-phase vertical draining pump has reasonable structure stable performances convenient use and wide scope of application and the use length can be set according to demands .

    本实用 新型结构合理,性能稳定,使用方便,适用范围广,使用长度可根据需要 定。

  • The existing problems and the treatment measures in designing the small vertical axial pump stations are introduced .

    介绍了小型 立式轴流 泵站设计中经常出现的问题及解决办法。

  • The results show that guide bearing load of large vertical water pump has something to do with inlet passage of pump station pump unit manufacture and installation quality structure pattern .

    研究结果表明:大型 立式 水泵导轴承荷载与进水流道和机组制造安装质量、结构形式有关。

  • Vertical pump arrangementtube or at the bottom of the framework the top of pump body should be set aside by the installation and maintenance of the space required .

    立式 布置在管廊下方或框架下方时,其上方应留出泵体安装和检修所需要的空间。

  • Experiences of Repairing and Operating High Pressure Vertical Canned-Motor Pump

    高压 立式屏蔽 检修与运行的经验

  • In this article the vertical pipeline pump is taken as an example to analyze and decide the rational installation and experiment method .

    下面主要以 立式管道 为例从工厂试验的角度进行分析,确定合理的安装和试验方法。

  • Application of PTFE in zl-model vertical multistage pump

    PTFE在ZL型 立式多级 中的应用

  • Control of Two Level Differences of Parts in Large Vertical Pump Units

    大型 立式 机组用同步 电机两个高差的 安装控制

  • Research on start-up transient of vertical axial-flow pump station

    大型 立式轴流 泵站起动过渡过程研究

  • The power of the pumps in primary pump station can be reduced evidently by adding a vertical secondary pump station in the branch with the worst water use for some mountain water supply systems . Therefore the energy consumption of the whole water supply system is decreased markedly .

    在某些山区供水系统中的最不利用水点所在支线 设置二级 供水站,可以显著地降低一级供水站水泵的功率,从而大幅度降低整个系统的能耗。

  • Performance analysis and design improvement of thrust bearing bush in a large vertical pump unit

    大型 立式 水泵机组推力瓦性能分析及改进设计

  • And provide some references for installation and maintenance of the large-scale vertical pump .

    对大型 立式 水泵的安装及维护具有一定的借鉴意义。

  • Research on the parameters of each exit for multi outlet vertical pump

    多出水口 立式 的出水口性能参数的研究

  • The device which was used for treating the waste water containing fluoride was reformed as follows : adding a water seal pot replacing the vertical submerged pump by horizontal centrifugal pump which was made of high content tantiron and was linked with water seal pot .

    对含氟废水处理装置进行了改造:增加水封罐,选用与水封罐相联的高硅铁卧式离心泵代替原 立式液下

  • Design study on multiphase sealless vertical centrifugal pump

    多相流 立式无轴封离心 的设计研究

  • A new developed rubber vibration isolator of type SD was presented on the basis of the program of Vibration Isolation Test of Vertical Pump Assemblies .

    本文结合 立式 水泵隔振测试工作,介绍了JSD型橡胶隔振器。

  • Bearings are key parts of a large vertical pump unit . Their breakdown and malfunction proba ˉ bilities are very high which seriously influences the reliability of pump unit .

    轴承是大型 立式 机组的关键部件,故障发生率高,严重影响机组的可靠性。

  • Design 、 Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Vane Self-priming Vertical Pump

    导叶 立式自吸 设计、数值模拟及试验研究

  • Influence of each factor on blade inlet flow of a large vertical axial-flow pump is analyzed formation mechanism of flow field in the cross section is studied .

    分析各因素对大型 立式轴流 叶片进口流态的影响,研究该断面流场的形成机理。

  • The experiments showed that both the pump installations had better performance characteristics than that from a usual vertical submersible pump installation . The submersible pump installation with a reversible impeller especially suit for low head bidirectional pumping station on account of its simple structure and easy management .

    研究表明,这两种双向贯流泵装置的性能均优于目前常用的 井筒式装置,特别是双向叶轮潜水贯流 装置具有结构简单、维护管理方便的优点,适合于低扬程双向泵站使用。

  • Some design experience of small vertical axial pump stations

    小型 立式轴流 泵站设计的几点经验 可靠性 煤泥 的设计研究与应用

  • Theoretical and Experimental Research on Characteristics of Vertical Self-priming pump

    立式自吸 输气性能的理论与试验研究

  • The utility model relates to a vertical self-sucking pump which comprises a water inlet section a suction pipe a water-guide cone a flare tube and the like .

    一种 立式自吸 ,是由进水段、吸水管、导水锥、喇叭管等所组成。

  • According to the angle between pump shaft and horizontal line a pump system could be divided into three types which are vertical pump system slanting pump system and horizontal pump system respectively .

    根据泵轴轴线与水平线的夹角分, 装置的类型有 立式、斜式和卧式等三种基本装置型式。

  • Energy Saving by a Vertical Secondary Pump Station in Water Supply System

    二级 供水站的设置与节能

  • Abstract Due to the poor stability caused by restricted space area and higher gravitational center the vibration isolation technique of vertical pump assemblies is more difficult than that of horizontal assemblies .

    立式 水泵由于水泵 机组的面积较小、 机组重心较高、稳定性较差,故其隔振难于卧式水泵。

  • Improvement of the Large Vertical Pump Unit Diversion Bearings Installation Method

    大型 立式 机组水导轴承安装方法的改进

  • Treatment on wear of impeller of large - size vertical pump

    大型 立式 叶轮磨损故障的处理

  • The structure of the vertical pump station was improved ;

    液压泵站中常用的 上置 立式 的结构进行了改进设计,以使 的结构紧凑, 安装拆卸方便,成本降低;