You can declare multiple layouts for a container so as to combine both vertical and horizontal spacing .
对于一个容器,可以声明多个布局,以便组合水平和 垂直 方向 的 间距。
Yong 8 block is a complex fault block oil reservoir if vertical wells were only applied in the development not only well spacing density would be big and producing time would be long but also low production and poor development benefit would appear after sand control .
永8块为复杂断块油藏,若全部采用 直井开发,不但井 网密度大、开采时间长,而且直井防砂后产量低,开发效益不明显。
Meanwhile designing width adjustable vertical truss in order to adapt to different vineyard spacing .
同时为了适应葡萄园 株 行距的不同,设计了宽度可调式 立体喷架。
Research of vertical spacing on reinforced retaining wall 's reinforcement on vertical metaphors
加筋土挡墙筋材 层 间距的研究垂直性空间隐喻初探
Assuming the failure surface of reinforced retaining wall be H / 2 failure surface considering the effect on the cohesion c of the backfill the computation formula of maximum vertical spacing of reinforcement was induced by limit equilibrium method .
假定加筋土挡墙破裂面为H/2折线型破裂面,考虑填料的粘聚力c的作用,用极限平衡法导出了筋材的最大 层 间距的计算公式。
Considering both the lateral and vertical deformation of soil mass and washing away of soil grain this paper derives the calculating formula of the spacing of the vibroflotation compacted piles for anti-liquefaction purposes .
本文同时考虑土体侧向、 竖向变形和土粒流失,导出了抗液化振冲挤密桩 间距的计算公式。
Improving vertical resolution for density curves is by means of restructuring the response from large and small spacing sondes and borehole effect correction factor and coherence factor are used .
提高密度测井曲线 垂直分辨率是通过对重新组合长、短源 距探测器响应的算法来提高补偿密度曲线的 垂直分辨率,并加入井眼影响校正因子和相关性因子;
The analyzed parameters include the thickness of the wall the thickness of the horizontal slabs the vertical strut spacing cantilever excavation depth soil reinforcement the ratio between the excavation length and excavation width and the wall connection .
研究了连续墙的厚度、水平支撑楼板的厚度、水平支撑楼板的 竖向 间距、悬臂开挖深度、坑底加固、基坑的长宽比及连续墙接头对基坑变形的影响。
Vertical Itemized Back Pretreatment Medium-length Hole Throwing Blasting Spacing Cementation Filling Mining Method
竖分条预控顶中深孔抛掷爆破 间隔胶结充填采矿法
美[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈspesɪŋ]英[ˈvə:tikəl ˈspeisiŋ]