The result shows that the reflection interference caused by site factors is effectively eliminated by measurement with time-domain gate . Time-domain gate can obviously correct the measurement result of antenna factor especially in vertical polarization .
测量结论证明了加入时域门能有效去除由场地因素引起的反射干扰,对天线系数测量结果,特别是在 垂直 极化下的测量结果,有明显的修正作用。
High Frequency Surface-Wave Radar ( HFSWR ) utilizes the surface-wave mode of vertical polarization electromagnetic wave propagation over sea water to detect targets of ships and aircrafts at distance beyond the line of sight .
高频地波雷达(HFSWR)依靠高频 垂直 极化电磁波沿海洋表面绕射传播的机理,实现对海面舰船目标和低空飞行目标的超视距探测。
The horizontal polarization and vertical polarization of photon are regarded as quantum states in quantum computation .
激光光子的水平偏振和 竖直 偏振分别视为量子位的两个状态。
A new valuable definition of EM polarization scattering matrix S s for cylinder which has six freedoms and includes all information of the scattering wave of cylindrical scatterer is presented . Some formulae of calculating the parallel polarization RCS and the vertical polarization RCS etc.
本文首次给出柱形体的一种有价值的极化散射矩阵Ss定义,Ss具有六个自由度,它包含了柱形体散射的所有信息,并给出计算平行极化RCS的 垂直 极化RCS等公式。
METHODS : Respiration signal in horizontal polarization and vertical polarization modes on 10 people were respectively sampled and the amplitudes of the two types of signals were compared .
方法:对10名受试对象分别采用水平和 垂直两种 极化方式采集呼吸信号,比较两种信号的幅值;
According to the electromagnetic wave attenuation problem in Plasma in this paper an attenuation model of vertical polarization and parallel polarization electric field are founded in Plasma then the attenuation curve in different polarization mode is emulated .
本文依据等离子体中电磁波的吸收衰减等方面的研究, 对比 垂直 极化和水平极化的电场分量在等离子体中的衰减特性建立了模型,并通过仿真得到不同极化情况下的衰减曲线。
An experimental study of RCS reduction for a helicopter inlet syncretized with engine cabin was completed in vertical and horizontal polarization ways .
对一种与发动机舱融合设计的直升机进气道在 垂直 极化方式、水平 极化方式下进行了电磁散射特性减缩方案研究。
The VHF antenna is fed by gamma matching method which is realized by series and shunt capacitors and the antenna has a characteristic of miniaturization and omni-directional vertical polarization .
采用伽马匹配的方式,通过一个串并联电容匹配网络实现天线的小型化。这种组合复用VHF天线具有较好的全向 垂直 极化辐射特性。
The author has designed and simulated the following MIMO diversity antenna which have excellent performance : dual polarization antenna tri-polarization antenna also pattern reconfigurable antenna with vertical polarization .
接着对 极化分集MIMO天线进行研究,系统而完整地研究及设计了MIMO 极化分集天线。仿真设计双极化天线、三重极化天线、 垂直 极化 状态的方向图可重构天线,均表现出较好的性能。
Shock loading technique is used to study dielectric breakdown of the PZT-95 / 5 ferroelectric ceramics caused by compress of shock waves on the direction vertical to the remanent polarization vector Pr in this paper .
应用冲击波加载技术,在 垂直加载的条件下,研究了 PZT-95/5铁电功能陶瓷的电击穿。
When testing the standing objects the detecting effect in horizontal polarization mode is better than that in vertical polarization mode .
当被测对象站立时,天线水平极化方式的检测效果好于 垂直 极化方式。
Study of Wide-band Vertical - polarization Antenna
宽频带 垂直 极化天线的研究
RESULTS : The amplitude of respiration wave in horizontal polarization mode was higher than that in vertical polarization mode . Significant difference existed in the power in the two polarization mode s ( P0.01 ) .
结果:水平极化方式下测得的呼吸波信号幅值大于 垂直 极化方式下测得的呼吸波信号幅值,水平极化与垂直极化测得的呼吸信号能量有统计学意义(P0.01)。
The results show that slanting flight can improve the UAV 's jamming efficiency for vertical polarization antenna on the ground .
结果表明,侧飞有利于增强对 垂直 极化天线的干扰效果。
Polarization is divided into line polarization wave and round polarization wave . Line polarization wave includes level and vertical polarization wave . Round polarization wave includes levorotatory and dextrorotatory round polarization wave .
极化分为线极化波和圆极化波两种,其中线极化波又分为水平和 垂直两种 极化波,圆极化波又分为左、右旋圆极化波。
Besides the effect of RCS reduction in vertical polarization way is better than that of in horizontal polarization way .
另外, 垂直 极化方式下采用减缩方案的减缩效果要比水平极化方式效果好。
The scattering effects of High voltage transmission lines on horizontal polarization waves ( corresponding to TM mode ) are greater than on vertical polarization waves ( corresponding to TE mode ) .
计算结果表明高压输电线对水平极化电视波的散射影响较大,而对 垂直 极化电视波的影响微弱。
The expressions of the parallel and vertical vibration intensity and the polarization degree of scattered light on raindrops in the range of geometrical optics are presented and the polarization distribution of scattered light on raindrops at the wavelength of 0.5847 μ m is computed .
在几何光学范畴内得出雨滴散射光平行与 垂直振动强度和 偏振度表达式,计算了波长为0.5847μm的雨滴散射光偏振分布。
The horizontal polarization and vertical polarization of photon are regarded as two basic quantum states .
光子的水平偏振态和 竖直 偏振 态作为两种基本量子状态。
CONCLUSION : Power of respiration signal in horizontal polarization mode is obviously higher than that in vertical polarization mode .
结论:水平极化方式下的呼吸信号能量明显大于 垂直 极化方式。
In the AMZI firstly the phase modulated signal is split into two parts with vertical polarization direction and one of the signals undergoes a small delay then the two parts signal are coupled together via a coupler and a polarizer is used before PD .
它首先将调相信号分成 偏振方向互相 垂直的两部分,让其中一部分经过一段很小的延时,然后再将这两部分信号耦合后通过起偏器和光电探测器检测。
A linear polarized wave entering the device can be converted to vertical horizontal and positive / negative circular polarization or arbitrary polarized wave at its output .
这种器件能使输入的线极化波变成 垂直、水平、正、负圆 极化或任意极化波输出。
In the course of experiment level polarization image and vertical polarization image are incepted with two CCDs then polarization degree of different targets using average grey of two images is calculated .
实验中,先分别用CCD1和CCD2接收水平偏振图像和 竖直 偏振图像,然后,根据两幅图像的平均灰度值IX和IY,算出了不同目标反射光的偏振度P。
The results show that radar transmitting with vertical polarization is better than that with horizontal polarization in bistatic radar technique .
通过分析证明了双基地雷达系统工作状态 垂直 偏振优于水平偏振的结论。
Design of Driving Power Supply for Horizontal and Vertical Polarization Antenna in Set Top Box
设计机顶盒的水平和 垂直 极化天线驱动电源
Oblique of plane electromagnetic wave is introduced and the relationship formulas between medium parameter and reflection and transmission coefficient of vertical and horizontal polarization wave are proven . The phenomenon of complete reflection and transmission and their conditions occured are discussed .
介绍了平面电磁波的斜入射, 推证了 垂直 极化波和水平 极化波的反射系数和透射系数介质参数的关系式,讨论了全反射现象及其发生条件。
Combining with the different resolution on horizontal and vertical direction of the two polarization modes of the apparent resistivity and phase characteristics it shows a good result in the determination of underground abnormal body depth size and sloping direction .
结合两种 极化模式的视电阻率和相位信息的横向和 纵向分辨率特点,对地下异常体的深度定位,规模大小和倾斜方位判定表现出良好的效果。
The experimental results showed that CR method could finely describe vertical and horizontal feature of induced polarization anomaly within schedule depth scope in exploration design and provide reliable geophysical basis for well-site design .
试验结果表明,CR法可以精细刻画勘探设计中预定深度范围内的 激 电异常 纵、横向变化特征,为井位设计提供了可靠的地球物理依据。
美[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˌpolərɪˈzeʃən]英[ˈvə:tikəl ˌpəʊlərɪˈzeɪʃən]