


  • Testing Study on complete deformation property of voussoir beam in stratified rocks

    层状岩石 铰接 全过程变形性质试验研究

  • The major factors that affect the stability of the structure are rotational angle of the voussoir beam ratio of length and height rock type and height of carrying rock strata .

    体的回转角、 长高比、岩性及负载岩层的高度是影响结构稳定的主要因素。

  • Analysis of key block in the structure of voussoir beam in longwall mining

    采场 砌体梁结构的关键块分析

  • Research for and Manufacture of Double Voussoir Injection Forming Machine

    增力 离心 机构研究 双面 注塑成型机的研制

  • On the basis of analyzing the interaction between support and surrounding rock the paper put forward the voussoir beam jointed later structure model and analyzed its mechanics condition and analyzed operating characteristic of support and its adaptability ;

    在分析工作面支架-围岩相互作用关系的基础上,提出工作 岩层 运动 砌体梁结构模型并对其进行力学分析,同时分析支架工作特点及其适应性;

  • Study on voussoir - hydaulic injection device


  • The Influence of Heat Treatment Process on the Service Life of Voussoir Die

    热处理工艺对 模具使用寿命的影响

  • In the theory guidance of key stratum of ground control and model of short block structure of voussoir beam and step voussoir beam sand dynamic load transmitting test model is constructed and intellectual dynamic data acquisition instrument is explored .

    并以岩层控制关键层理论和 煤层短 砌体梁、台阶岩梁结构模型为理论指导,构建了测试浅埋煤层砂土层动态载荷传递模型;开发研制智能动态数据采集系统;

  • From the hinged rock block hypothesis to the voussoir beam theory main roof structure in breaking zone have been regarded as major object .

    20 世纪 50 年代的铰接岩块假说到 砌体梁理论的 建立,都把断裂带老顶结构作为主要研究对象。

  • The relieving platform limits the sliding plane and the sliding mass at this time is no longer a voussoir so Rankine theory and Coulomb theory cant be applied to calculate the earth pressure .

    减压平台限制了 滑动面,此时滑动土体不再是一个 ,无法采用朗肯理论、库仑理论计算土压力。

  • Solid structure and model of voussoir beam of face surrounding rock

    围岩整体结构与 砌体力学模型

  • Revised voussoir beam theory and its application in treatment of goafs at open pit mine


  • By analyzing the working characteristics and failure forms of voussoir die a series of technical measures specially the improvement of heat treatment are adopted which make its service life rise two times and get good economic benefit . 〔

    分析了 模具的工作特点及失效形式,采取了一系列技术措施(尤其是热处理工艺的改进),使模具寿命成倍提高,取得了良好的经济效益。

  • Vertical stress makes rock stratum reforming voussoir beam horizontal in-situ stress is the main source to cause the voussoir beam crushed .

    竖直方向地应力使 顶板 岩层 形成 铰接 结构,水平地应力是拱铰压碎的主要力源。

  • Theoretical Analysed the roof without voussoir beam structure in shallow seam mining under thick unconsolidated layers thus cann 't use voussoir beam theory to compute the force of supports .

    同时,理论分析了地表厚松散层浅埋煤层顶板不 存在 砌体梁结构,因而不能应用砌体梁理论计算支架载荷。