wage level

[wedʒ ˈlɛvəl][weidʒ ˈlevl]


  • By 2001-2008 35 panel data of regional cities of macroeconomic fundamentals studies in the urban population the average wage level and per capita GDP of urban real estate prices are very significant effect .

    通过2001-2008年35个地级城市的面板数据的研究得出宏观基本面因素中城市人口、平均 工资 水平和人均地区生产总值对我国城市房地产价格的影响均非常显著。

  • However the fact that the their wage level is low has been beyond dispute rural migrant workers'lower wage will lead to their low purchasing ability and seriously affect the domestic demand .

    进城务工已成为农民增收的重要来源,然而农民工 工资 水平普遍偏低是一个不争的事实。

  • The wage level professional and technical positions up little space .

    专业技术职务 级别 工资上升空间小。

  • Therefore when deciding the basic social insurance contributions for different enterprises the wage level and profit should be taken into account .

    因此,应综合考虑企业的 工资 水平和利润状况确定社会保险缴费基数。

  • This paper makes economic take-off a decisively significant stage in developing countries ' industrialization and modernization as its background and studies the appropriate wage level in rapid economic growth and the function of wage mechanism in economic take-off .

    本文以起飞这一发展中国家工业化和现代化过程中具有决定性意义的阶段为背景,试图探讨中国经济起飞时期经济高速增长过程中的适度的 工资 水平问题以及工资机制在经济起飞过程中的作用。

  • Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage level the overwhelming majority are from multiple-earner relatively affluent families .

    在几百万收入接近或低于最低 工资 标准的小时工中,绝大多数人来自有好儿份工资收入、相对来说比较富裕的家庭。

  • Feed on illusions policy coupled with their wages long only remain near the minimum wage level the student village officials has become the marginalization of vulnerable groups .

    画饼充饥的政策再加上他们的工资长期仅维持在最低 工资 水平附近,使得大学生村官成了被边缘化了的弱势群体。

  • Compared with other types of enterprise the private enterprises have a big gap in the hourly wage level the social security and the welfare income and the worker 's reward .

    私营企业与其他类型企业相比, 工资 水平特别是小时 工资 水平、社会保障与福利收入和劳动者报酬差距过大。

  • What is the relationship between the wage growth and the employment growth in our country ? And based on this relationship how does the change of the wage level affect the change of the employment level ? They are two questions which this thesis tries to answer .

    我国的工资增长与就业增长之间存在着什么样的关系?在此关系的基础上,我国 工资 水平的变动是怎样影响着就业水平的变动的?这两个问题是本文试图研究与回答的。

  • The minimum wage level is a big controversy .

    最低 工资 水平是很大的争议点。

  • Recently the continuingly rising price will make more room for the increase in wage level .

    加上最近持续的物价上涨,工人 工资 水平必然还有较大的提升空间。

  • On the Wage Level at the Stage of China 's Economic Take - off

    中国经济起飞阶段的 工资 水平研究

  • Along with this economic transformation wage level and wage determination mechanism of entities of different ownership have changed dramatically .

    伴随着这样的经济转型,不同所有制单位的 工资 水平和决定机制也产生了巨变。

  • Research on Migrant Workers ' Wage Level and Its Decision Mechanism of Current China

    当前我国农民工 工资 水平及其决定机制研究

  • The study discovers that most of firm-provided general training affects wage level significantly yet .

    研究还发现,企业向员工提供的大部分一般培训显著地影响了员工的 工资 水平

  • Have analysed peasant laborer wage level current situation and the cause having affected discussing main part affecting peasant laborer wage level ' s.

    分析了农民工 工资 水平的现状和影响,研究了影响农民工工资水平的主要原因。

  • These initial jobs are generally below the skill and wage level of jobs for which the students are actually qualified .

    学生实际上所能胜任的工作技能和相应的 工资,普遍地要比这些初期的工作

  • A Study of Low Wage Level of Chinese Migrant Workers in the New Period

    新时期我国农民工 工资 水平偏低研究

  • The huge change of the labor forces market affected the wage level directly .

    众所周知,劳动力市场供需的变化对 工资 水平具有直接的影响。

  • Answer : the country executes salary to survey a system undertake officeholder and business fit regularly the investigation of personnel salary standard is compared regard the basis that adjusts servant wage level as salary investigation as a result quite .

    答:国家实行工资调查制度,定期进行公务员和企业相当人员工资水平的调查比较,并将工资调查比较结果作为调整公务员 工资 水平的依据。

  • We should offer equal education opportunity to everyone improve the quality of labor force and lay the foundation for the reduction of wage disparity and the elevation of wage level .

    以提供平等的教育机会,提高我国劳动力质量,为缩小工资差距和提高 工资 水平创造条件;

  • The reason is that the local wage level and social security level are higher in comparison .

    其原因是当地的 工资 水平和社会保障水平较高。

  • In the labor market the worker who has the same productivity obtains different wage level only because of sex age skin color and so on which is employment discrimination .

    劳动力市场上那些具有相同生产率的劳动者因性别、年龄、肤色等原因受到歧视而获得不同的 工资 水平,这就构成了就业歧视。

  • A low payment means a low wage level and a low wage level induces the low consumption .

    劳动力报酬低意味着 工资 水平低,工资水平低意味着人们对最终产品的消费水平低。

  • To improve normal corporate income rise system businesses in the province must carry out minimum wage system and adjust minimum wage level appropriately Jiang said .

    蒋斌表示,为了进一步健全企业工资正常增长机制,全省必须严格执行最低工资制度,适时合理调整最低 工资 标准

  • The nominal stickiness is gradually adjusted by the price level ( wage level ) as the change of the market demand and supply .

    名义粘性是一般价格水平( 工资 水平)随着市场供求的变化而缓慢调整。

  • A salary pays cycle if laborer provided normal work the work reward that pays worker does not get the minimum wage level under place ; if laborer did not provide normal work answer to be dealt with about the regulation by the country .

    超过一个工资支付周期的,若劳动者提供了正常劳动,则支付给劳动者的劳动报酬不得低于当地的最低 工资 标准;若劳动者没有提供正常劳动,应按国家有关规定办理。

  • Study on Macro-Control Mechanism of Enterprise Wage Level in China

    中国企业 工资 水平宏观调控机制研究

  • Impact of Industrial Concentration on Industrial Wage Level in China

    我国产业集中度影响产业 工资 水平的实证研究