wage inflation

[wedʒ ɪnˈfleʃən][weidʒ inˈfleiʃən]

[经] 工资膨胀

  • Such is demand that wage inflation for the hotshots is running above 50 per cent a year say headhunters and executives .

    猎头公司和行业高管表示,由于需求旺盛,目前明星投行家每年的 工资 上涨幅度都在50%以上。

  • India could help Foxconn mitigate accelerating wage inflation in China where it makes the majority of iPhones .

    当前富士康主要在中国生产iPhone,而在印度设厂有助于富士康缓解中国工人 工资不断加速 上涨 压力

  • While they grapple with that multinationals are also coming to grips with Chinese wage inflation .

    除了要努力解决这个问题,跨国公司还要应付中国的 工资 上涨问题。

  • In addition to the unfolding energy supply shock which will lower the cost of electricity and the feed-in stock for many kinds of production the cost of American labour looks increasingly attractive next to wage inflation in China and other emerging market economies .

    除了日益显现的能源供给冲击(它将拉低电力以及多种生产所需中间原料的成本)之外,美国的劳动力成本也因中国和其他新兴市场经济体 工资 水平 上涨而显得愈发具有吸引力。

  • By examining average rates of wage growth and the ratio of wages to profit across industries we find that construction manufacturing wholesale and retail are the industries most affected by wage inflation .

    我们分析了各行业的平均工资增长率和工资与利润比率,发现建筑、制造、批发和零售等行业受 工资 上涨的影响最大。

  • The availability of large numbers of immigrants has helped fill skills shortages and restricted wage inflation during a period of relatively low unemployment .

    在这个失业率相对较低的时期,大量移民的到来帮助填补了英国的技术工人缺口,抑制了 薪资 上涨

  • Rampant wage inflation may create an incentive for private bankers to justify their salaries by being more aggressive about selling products .

    大幅度的 薪资 增长可能会刺激私人银行家更激进地销售产品,以求证明其薪水是合理的。

  • You would have thought that wage inflation would be going crazy as a result .

    你原本会认为, 薪资因此会疯狂 上涨

  • Wage inflation was rising at the margin even before President Obama ordered wage increases .

    美国总统奥巴马下令提高工资之前, 工资 上涨的速度就已经在逐步加快。

  • The alternative way to address the competitiveness issue would be for Germany to accept sizeable and prolonged wage inflation .

    解决竞争力问题的另一种方法是德国接受大规模长期 薪资 通胀

  • And while profit margins on the Hang Seng a proxy for China are a sixth below their five-year average structural wage inflation and high oil prices suggest the margin squeeze has further to run .

    中国经济的一个风向标恒生指数的利润率比5年平均值低六分之一,但结构性 工资 上涨和高油价预示着,利润还将受到进一步挤压。

  • But labour shortages were a concern in both countries with 20 per cent wage inflation in India 's information technology sector and annual staff turnover rates of 20-30 per cent in China .

    不过,两个国家都存在劳动力短缺的问题,印度信息技术领域的 薪资 增幅达到20%,而中国每年的员工流动比例为20%到30%。

  • Wage inflation looks scary at 25 per cent in some areas .

    工资 上升 势头似乎令人担忧,一些地区的 工资涨幅已经达到了25%。

  • That plus demographic changes should mean a sustained period of higher wage inflation .

    再加上人口方面的变化,这应该意味着 中国将迎来一段 工资持续 上涨的时期。

  • Wage inflation is nearly double overall inflation levels running at about 28 per cent year on year .

    工资 上涨 幅度几乎是整体通胀水平的两倍,年涨幅在28%左右。

  • The wild card for the Fed is labour market recovery and wage inflation .

    美联储面临的不确定因素是劳动力市场复苏和 工资 上涨

  • For some time analysts have been tracking food prices in China as a lead indicator of future wage inflation .

    一段时间以来,分析师们一直在跟踪中国食品价格,将其作为判断未来 工资 上涨的主要指标。

  • The upshot is wage inflation .

    这一切的结果就是 工资 通胀

  • But wage inflation would risk fuelling more general price inflation similar in effect to an appreciation of the Chinese currency .

    不过, 工资 上涨可能刺激价格出现更为普遍的上涨,其影响与人民币升值类似。

  • Third it would be easier for economic migrants to get in restraining wage inflation .

    第三,经济移民更容易进入,从而抑制 工资 上涨

  • The labour market is fine and wage inflation has eased allowing profit margins to grow at the healthiest pace in more than a year .

    劳动力市场健康, 工资 通胀减缓,使得利润率以一年多来最为健康的速度增长。

  • Despite all this wage inflation is one source of inflation in China that is less worrisome .

    尽管存在上述种种问题,但 薪资 上涨作为中国的通胀来源之一,并不那么令人担忧。

  • However local wage inflation is eroding the advantage and earthquakes and floods are highlighting the fragility of long-distance supply chains .

    然而,这些国家 工资 上涨,正在侵蚀这种优势,而地震和洪水灾难也凸显了远程供应链的脆弱性。

  • China plunged into producer price deflation two years ago despite rapid wage inflation .

    两年前,尽管中国 工资 水平在快速 上升,生产者价格却开始下跌。

  • The company reported 17 % year-over-year wage inflation in the first quarter of 2012 .

    该公司报告同比2012年第一季度将会有17% 工资 通胀

  • Now the 15 per cent wage inflation suggests a reduced flow of rural migrants .

    现在,高达15%的 工资 涨幅表明,农村人进城务工的队伍有所减少。

  • Demand for staff remained extremely high and competition for the best people was fuelling employee turnover and wage inflation .

    人才的需求仍然高涨,对于优秀人才的竞争,带动了人才素质的提高和 工资 上涨

  • There are not enough qualified workers to go around causing rampant poaching and extremely fast wage inflation .

    到处都缺少合格的员工,这就导致挖墙脚现象猖獗, 工资也急速 上涨