
[ˈvʌlˌɡet, -ɡɪt][ˈvʌlgeɪt]



  • In future the online payment in E-commerce will be more flexible and speedy and becomes a vulgate online balance way even exceeds the category of E-commerce .

    未来电子商务中电子支付更加灵活、快捷,甚至会超越电子商务的范畴,成为一种 通行的网络结算方式。

  • Effect of Barley ( Hordeum vulgate ) Awns on Grain Yield

    大麦 对籽粒产量的作用

  • The quotation based on Bill of Quantities ( BQ method ) is currently the Vulgate in international bidding of construction projects .

    工程量清单计价法是国际上在建筑工程招投标工作中 通行 做法。方法:建立大 纤维化 模型 并行IL-10 干预

  • 14 books of the Old Testament included in the Vulgate but omitted in Jewish and Protestant versions of the bible .

    旧约的十四卷经书包括 拉丁文 圣经但是没有圣经的犹太教版本和新教版本。

  • The engineering gross contracts and the engineering item that is the engineering item management way of nations vulgate .

    工程总承包和工程项目管理是国际 通行的工程项目 组织 实施方式。

  • In Matins and Lauds according to the Vulgate 's numeration are Pss .

    在晨祷并赞扬,根据 拉丁文 圣经的计算,是症状评分。

  • Notarization organizations : the worldwide vulgate notarization organization forms the organization forms that can be adopted currently by China Notarization unit with enterprise property the future best form of Chinese Notarization organizations Notary Office .

    公证组织形式:国际 通行的公证组织形式、我国目前可采用的形式 事业性质的公证处、我国未来公证机构最佳形式 公证人事务所;

  • There is not a vulgate method to identify analyze and evaluate the association between the bad ergonomic problems and ergonomic load of different workplaces and musculoskeletal disorders simply and effectively .

    尚未有一种简单有效的识别、分析和评价不同作业场所不良工效学问题和工效学负荷与肌肉骨骼损伤的关系的 公认方法。