


  • ( informal ) voluble conversation . I am not so weak no really .

    (非正式) 滔滔不绝的交谈。我的头脑绝不那么迟钝,不,绝不。

  • For some in the industry including the also voluble CEO of Box Aaron Levie the change couldn 't have come too soon .

    而对业内有些人来说,包括同样 健谈的Box公司首席执行官亚伦o李维,这种改变还不会很快实现。

  • In public of course debate has focused on the sins of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve with China and Germany voluble in condemnation .

    当然,在公开场合,辩论聚焦于美联储(Fed)推出定量宽松的罪恶,中国和德国对此 大加 鞭挞

  • On China 's voluble Twitter-like microblogs which serve as a national forum for conversation in a country with tight media restrictions a number of people expressed skepticism about the reports .

    微博上有很多网友对上述报道表示质疑。在媒体受到严格限制的中国, 微博为中国民众提供了一个展开话题讨论的全国性平台。

  • Pompiou replaced the voluble Foreign Minister Maurice Schumann .

    蓬皮杜撤掉了 能言善辩的外交部长莫里斯·舒曼。

  • She made a call in voluble Italian and hung up with a grin .

    她用 流利的意大利语打了个电话,挂机时裂嘴而笑。

  • As every passenger knows drivers are voluble and enjoy a certain solidarity ; their clients however are diffuse and diverse .

    每一 出租车乘客都知道,出租车司机很 健谈,并且在某种程度上团结在 一起,而他们的客户却是分散化和多样化的。

  • He is too voluble ; he discusses his emotions .

    他太 讲话谈自己的心情。

  • She was voluble with excitement

    她由于激动变得很 健谈

  • The new comer in our company is voluble .

    我们公司新来的同事很 健谈

  • Testicular biopsies could offer voluble help for diagnosis and treatment of azoospermia .

    睾丸活检对无精症的诊治 具有 重要的指导 意义

  • The Englishman broke into voluble and perfect Italian .

    那个英国人突然 流利而纯正的意大利语来。

  • Even the sack would have been unlikely to damp for long the spirits of the voluble irrepressibly upbeat Prof Hopper ( who claims as his personal motto : Have your cake and eat it ) .

    就算是解雇,也不可能让 健谈又极为乐观的 霍珀教授消沉多久。他宣称自己的个人信条是:鱼和熊掌兼得。

  • I changed from a man of few words to an active and voluble person .

    我从一个内向不善言辞的人转变成了一个活泼并 健谈的人。

  • Ballmer the voluble salesman who has led the company since 2000 said he planned to resign within the next 12 months .

    鲍尔默出身于一 健谈的销售员,自2000年开始执掌公司, 近日宣布将在一年内退休。

  • Her explanations for failure to do the work were voluble but not easily believed .

    他对工作失误的 辩解 流利的,但难以 令人相信。

  • Cellulose is therefore a contributing source of voluble animal protein .

    因此,纤维素对有 价值的动物蛋白 而言是有一定贡献的资源。

  • Many see Parker as the obvious leader whose voluble style works well on tv .

    许多人把帕克看做是当然的领袖,他 能言善辩的风格在电视上 显得很出色。

  • A straight and voluble talker he approached each subject with unfailing enthusiasm .

    他谈话爽直、 健谈谈及每个话题都满腔热情。

  • Legislative technique is voluble to legislation and legal system and even to development of the whole society .

    立法技术对立法、法制乃至整个社会发展,有 珍贵 价值

  • And that reflects another historical quirk : although Italy is often portrayed as a voluble nation the rescuers of the second world war were often quiet about their role .

    这反映出另一个历史谜题:尽管意大利人经常被描绘成一个 能言善辩的民族,但二战中的那些营救者对于自己的贡献往往一声不吭。

  • She inquired thinking of the voluble promises he had made .

    想起他的 海誓山盟,她 不禁问道。

  • Bert is a voluble gregarious man .

    伯特是个 能说会道、善于交际的人。

  • Suddenly becoming voluble with memories I never knew I had loosening in my mouth I talked of America and the years that separated me now from that image in my brain .

    突然记忆 便嘴中 滔滔而出。我谈起了美国, 谈起离开留在脑中的形象的她后的那些年。

  • He became very voluble and told her everything .

    他变得 滔滔不绝,把一切都告诉了她。

  • Her niece an extremely voluble young woman engages in soliloquies not conversations .

    她的侄女是一个极其 、说起话来 滔滔不绝的年轻妇人,她总是在独白,而不是对话。

  • She is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in soliloquies not conversations .

    这位少妇非常 健谈,以致于她可以沉浸在自言自语中而不需要交谈者。